The whole thing men or women puzzles me. But it does not bother me.
I don't find them attractive, but they don't bother me; if they enjoy it, more power to them.
Nothing bothers me about female bodybuilders. To each his own. I lifted as if I were a bodybuilder at one point in my life, but didn't diet or compete. I appreciate the muscle form and strength but have learned that I don't like the "bodybuilder" mass on me. My years of lifting and competing in other sports has left me with a certain amount of muscle mass that will always be there. I also have less flexibility in certain areas due to that increased muscle mass. I will say that I don't mind visual aspect that the years of work has left me, but before someone begins this type of training they should be sure they want the results for a very, very long time.
Nothing bothers me, but males get jealous if a female can outshow him.
The idea of them bench-pressing me can be unnerving, as I weigh over 200 lbs.
Most I've heard have the deep voice thing going on. That's the only thing that bothers me.
Nothing at all...I just hope I dont find one that wants to kick my butt.
It does not look right! The men don't even look right. I can't find nothing that I would like about it
Nothing particularly bothers me, but i do find it odd that they would prefer to have pecks than boobs.
It for the women concerned to decide whether they want to go in for body building or not. I will encourage those who decide to go for it. It bothers me in no way whatsoever.
I prefer women without a hard, mannish physique.
Nothing. Some of them are attractive.
They look like men =( Women are supposed to be soft, feminine - in my opinion. Not bulky and emasculating.
Nothing ... I give them a lot of credit for being so disciplined. If it makes them happy ... I say go for it.
everything. they're hideous and they scare me.
"It is argued by some that the way female bodybuilders are often treated is a form of sexism. Male bodybuilders are typically judged by relatively objective standards, such as muscularity and symmetry, but female bodybuilders tend to be judged in part on more nebulous criteria such as "femininity". The standards of judging are constantly changed and set mainly by men. Female bodybuilders are often mocked and viewed negatively for not conforming to traditional norms of feminine beauty and gender roles." Source and further information:
They become longer feminine...become men. It bothers me to see that. Why? I don't know. It just does. Happy Saturday! :)
They don't "bother" me, I just don't find bulging muscles and veins on a woman attractive at all. When a woman is toned and in shape, that's one thing. When they have huge, bulging muscles, they look too masculine. They just cease to be feminine to me. But for those who find them attractive, hey...whatever floats your boat.
they just dont look feminine. i mean if thats what they love doing more power to them
Nothing.I admire their discipline.
Their very odd chest muscle boobs...
their testicles
:D Brilliant
Their muscle. It just looks so damn funny!
i dont guess it really BOTHERS me, but i dont care much for the bulging muscles everywhere... especially around the chest area.
that i workout 3 times a week, and they can still kick my ass, lol!
i don't like the ones that look too muscular or look like they've been taken steroids like- I think this looks better
Nothing bothers me about them. They're fairly impressive, because I'm into building myself! I do prefer figure athletes/models to female body builders though, in an attractiveness sense.
Nothing about them bothers me. I just never wanted to be a bodybuilder, but I have dated men who were. If they want to do it, that is fine with me. I feel safe with a big, strong man. I think some men are scared of strong women.
Nothing about them really bothers me. They're free to do as they like, and so am I. I never wanted to be a bodybuilder. I exercise to stay in shape but not to build huge muscles.
Only if they look to lumpy with muscles
They look like dudes.
Nothing bothers me about them. I had one girlfriend who joined me in bodybuilding. Now, she is bigger and stronger than by best male friends-Jeung Chin, Chen Kuo-Lai and Wang Yi-Jen. She Squats with 340 lbs. Her waist and thigh are same in girth, i.e. 22"!I like for all of my girlfriends to be firm and fit. .
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