Google. It's fast, clean, and friendly. There aren't any big graphic ads that slow down the search. There aren't any popups. It's good at finding relevant content plus the search is highly customizeable. There is the ability to search images, videos, etc. Yahoo is actually a 'Portal' so it is crammed with other content (news, games) that I'm not looking for when I do a search. All that does is slow down the entire process.
It depends (probably the only person with circumstance that go with each) For school research- Google, because it pulls the best sites up for school related things, not just a bunch of home-made un-official websites. For top-of-the-head searches- Yahoo! because it's my homepage and main email, so it's quickest to get to.
Google, beacuase it's google.
AOL, because I have AOL, and Google comes up with too many results, and I don't have the time to sift through them. Though, I do use Google's Image Search.
I like Yahoo the best, but I also use Google.
Geez, where do u live: Yahoo is email server.... go google dude! -
Yahoo is a bit long winded.
- its easy
I always use google i must say. Why, because i cn easily specify it to search Australia only.
google. i have always seem to find exactly what i am looking for.
Google first, and then
google. because its fast, simple, and easy for me to use
I usually Google it. They are as good as any other I've tried and I love Gmail, too.
google, im not sure why, though
I live on google
I like for the way it takes questions,but i mainly use Google for speed.
I use Google, because it is the most commonly used. I've tried other search engines but they seem to point back to Google anyway, except maybe Yahoo which does not produce as good results for my research needs.
- is the best one i have found so far that takes you to what you are looking for.
Google - dogpile
Googleicious at the mo but its getting to big for its own good im sure the options are growing day by day
Yahoo. I started using it when I first was online because then it was probably the most popular, and now it's my homepage out of habit.
Google, anyone?
Google. There is no reason to use anything else. It is almost pure perfection.
I use Its all the search engines piled up into BS. But its great though and easier than
Google because it's the easiest one to use
Google is by far the best :)!
Gooooooogle ... I would like to work there for awhile ... have you seen inside their main facility? ...
I use dogpile and google
G'day Agent1337, Thank you for your question. I generally use Google and occasionally Yahoo!. Regards
- I always get good listings from ask. Other search engines I have used give me all kinds of unrelated sites to dig through.
I like to use Google, but I use Ask when I search for things that I don't want other people to know about.
Yahoo. The name just sort of fits my personality!
GOOGLE because they dress with logo up for special occasions
Google. It has an uncluttered interface, and seems to give the best results for the things I search for.
There's a new plug-in for the firefox browser that makes searching simple no matter what search engine you like to use. Check out the 90 second demo here: get the Firefox plug-in here: People seem to really love this one!
I use them all. I haven't really found one to be better than another. I will say that if I'm looking for pictures of a specific nature. I will normally use Google Images.
I use to use askjeeves, but when the got rid of jeeves it lost it's magic! Now I use google, because it downloaded on it's own so I kept it.
google mostly.followed by yahoo and wikipedia.I use plugin (for firefox)
This is a good one, it gives you the results of Google, Yahoo and MSN..Good Luck→
google no doubt about it
Google all the way :)
I use 'google'... I find its the best for my needs and wants
Yahoo, but I think it's time to google.
Google is my fave. It always has been, but I dont really have a reason.
mostly yahoo then google
No one search engine is the best or most capable, that is why I use more than one. Gigablast <---- Huge Cache google Yahoo DMOZ Lycos Amazon A9 Search Altavista clusty Mahalo Back around 1994 I was a big Web Crawler fan, but that site has been bought and sold many times. It's lost it's zest.
Well i like to use google becuase its easy and it works good for me if i want to find something so yer i use Google oo and by the way i like the name GOOGLE ooo!!!
Google, I find the site I'm working with crawled by this SE faster than the other SEs.
GOOGLE everytime. Tried Yahoo and didn't rate it.
Google, Ask, Chacha, clusty
One metasearch engine I like is at: You can do a regular or advanced search in these menu areas: web, images, video, news, blog or job. After you select one type of search - Zuula has a different set of search engines it in turn checks for you. For WEB searches, Zuula returns content from: Google, Yahoo, MSN, Gigablast, Exalead, Alexa, Mahalo, Wikia, Visvo and Mojeek. Personally, I'd not even heard of all those. lol Sometimes the added searches don't help a lot and sometimes there's a hidden treasure I might not have found otherwise.
I sometimes use other search engines like Yahoo, MSN, AOL, and My favorite search engine is Google.
Another metasearch engine I like is one that searches three search engines at the same time: Google, Yahoo and MSN. -- The cool thing is that (after the ad box) on each page of results - for each site listing you get - it says "what ranking number" it is on each of the 3 search engines. Interesting to compare! Site ABC .. might come up as number five on Google, number three on Yahoo and number one on MSN. (or not at all on one of them!) -- I figure I stand a better shot at finding something by using this tool & at the same time see how each "figures out" what they consider to be "good matches" for what I'm trying to find. :) -- url:
i use and
One thing I haven't tried, but am seeing that some are doing on the web now .. is build a search engine that targets a particular set of topics/categories .. using Google's CUSTOM SEARCH. -- Anyone ever built their own search engine using it? Or used a specialized one built by someone else?
Linda Joy
No, but I like what it lets you do - to exclude certain words in your search and other such customizations.
I use Google most of the time, but I use when I want to search for something that I don't want other people who use my computer to find out about.
Google because its so easy to use.
Google, because I don't have to change my Firefox search window in the upper right corner. For images I sometimes use Altavista though.
Google because it yields more results. It's the best!
I use Google or
Google, because I have the google toolbar so I don't even need to type into my adress bar!
For general questions I use - most powerful search engine. To find specific answers as test questions or interview questions I use answers engines such as, that search worldwide. They provide more relevant search results than Google.
I only use Google for everything. I have tried Yahoo and a couple other search engines like Alta Vista and had no luck. Google is the faster and gives me the info that I am looking for a majority of the time.
the same as them.
Google. Because everyone else does and I'm not popular enough to be different.
I learned here in AB about Zuula. I use Zuula and Yahoo (Zuula includes Google and other engines).
Google and Bing
Yahoo-oooooo! +3
Google generally. They may be the big, evil corporation (sort of XD), but they come up with the most and the best results, and I don't even have to access the web page to Google search because I have Google Chrome; I need only type my search into the address bar ^_^
Google. I use many of their other services too.
Google all the way. +5
Google, it came up years ago by default... & over the years the graphics & displays are colourful.
SURE AS HELL NOT GOOGLE>.....those bastards......they TRACK ALL YOUR SEARCHES, PEOPLE.......stop stop stop using them!!! they are also starting to censor the news in a way by not showing resources for certain topics........ USE DUCKDUCKGO.COM dumb name, but NO TRACKING AND COMPLETE PRIVACY. Another good one is IXQUICK.COM.....also private. I WISH EVERYONE WOULD QUIT THINKING OF GOOGLE........ and try the other ones.......there are others out there that are also private, but these were the first to come to mind. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NO MORE GOOGLE ever ever EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like to use Google because it is user friendly search engine,we will get clear response with in fraction of seconds to our queries..
Google is the best search engine... it will give accurate results and it is user friendly..
Anything except Google because they still sore data on their users.
Google. I've always used it and Bing tries to sneak in on you without you knowing. I don't mind being asked if I want to change, but don't try to sneak in my back door when I'm not looking that's just low-down! And I don't like that bing and yahoo are programmed into my browsers! I want Google!!
Duck Duck Go. It's nobody's business what i search.
I do use google but not fond of them always asking for my location. So I deny and it pops up again even if I ask them not to . So often I use Bing instead. Google is way too nosy and spies on what shopping I am doing. So then puts up ads for those items on unrelated pages. I hate it!
google, i like it
duckduckgo, it doesn't store personal information like other search engines.
For general searches I use google or duckduckgo. DDG is extra careful for privacy. Metasearch I use dogpile. I figure every metasearch is pretty much the same. However dogpile gives to animal shelters. To help the environment I use ecosia. Powered by Google. For specialty searches I use speciality SEs.
Bing - for the free reward points. Google - when Bing lets me down (i.e. when Bing doesn't return useful search results). Both Bing and Google when shopping for prices.
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