be a little bit more confident in himself for one and clean up and dress non-scrungy.
shoulders back, confident smile.
Shower, nice clothing, confident, funny !
Personal hygiene, good clothes, good smell and smile from the outside. Confidence and good mood from the inside.
some useful keywords: Beard Long hair (no sissy shoulder length hair, REAL long hair, so it reaches your waist) Leather boots and jacket At least it works fine for me ;) /sarcasm
Confidence goes a long way.
get a job
communicate better
Don't smell, maintain yourself. If you're going to have a beard, take care of it. Stubble is only sexy in the morning. Don't act like a girl. Smile, talk, laugh, all that jazz. Exude happiness and confidence and girls will swarm to you.
listen for the sake of listening, and not to get brownie points.
someone that laughs and laughs ALOT
Take good care of yourself, keep up personal hygene, be social and talk to people. Have a good sense of humor and don't curse.
Take care of his teeth, his complexion, and his posture. Having self-confidence is also very attractive in a man. In general, having good hygiene is always good in a man.
pierce his tongue! and snake bites!
Brush his teeth every now and again !!
I couldn't possibly make myself any more attractive than I already am.
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