• A focal thing is an event or thing that has an origin within a specific area of the brain, like temporal lobe epilepsy. Orientated X 3 means; The patient was awake and alert and oriented x3. Judgment, memory, and language were intact. So a patient who is Orientated X 3 doesn't show any loss of spatial awareness. Below I have listed some of the other tests done with patients with neurological problems. Orientation (time, place, person) 6 = Oriented x 3 4 = Oriented x 2 2 = Oriented x 1 0 = Disoriented Level of Consciousness 8 = Fully conscious 6 = Lethargic but mentally intact 4 = Obtunded 2 = Stuperous 0 = Comatose Homonymous hemianopsia 3 = Intact 2 = Mild 1 = Moderate 0 = Severe Conjugate deviation of eyes 3 = Intact 2 = Mild 1 = Moderate 0 = Severe Facial Weakness 3 = Intact 2 = Mild 1 = Moderate 0 = Severe MOTOR POWER Right arm: Right leg: Left arm: Left leg: 5 = Normal strength 4 = Contracts against resistance 3 = Elevates against gravity 2 = Gravity eliminated 1 = Flicker 0 = No movements

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