and out flies apples
...then noticed he forgot his driver's license?! ;-)
and orders a beer for himself and a whiskey for Willie Nelson.
...And the bartender says, "Why the long face?"
And the bartender says' are you drunk!
hung like a donkey
And sits down next to a red head. She says why the long face.
...and the bartender refuses to serve him. The horse asks "why not?" The barman says "That's not equestrian you should be asking......" ------- silence... cough....... (sorry people, couldn't resist) :D
and the bartender says "Close the door behind you, were you born in a barn? it's cold out there".
And says to the bartender What a day. My boss rode me like a horse all day !
to see another horse about a man
after having come in a chauffeur driven car.
and says, "Hello, I'm Mr. Ed!"
and the bartender greets him and asks, "Why the long face?"
Ant the barmen says i'll serve you as long as you don't make an 'ASS' of yourself....
And the barman says "So, why the long face?"
"And asks the bartender for a bloody mary with lots of carrot sticks".
when he can't jump over it.
I'm feeling kind of loose today, give me a whiskey in my water. LOL
and says OUCH!
and neighs. (for once, we've got a realistic horse who doesn't speak. but then, horses don't go to bars, do they?)
stupid horse should have ducked
I was waiting for someone to say that... lol
And says one on the house.
and the bartender says why the long face.
...and orders a beer. After taking a swallow he tells the bar tender, "This tastes like human piss!"
OW! Goodness the amount of people walking into bars these days.
Why such a long face?
... and says "Wow, I shoulda seen that coming!
and says "ouch."
and says "I'm Donald Trump. Has anybody seen my wife...."😏 lol Get it, wife, horseface. Donald Trump lol
...for no apparent reason.
I once heard television journalist Ann Curry describe her Japanese mother's reaction to that joke. The older woman's response was, "Why is horse in bar? That's kind of stupid, don't you think?" That's pretty much my own. I've always regarded that joke as quite lame.
Linda Joy
Post some better ones! I like to laugh.
And the horse says “I’m here to see my ‘neigh’bours at the bar”
Background. The horse was a miniature horse and says excuse me for being a little hoarse.
Why the long face?
Why the long face?
and kills himself.
exam, and becomes a lawyer.
The bar tender ask him... is this a joke?
and immediately asks for water? I would think so. LOL 😂
Bartender says to the horse. "Stop horsing around. Your a horse. I only serve people here."
And the bartender says why the long face?
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