I like what I've tried from Wendy's. Try their biscuits and gravy. Very inexpensive. Also: their breakfast potatoes are quite good.
I think Mc Donalds is, I just dont like the taste of any of their breakfast items
One is about as bad as another. All of them are trying to kill their customer base with Fat.
Most fast food breakfasts are pretty bad, though I do like some of the things that Sonic makes.
It would have to be a I admit I have never eaten one of these atrocious frankenstienian monstrosities but just the thought alone of egg, cheese, sausage and whatever else in between two pieces of spongy pancake/waffle infused artificial flavoring seems like one of the most disgusting and unnatural things one can put into his/her body. Fast food alone is deplorable but this combo makes me nauseated just thinking about it, much less smelling it ...which is about as close to eating one as I will ever get. About the only thing worse than this that I could think of is Scrapple...again I have never eaten it but I have seen it in the grocery stores and the name alone is pretty telling...scrapple sounds to me like scraps...scraps of what I have no idea but from the look of it I think they took some horses, pigs, cows or whatever else and put the into a giant grinder whole and then put the meat chunks into a mold and poured gelatin or horse mucilage or something on it to keep it in a form....bllleeechhh. I thought hotdogs, spam and lunchmeats were gross but this stuff is the evil cousin to them all!
Agreed. Syrup has NO business being ANYwhere near sausage.
anything from Denny's
Mcdonalds or Dennys.
i think theyre all good
Sugar-laden cereals
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