No..but I do now..thanks :D
You better believe it!
Yes, I saw him on The Colbert Report a couple of weeks ago on Comedy Central. He is really good.
Yes I did, and he's very good at it too.
I did and I just ordered his "The Crow New Songs for the 5-String Banjo" CD for a friend last week.
Yeah he played a banjo in the movie The Jerk.He is one wild and crazy guy!
Yes I do. Playing the banjo with an arrow "through" his head was one of his earliest shticks: :p
I hear he wants to give acting a shot too..........
Yes, I remember it as part of his stand-up act from the 1970's.
Yes because he's a rambling man.
Yes I did he can play several musical instruments.
Yes, I knew he could play the banjo. According to him, he chose the banjo because he believes it is a "happy" sounding instrument, and he doesn't imagine how you could be sad playing it.
And so? Did you know that my father could play the drums?
Ice man
Well that's all fine and good, but was he wearing underwear as he played with his precious .... little drums?
YES & he's an excellent player as well. He has his own band & they play all over the country!!!
Yes I knew Steve Martin could play the banjo. I recall seeing a video of this.
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