• I see plenty of Muslim women wearing a Sari and a Choli same as any other women you pass by on the streets. I have seen the same thing in Pakistan and Bangladesh TV. Women wearing Sari and Choli. Not just the anchors and announcers but women on the street too. Full sleeved Cholis are fashionable sometimes. Those times I have seen Muslim wearing that too. But I doubt if it is practical to wear a full sleeved shirt with a Sari. I should imagine it somewhat inconvenint given the nature of a Sari. I do not know what a Hijab is. If you mean a Purdah I have seen Muslim women wearing Purdah over a Sari same as many other Muslim women who do not care for a Purdah. I do not think there is anything written in the Quran about the Sari and Choli - full sleeve, half sleeve or sleeveless. So there is nothing objectionable from the Quran point of view I must presume. Is it okay or not? Depends on the individual's level of emancipation - I would say. For an authoritative answer from Quran and Shirayat point of view there will be too many interpretations to suit the convenience of the 'authority' you approach. So it would be best for Muslim women to follow their own interpretation of the religious law of Islam.
  • Hijab btw doesn't mean the headscarf as is widely and mistakenly understood, it means a barrier, a screen. In this case it is a protective barrier that stops inappropriate thoughts. So, as you can see it is not just what you put on yourself, and what you don't, but how you carry yourself, how you speak, they're all part of your hijab. It is your dignity that Islam seeks to elevate and protect. That's the whole point of the hijab, and that's the point that unfortunately quite a few of our headscarf-donning sisters haven't quite grasped. In Islam the HQ and the Sunnah are the reference points. They provide the guidelines on which the norms are based. I say norms (plural) because the way hijab is achieved in Nigeria may be different to how it is achieved in Pakistan or Indonesia. As far as what you put on is concerned, what one wears must: 1a for the woman, cover the whole body and head except the face, the hands and the feet, while 1b for the man, cover everything from just above the navel to just below the knees. 2 be so opaque as to conceal the colour of what it is covering 3 be loose enough not to show contours of the body 4 not be gaudy/flashy or in any other way attract undue attention 5 neither be wasteful of wealth nor overstate your poverty 6 not be what is typically associated with the opposite sex 7 not be what is typically associated with another religion references

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