As a girl who has recently re-discovered the beauty & comfort of leggings - something which I thought I had left firmly behind in the early 1990s - I think girls who wear leggings are hot.
brave lol, theyre not very forgiving
Sexy hot!
I think it makes them look cute!
Sexy! It looks very feminine on girls.
I concur. Not too tight though, mmm?
I don't like the style, looks like 80's trash
Stay away from me.
not bad
Well that is stylish for young women now is it not? Saying to the world here I am this is me. I am too old for them but if I were young no question I would wear them.
I like leggings. It depends on the style though. Plain black ones are nice, but some of the print ones are very loud. I'll wear them with a sweater dress if I'm going to be outside for very long in the colder months in place of tights or hose.
I love leggings, I mean if you cover your ass with a longer top or whatever and the front too then what's the problem, they re like skinny jeans just a different material and its way more comfy . girls don t have to wearing it if they have lack of attention. just find this really rubbish , cause I don t get why people have to diss other people just because they dress slightly differently. what's the difference of wearing hotpants that show your butt half way during the summer.
Ok, calm down. It's just a question. I wasn't insulting anyone!
There is nothing wrong with that.
I wear them with tunics and boots or flat shoes and think they look good.
4-18-2017 It only depends on the girl.
I think they're still wearing too much.
according to my opinion a girl who wear leggings look more beautiful than other costumes or outfits.
It depends on the legs. If I were a sculptor......., Cindy Lauper wore 5&10 bangles and it worked for her.
It depends on what she looks like.
I think they're girls who wear leggings other than that I'd have to get to know the person to know what I think of them.
I like leggings
Linda Joy
On you? I wanna see a pic!
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