A sledgehammer. And I CAN reach over the counter if you need me to :)
For me, ibuprofen, any generic brand. I can't speak for what works for other people, though. Medicine is an individual thing.
Codeine tablets. In Canada, you can get codeine laced painkillers over the counter. Seems they're not quite so hysterical about the "War On Drugs" like us Yanks. Last time I checked- they were $6.00 Canadian for a bottle of a hundred.
All of them work pretty good but I prefer NSAIDS( Advil, Motrin, Aleve). All are fairly safe if taken the way you should take them but Tylenol is not very good for the liver. Unlike the others which are excreted by the kidneys, Tylenol gets stored in the liver, increasing the risk for possible liver damage.
Co-Dydramol They have only just come off prescription.
6 advils work
Generic acetaminophen works for me.
ive been using tylenol cause the other stuff upsets my stomach too much
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