not including my kids...3 realtor, friend, and waitress.
Not One!! :-/
150-200 times I'd say. I have two loving children and my husband has been insanely affectionate today. Gotta love spring. :P
Once +2
1; this morning when me and my chick got it on.
well i went to the docter and got a pap smear, and then i made love to my boyfriend. lots of physical contact :D probably about 50+
None at all... :(
0 times:P
Not even ONCE !!
more than 100
Well Nunya, you've been hugging me all day!!! Between that kindness and Ward being so grabby (lol), I've lost count.
The only living creatures to touch me have been my cats. And I went out shopping today.
just once during mass this afternoon.
Approximately 20 times; maybe more.
I've been alone all day, so only my cat has touched me.++++
None I am touch free.
3 to 5, which is low.
It's 1.15pm ... no-one, unless cats count!
My mom once. People do not have the affectionate interaction they should. It's sad. Most hugging and kissing as a greeting by people is done as a phony gesture and not meant.
about 30 times today. The kids are really touchy feely and love hugs and kisses.
Do soap-dropping incidents count?
You always have to bring that up in conversation, don't you ? I was not wearing my glasses and honestly thought that was the shampoo bottle.
I don't have to guess. It's 0.
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