• Let me tell you about it It is a 2001 dodge intrepid se with the 2.7 v6 engine with 89,432 miles on it and it has all power,cd cloth seats,automatic and it costs $5, also has ac.
  • IF it is in good condition, then that sounds like a reasonable price, though of course I would still try haggling them down. The 2001 Intrepid SE is a solid car.
  • The dodge 2.7 engine is a pretty crappy one. If you don't change the oil when you are suppose to the hydraulic tensioner gets plugged and the timing chain gets lots of slack and chews everything up. But, I have seen this on vehicles that do get their oil changed every 5000km...Myself I wouldn't buy a car with the dodge 2.7
  • it is if you want to buy one

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