• If it's already a court order then you have to go before the judge. If you have not been to court yet you need to take all your bills and your living expenses and try to prove that it cost you more to live then what you actually make. The judge might decide to take a lot less.
  • maybe by making your own payments
  • By filing for bankruptcy. In order to legally garnish wages they have to have already gone to court and proved to the court you owe the money. So stopping it requires you get an attorney and file for bankruptcy otherwise it goes ahead until the amount the court says you owe will continue until it is paid in full. "Most creditors cannot garnish your wages without first getting a money judgment against you. ... The creditor will continue to garnish your wages until you pay the debt in full or take some measure to stop the garnishment, such as by filing for bankruptcy (see below)."
  • satisfy the debt

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