• From what I can see, the Alltel Huawei EC168 is a usb dongle that you can use to connect to the Alltel CDMA network. This means it is a device for getting an internet connection through the same network your cell phone uses. To use it, you will probably need an Altell wireless account and will need to pay for monthly access fees, in the same way you pay for a cell phone plan. So, there are 2 different ways you could want your home pc and laptop connected to the internet: 1. You are an Altell wireless customer, who is paying for CDMA internet service. You are able to connect the usb dongle to the laptop, and surf the web normally. You would like to share that internet connection with the desktop through a wireless LAN using a wireless router. To do this, there are a couple of options, but it is likely much easier to simply move the usb dongle from the laptop to the desktop when you need internet access on the desktop. 2. You are not paying for Alltel CDMA internet access, and your desktop is connected to the internet in a different way (through a DSL, cable, or dial up modem). You would like to share that internet connection with both the desktop and the laptop. You were right in using the wireless router to try and share the connection. However, your laptop may not have been able to see the wireless network because the Huawei EX168 connects to the Alltel cell phone network, and not your home wireless network. You will need a usb WiFi dongle to do that. Something like that will do. Just ask for a 802.11b/g WiFi usb adapter. It should look very similar to the EC168. Good luck!
  • You need a router that supports your modem/aircard. The MBR1000 Cradlepoint does now, and you can get it for under $200 at: HTH

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