• Hell of a lot higher than if you'd used your brain. Perhaps this is the sort of question you should ask BEFORE potentially screwing up your life.
  • He couldnt have masturbated until you asked your doctor when you were protected or read the instructions?! You couldnt have given him a hand job or oral sex until you asked if you were protected or read the instructions?! You couldnt have said put a condom on or start 18 years of child support in 9 months?! "It depends on when you start taking them. You can take your first birth control pill any day of the month, but you may need a backup birth control method (like condoms) for the first 7 days. If you start combination pills within 5 days after your period starts, you'll be protected from pregnancy right away." What is the Effectiveness of Birth Control Pills? - Planned Parenthood

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