my hands never left the steering wheel, honest!!!
You are doing a wonderful job officer for I am conducting a federally mandated test at random of police officers to see if they are paying attention. Mr Bill
Thats because I was watching you tail me for the last 3 miles in the rear view mirror.
You tell him, "weaving????, I don't even know how to knit!!!"
"i was just trying not to hit the pretty dotted lines!"
you must be having a sugar rush from all those doghnuts. I was doing no such thing.
"Officer, I swear to drunk I'm not God!"
That's almost as good as, "I'm not as think as you drunk I am!"
'Fraid I'd have no choice but to destroy him.
Happened to me once. I told him the truth. It was 2 am and no one but me on the road and I was dodging pot holes to save my tires.
I was bored at the wheel so i thought i'd practise my manouvering for when im being chased by the cops (then suddenly drive off)
Its okay to weave, as long as you stay within one lane of traffic. Crossing the line will be grounds for a traffic stop for further investigation of ones physical condition.
If your in the could tell him your warming the tires like they do in NASCAR
Wait just a minute, I'm almost done with the rug.
I'm sorry officer....but do you have any air freshner? I had to lean to the side to get this huge far out. I must of leaned to far and caused the car to weave.
I was doing my best not to run over all those poor little woolly worms crossing the road.
That's right, officer. Do you weave too? What do you think of this chestnut brown yarn next to the red and yellow pattern? I love to weave while I drive. It totally mellows me out.
I was trying to avoid those little creatures on the road...You know, I'm an animal lover =D
I really like your uniform :) Your eyes are interesting..sometimes they look blue, and sometimes they look green... I am so HOT in this you mind if I take it off?
"I was dodging bugs, I just washed my car"
tell him your alignment is a bit out of whack.
Tell him to mind his own business.
Ummmmm ... -- Weaving? That's impossible. As you can see, there's absolutely no room in here for a loom. :) -- I was testing the steering (so I could be "safe") -- I was? Thought for sure that's where the road was going -- Since the last two are pretty lame and a ticket is still going to be written .. go with the truth .. whatever it is .. but start with "I'm sorry, Officer. I might have weaved a little .. BUT .. ". Then, go on and say what's what. Extenuating circumstances and all that. If you don't have any of those? I'd just just apologize and take the ticket. lol
I say "k."
Do you see a basket officer? No, well I am not a weaver then, am I.
Sorry "ociffer" I think I over did it with the booze and drugs. Sanks for pointing it out Hic.
I would say I'm too cold so it's hard to steer.
"Sorry officer, I was distracted when a bump in the road made me spill my beer." Hope this helps.
I'll say I was having a mental distraction.
I told him once that I thought as long as I was keeping it between the lines, I could use the whole lane. I had to do a sobriety test. Then I had to blow. I passed both. 3/28/23
Officer I was just doing the latest dance the weave.
Sorry, with these short legs I have to pull the seat all the way up and my fat belly sometimes gets in the way of the steering wheel. lol Sorry I was trying to drive with my feet, my butt, my tongue.
Let me go and I'll weave you a scarf
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