It's the act of celebration that they don't believe in, not Christmas. Celebration, partying, dancing, playing cards, etc., these are all tools of the devil. Life is to be looked on with contemplation, not reckless abandonment.
Not only that Jesus was not born on December 31st that's the date that Nimrod a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah had an illegitimate child that he made with his own mother and then he invented a false Messiah story that was December 31st the very first Christmas it's mentioned in the Apocrypha text. What is very interesting is that the Bible specifically tells you when Jesus was born and people have deliberately chosen to celebrate Jesus Christ's birthday upon a very pagan and sick holiday instead of on Jesus Christ's actual birthday. Jesus Christ according to the Bible was born on Roman tax day Mary and Joseph journeyed to Bethlehem to pay the taxes and to register as all three gospels tell you and while they were there Mary went into labor. So why aren't celebrating Jesus birthday on his birthday November the 7th Roman tax day the Bible tells you exactly what day it is. I'll tell you why because people deliberately make the choice to have their pagan celebration involving a Christmas tree that nimrod the the mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah invented to drink hallucinating drinks. And to have lots of premarital sex this they do in the honor of Jesus Christ. Yeah I can't go for that nonsense if you're going to celebrate Jesus Christ's birthday you celebrated on November 7th and you celebrate it without immorality you celebrate it without a pagan Christmas tree which the Bible specifically says don't be like the Nations don't cut down a tree and bring it into your home and nail it to the floor and decorate it with bobbles of gold and silver that's in Jeremiah in case you don't know it.
I know a lot of Christians that don't celebrate Christmas. They don't do it because the holiday has become about worrying about what to give to who vs. celebrating the birth of Jesus.
I think it has something to do with they aren't allowed to be happy at all. Could be wrong... wait, no that's right. That whole living a life of guilt and meaningless sacrifice piece.
Thanks for the opportunity to address your question with a dignified response. Please click on the link below, hopefully you will have a better understanding.
They believe it is not his birthday.
has it something to do with all the commercialism about christmas, birthdays, mother's/father's day? im not too sure but anyhoo...
I'm no expert, but my ex came from a family of witnesses, and she said it was because John the Babtist's head was presented as a birthday gift.
Because of it's pagan roots. Personally I don 't give a toss what they think. Or what any other religious organisation thinks. There's nothing wrong with Christmas at all IMHO.
JW's have no objections to having fun or giving gifts. However they do not participate in Christmas activities due to the holiday's pagan origins. In a nutshell, some early Christian leaders 'appropriated' certain pagan festivals to gain adherents. The people were able to continue celebrating the same festivals they always had, since now they had been assigned "Christian" names and significance. JW's find this objectionable. I've posted a link below. It's not a JW link, and does not seem to be "Anti-Christmas". It does give a frank history regarding the origin of many practices associated with Christmas. Here are a few excerpts from the site. ",... The birth of the ancient sun-god Attis in Phrygia was celebrated on December 25th, as was the birth of the Persian sun-god, Mithras. The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival dedicated to Saturn, the god of peace and plenty, that ran from the 17th to 24th of December. ..., gifts and candles were exchanged ,... The Celtic culture of the British Isles revered all green plants, but particularly mistletoe and holly. These were important symbols of fertility and were used for decorating their homes and altars. ,... Another popular ritual was the burning of the Yule Log, which is strongly embedded in the pagan worship of vegetation and fire, as well as being associated with magical and spiritual powers. ,...numerous festivities found their roots in pagan practices, they were greatly frowned upon by conservatives within the Church. " I hope this was helpful.
Here is a link to a fine article that explains why Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas:
They may be stupid but not dumb. If they don't celebrate, they don't have to do the whole present-buying frenzy thing - which is a good thing cause at least, they can't be accused of being hypocrites. Besides, just because they don't celebrate doesn't mean that they can't accept gifts from the other jerks who give them
Did Early Christians Celebrate Christmas? “The early Christians,” states Professor Ferguson in his book The Religions of the Roman Empire, “did not celebrate the birthday of Jesus; it was unrecorded.” The Bible does not give the exact date of Jesus’ birth. Furthermore, it indicates that Jesus was born, not in the cold, rainy month of December or January but in a warmer season. How can this be said? About the time of Jesus’ birth, the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus decreed that subjects travel to the city of their birth and get registered. The Bible reports: “All people went traveling to be registered, each one to his own city.” (Luke 2:1-7) Joseph and Mary traveled over 70 miles (110 km) from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Would this have been practical or possible in the cold, rainy December period? But that is not all. Concerning the time of Jesus’ birth, the Bible adds: “There were also in that same country shepherds living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks.” (Luke 2:8) This description does not fit Israel’s rainy month that corresponds to our present December—a time when temperatures in the Bethlehem area can drop very low.—Ezra 10:9, 13; Jeremiah 36:22. There is another important point. If Jesus wanted his followers to celebrate his birth, why did he not instruct them to do so? With respect to the day of his death, he outlined a simple celebration and commanded: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) Jesus gave no such instruction regarding his birth. The word “Christmas” does not even appear in the Bible because there was no such celebration among Jesus’ early disciples. Dr. R. S. Conway explains: “The great theologian Origen, early in the third century several times repeats a remark which he says he took from one of his predecessors, that no just man or Christian saint had ever kept a birthday, his own or anyone else’s. It was only evil persons like Pharaoh or Herod whose birthday celebrations were mentioned in the Scriptures. This shows pretty clearly that if he had ever heard of such a festival as Christmas he repudiated it entirely.” Apostate Christians and Pagan Winter Festivals Early Christians resisted the temptation to join in the pagan festivities of their neighbors. But the Bible foretold that, in time, a great apostasy would develop among Christians (Acts 20:29, 30; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Peter 2:1, 2) Toward the end of the second century, the writer Tertullian had to censure “Christians” for taking part in “the feasts of Saturn, and of January, and of the Winter solstice.” He mentions the “dispensing of gifts” and expresses surprise that many were decorating their homes with “lamps and laurels.” Despite such admonition the original pure Christian congregation was corrupted. Going from bad to worse, apostate Christians justified their course by giving the pagan celebrations a “Christian” name. As the book Christmas admits: “The Christian Church . . . in the 4th century found it convenient to take over the sacred pagan day of December 25, the winter solstice . . . The birthday of the sun became the birthday of the Son of God.” Why Christmas Is So Dangerous Some might feel that the celebration of Christmas is dangerous because it promotes a spirit of selfishness. For instance, entertainer Danie Martins said on a South African radio broadcast that he was shocked to learn how children viewed Christmas. At children’s parties he asked them why “we celebrate Christmas.” The usual reply: “To get presents.” Parents and authors Martin and Deidre Bobgan, point to another danger: “Many adults feed children dishonesties and distortions which eventually may lead to atheism. From a child’s eye view, if Santa told as truth is a lie, then maybe God told as truth also is a lie.” Yet the most serious danger of celebrating Christmas is that it could lead to losing God’s favor. Why? There are a number of reasons. For example, Christmas promotes idolatry, something forbidden in the Bible. (1 John 5:21) This is openly practiced in front of many nativity scenes, such as in the Aracoeli church in Rome. What about the introduction of the heathen Christmas tree into many Protestant churches? Does this not smack of idolatry? Furthermore, the celebration of Christmas has promoted the worship of Jesus in place of his Father, Jehovah God. This is another form of idolatry since the glorified Lord Jesus Christ is “the beginning of the creation by God.” (Revelation 3:14; see also Romans 1:25.) Carol-singing has served to entrench this wrong idea in billions of young hearts. One popular carol includes these words: “In the bleak mid-winter a stable-place sufficed the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ.” The fact is that Jesus never claimed to be God Almighty. Instead Jesus declared: “The Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28) He directed all worship to his Father, saying: “It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.” (Matthew 4:10) Even after his resurrection, Jesus continued to direct worship to his heavenly Father.—John 20:17. Christmas gives a religious covering to what in reality is a time of overindulgence and abandon. Loose behavior at Christmas parties is a notorious cause of marriage problems. According to the British National Marriage Guidance Council, twice the normal weekly number of couples came for counseling following the 1983 Christmas season. Christmas parties were singled out as one of the causes as well as “lack of money for food, gifts and toys.” Such things relate to another serious problem. “The rate of suicides and attempted suicides escalates alarmingly at this time,” according to a Johannesburg psychiatrist. Nor can we ignore that those who continue under the religious spell of “Babylon the Great” face great danger. Bible prophecy indicates that the time for her judgment is very near.—2 Timothy 3:1-5. To be sure, the world empire of false religion, with its heathen practices and holidays, will soon be gone forever. Now, while there is yet time, separate yourself from her enticing activities. Associate instead with true Christians who will survive to enjoy everlasting peace and goodwill among men.—Psalm 37:29.
This is a great question. First, they do not believe that Jesus was born in either December or January. The Bible does not give a specific date. It simply states: “There were also in that same country shepherds living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks. And suddenly Jehovah’s angel stood by them, and . . . the angel said to them: ‘. . . There was born to you today a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.’”—Luke 2:8-11. To learn more about this subject please visit jworg.h
That's because they believe in secular traditions like Santa Claus. 😄
On what date was Jesus born? The Bible does not say exactly when Jesus was born. “The day of Christ’s birth cannot be ascertained from the N[ew] T[estament] or, indeed, from any other source,” states McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia. Surely, if Jesus wanted his followers to celebrate his birthday, he would have made certain that they knew the date of his birth. Second, the Bible does not record that Jesus or any one of his disciples celebrated Christmas. According to the New Catholic Encyclopedia, celebrating Christmas was first mentioned “in the Chronograph of Philocalus, a Roman almanac whose source material can be dated to 336 [C.E.].” Clearly, that was well after the completion of the Bible and centuries after Jesus was on earth. Thus, McClintock and Strong note that “the observance of Christmas is not of divine appointment, nor is it of N[ew] T[estament] origin.” * What event did Jesus instruct his disciples to commemorate? As the Great Teacher, Jesus gave clear instructions on what he wanted his followers to do, and these are recorded in the Bible. Celebrating Christmas, however, is not one of them. Just as a schoolteacher does not want his students to go beyond the instructions given them, Jesus does not want his followers to “go beyond the things that are written” in the Holy Scriptures.—1 Corinthians 4:6. For more information on this subject please visit jworg
Because Christmas is not a Christian holiday, it was Saturnalia in Rome. However, the bible says every day should be dedicated to the Lord.
I might just celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ if they didn't hold that birthday 2 months off of when his birthday is Christmas came about as a result of the mighty Hunter Nimrod having sex with his mother getting her pregnant telling a lie that an angel from heaven came down and impregnated her with a virgin birth and then Nimrod set up a tree and put his baby in the cradle on the tree and decorated the tree with gold and silver bottles and he commanded all his friends to come bring gifts to the child as the story tells you along came a wind sent by God the child fell out of the tree crashed down the oil lamps caught on fire the child was killed all the gifts burned up and in a fit of rage Nimrod killed everybody including his mother. Yeah friend that was the first Christmas the Bible tells you in Jeremiah do not do you like the rest of the Nations don't go cut down a tree and nail it to the floor and decorate it with bubbles of gold and silver Yeah if you're going to celebrate Jesus birthday celebrate it on the day that he was actually born when was Jesus born you don't know you say December 31st no that's nimrod's false holiday a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah he's the one who created that holiday? So let me tell you what the Bible says about when Jesus was born the Bible says in all three gospels Mary and Joseph journeyed into Bethlehem because Caesar had ordered everybody to pay the tax and to register themselves. Well they were in Bethlehem Mary's time to deliver came but they could not find an inn and had to have Jesus in a stable. So now we know when Jesus was born he was born on Roman tax day when is Roman tax day? It's on our day of November the 7th it's documented by the Roman taxation coin that you can get off of eBay for about $11 made of bronze. After you get your tax paid you get this coin it's in the shape of a dog tag. So now that you know that Jesus was born on tax day according to the Bible and at least three different places are you going to keep celebrating Christmas on the day when a mighty Hunter and opposition to Jehovah had sex with his own mother and made a false festival mockery? Or are you going to do what's right and celebrate Jesus Christ's birthday on November 7th because that's when he was born the Bible tells you so and I just told you how to track it down
They are taught that it is pagan. (It's not, of course. See: the definition of "Christmas" in any standard English dictionary). They ESPOUSE the principle that any celebration with any sort of pagan elements is disallowed. Thus (they teach): Christmas is disallowed. At the same time, some of the celebrations they ARE permitted to engage in do indeed include pagan elements, including religious. That is to say: they are hypocritical with regard to following that principle. It's interesting to see that they (typically) don't know how to respond when confronted with such information from a reliable and reputable source. For example: consider all of the pagan elements employed in weddings (allowed), funerals (allowed), wedding anniversaries (allowed), the participation in religious services ***of any sort*** when English is the language spoken and read, etc.
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