Why wouldn't I?
I'm Canadian. So Yes.
No. I can't stand them. Them and their their stupid maple leaves dropping Canadian propaganda everywhere... Just kidding, why wouldn't I like Canadians?
Yup love them! especially Russel peters who is hilarious. I think Canadians are such laid back people oh and i love the Canadian accent to. Oh Canada! oh Canada! (national anthem). Though it's kinda weird how around the world canadians are like never in the news, i mean you never hear much about them Lol
Yes! I haven't met a Canadian I didn't like yet, eh? My original answer didn't have the "eh" at the end, but since I added it I've been getting nothing but down rated all the time. It's like a magnate for the humourless. LOL
Yes, I certainly do. Who better is there to share the continent with?
I don't remember eaten any lately but i guess they are cool :P
yes- My piano teacher is from canada- ay
I have absolutely no problem with them and I love thier accents.
I like everyone that likes me back. I dont care which Island they come from.
not really, which is odd because I am one, but most of the people I've met are not very nice, but I can't generalize because I haven't met that many people, I have however met some very nice people in's probably just my town.
"I AM CANADIAN" from the Molson Candian Beer Commercial. I am half Canadian and half Korean. I've been living here for 10 years and loving it! I love Canadians! I don't think they are much different from Americans either. Some are mean some are nice. Same goes to the Americans.
Of coarse I like Canadians. They are humble and not outspoken. However when they have something important to say, the World listens.
I like the Canadians that I know. I don't mind Canadians as a group. Canadians are like all other humans: some rock and some suck.
What's not to like? They're just like most other people, some good, some bad, and they certainly beat out Americans in my book.
What sort of question is that? As far as I am concerned, being "Canadian" is just a person’s citizenship and has no bearing on their character. I am quite friendly with a whole family of Canadians, but it has nothing to do with the fact that they are Canadian.
They're ok, the ladies are definitely worth a look. I don't like their bacon though. It's more like ham to me.
Of course. I don't know any personally, but I've met some on here, and they've all been great. Scubabob helped me today with a speaker problem. Canada is one of the places I hope to visit soon, and I can't imagine why Canadians would be any different to any other members of the human race.
this question is kind of like .. "do you like humans". what you select friends by nationality now ?? whats next.. hair or eye color? "no if your not "martian" you no good !" Besides that... what would we do without canadian bacon ?
Canadians are great because they invented my favorite bacon.
I don't know every single Canadian, but as a group, yeah sure, why not?
My best friend is Canadian so I guess my answer would be yes.
i like the montreal canadiens!
I'm in love with a Canadian :D
One of my best friends where I previously lived in midwestern US was from Canada. She was great, very down to earth and articulate. We would talk for hours about the differences and similarities with our countries. She liked living here, for economic reasons. She thought the political goings-on in the US were hilarious at times. ANd man, did she know her hockey!
I dont have a problem with group of people from a different country. I dont think I have ever met anyone from Canada, but I dont think they would be too different from me.
Yes. I have two friends from Canada and they are great. I've also been to Canada several times and most of the Canadians that I met were very friendly and laid back.
They do sign my paycheck. Really though, most that I've met have been very nice people, and as a whole I think the country is going in the right direction, at least compared to a lot of other countries.
yes,yes. they are the #1 supplier of oil to america. couldn't do so easily without them.
They're alright. I'd like 'em a helluva lot more if they'd not bring the motorhomes with them (to Florida) for the winter.
I Truly Madly Deeply love one. As for all the other Canadians I reserve liking and disliking until we've met. That's how I treat my fellow Americans anyway.
Candians are pretty down to earth people. Well i got family out ther and ther pretty kool.
I actually like Canadians a lot. I was in Calgary and Cochrane in September and went up into the Rockies. I found the people extremely friendly and warm. I want to go back.
Yes. I only know one Canadian and she seems just like everyone else. I don't understand why people make fun of Canadians and make derogatory remarks about the nation as a whole. Can someone explain it to me?
No, but it's nothing personal, I'm not a fan of people in general.
yes love them, and their country, i am from the uk but would love to live in canada.
Yes, and i love Canada. The Eagles are one of my favourite bands!!
Canadians are cool just like their country.
I don't think I know any, but if I did surely there'd be no reason to dislike them just because they're from Canada!
yes i like canadians,because i am one.
Not really, I like their maple syrup and the CFL. eh?
I have a Canadian friend and I like him. I like most of the Canadians that I have heard on the radio or seen on TV with the exception of Celine Dion. Oh, and can't say that I like any Canadian that is against the right and ability to protect oneself from possible harm. Love Terrence and Phillip. LOL. Know what I'm talkin' aboot? Yes, I know all of them don't talk funny. Though you get my drift eh?
I have nothing against them. I don't really favor Canadians. Just another country.
I don't like anyone I havent met or talked to so unless I can talk to the entire country then I can't like them.
I have no problem with them. I have no problem with anyone from any country. Its the same as it is here in America. Some of us I don't like, just like I'm sure if I went to another country, there would be people I don't like. so sure. overall I do because the only ones I met have been on here and they've all been relativley good hearted people.
That would be like asking if I liked air. Canadian's exist so that American's can have an alternate to hating Mexicans.
Yes. very much
Yes, they are very similar to us Aussies and have a similar sized country. I also have cousins in Toronto.
Even though the companies merged, yes, I love Canadians! I'll take a Molson Canadian over a Coors any day.
Don't know any. They're all masquerading as Americans.
I love Canadians. They are among the nicest, friend;iest people I've met in my travels. They are easy going, not show offs. They are helpful and honest. The younger people are respectful and kind. Once we were camped in near Prince Rupert and some teens were camped in one spot while all the parents were at the other end of the campground. The kids made their own meals, even asking us if we had a scrubby becasue one of their dishes wasn't coming clean enough. As two girls were walking by our camp, one boy rode his bike and slammed on his brakes, raising a small cloud of dust. Seeing this, he immediately got off his bike and apologized for getting us dirty. We couldn't believe it. These kids were great kids, even with minimal parental supervision. Can't say enough nice about them. They haven't disappointed us yet.
I just like the way they talk. "What's that aboote" etc.
Not all of them personally ... but as a nation and as a group in general, yes ... I am Canadian, having been born in Brandon, Manitoba. I currently live in Montreal.
I am one - so yes.... but I wouldn't say I dislike somebody just by where they're fom
I am Canadian. I can't honestly say that I like ALL Canadians, but I probably can honestly say that I do like at least one thing about every Canadian.
Only when properly cooked yo... :)
Yes, many of them. Then again, there are many I don't like. Every person is a different story. With so much immigration, there really is no typical 'Canadian'.
Yes, my brother-in-law is Canadian and he's one of my favourite people.
Good frien dof mine it remind me of South Park!! Funny show..."blame Cananda"
hope so i am one
i hope so:) im canadian, born n' raised here.
"I am Canadian!"it's an inside joke,lol,"eh". we're not the frost bitten lumberjacks that the world think that we are,or fishermen(or fisherwomen,equal rights) right now in Newfoundland it is 15 degrees C(that's 59 F )outside and it's Dec 13th!For Most of the U.S.who know HARDLY ANYTHING about us ,we're on the East coast! I've been on vacation 3 times in the last year to the U.S. and there is no was to find out ANY news from Canada ,even the weather channel doesn't display Canada on the map!!!we could have been blown off the map for all we knew,bit if ONE A American was hurt in the blast it would be all over the news!!!!!!
they do seem to be good chaps eh
I like the western Canadians, and rural Canadians. Some of the T.O. people remind me of New Yorkers and that type of attitude toward people. When I visited T.O., my car was the only one with a Canadian flag sticker, but I am not Canadian. Why aren't people from T>O> more proud of their country, eh? My wife is from Manitoba(not winterpeg), so yes I like Canada and Canadians( but not Liberals)
Love them! Literally. My late husband was Canadian. I adore his family. I have wonderful friends there.
What's not to like? Polite, worldly, multi-cultural, mosaic (as opposed to melting pot), peacekeepers, allies to the world, sympathetic to refugees and legal immigrants, make great movies, write great books..... Oh, I'm Canadian.
YEAH! Every Canadian I have met has been friendly, funny. quirky and just outright LOVELY! I couldn't find fault with Canadians even if I tried (not that I'd want to!) :D
Yes. If I asked very nicely, do you think they'd let me move up there? :-)
born in moose jaw, saskatchewan live in melbourne, austalia ..... canucks are brain frozen.... just kidding Love the True North
I do like them! I judge every person individually regardless of nationality, but overall I have to say that they have always been very funny, helpful and nice. They have a great sense of humour.
I love Canadians as I am one and I live in Montreal!
I like "Ice Man" and Neil Young and Joni Mitchell and Dean Friedman.
Very nice people, what's not to like?
Lilo Avli
Marie-Joseph Angelique. -
Have no idea who that is.
Canadians are great people at least all I met when I lived in Ontario
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