Assalam-o-alikum! A fact. Mother, wife, daughter. A man cannot and will not be able ever to compete women in these jabs.
Nursing a child
sampling facial products while judging service waiters at pool side party ratings.
Jobs that require mult-tasking maybe. My ex used to claim this was the case, and I've seen a few studies that back this up. I imagine there are exceptions even if it is the case, dunno. I do know I'm no good at it! : )
Anything that requires patients
Shopping, childcare, fashion modelling, kindergarten and grade school teaching.
care... which is why it is odd that being a doctor was treditionaly a male profession.
Al most all
Taking care of children !
real estate agents.+3
women can do most of men's jobs, but men cant do most of women's jobs
1.Tasting, like wine taster and coffee taster, women perform better 2. Receptionist 3. Prostitution 4. Social networking 5. Child rearing etc.
Giving birth and breast feeding. I think they are the only things a woman can do that a man can't do. Oh, there is that multiple orgasm thing too.
caring a baby !!!
Changing their own tampon (although if I had a vagina, I'd rock at it. I just know I would).
Anything detailed oriented. Women just seem better at details.
The laundry, the vacuuming, the polishing, the dishes, the cooking, the bed-making, the looking-after-the-kids-whilst-Dad-watches-sport, the dog grooming and the gardening.
Hardcore Conservative
Don't forget the mopping and dusting. -
Lilo Avli
You are right....what was I thinking ?!
Saying I've got a headache
Men are better at everything. We're awesome.
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