Put three spades against the wall, and tell him to take his pick?
Put a push sign on a door that swings towards you to open. :)
Say "Just look at the back of your neck." He'll be spinning around for hours.
Its easy all you do is go to........
Tell him to look up and you tell him..It's superman and If he looks up then you just confused an Idiot.
Give him a piece of paper with 'PTO' written on both sides.
Keep mum, automatically he will be confused
Put him in a barrel and ask him to pee in the corner.
Put him in a round room and tell him to stand in the corner.
You just say, "Look, Mr. Bush..........."
There is no need to Confuse an Idiot as "Idiotis always confuse " :)
Show him this...... Hilarious!!
If you are talking about the condition of severe mental retardation, I think you don't need to worry about it..these poor people are confused enough. If you are talking about someone at whom you're angry and want to strike back for some reason, I'd do/say nothing and be done with it. Why go out of your way to do something negative when you can fuggeddaboutit and just move on? :)
Hey I remember you from the old AB. You had lots of points, too. Hi. Thanks for sticking up for the disabled. Hey what's your name stand for? I never got to ask...
I don't get the question.
But why would you... that's so evil :)
Put him/her in a round room and tell them to sit in the corner.
Ask him what he wants to eat for lunch.
Lilo Avli
Or she !
more jokes!
Explain to them pro-abortion...or ask them a difficult question...
Keep voting Democrat and wonder why they're still poor.
STOP! YOU'RE CONFUSING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wear a MAGA hat.
you dont have to, hes already confused
With magic. lol 🧝♂️
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