My etiquette-conscious wife says: The old school says that money is never an appropriate wedding gift! But she also said: if you DO give money, make it close to what you'd spend on a gift for that couple. If you're not too close, $25.00 would be fine. Anything less would seem a little cheap these days, unless it would be too much of an expense for you.
Depends on your income. I mean, if you cannot afford it, you cannot afford it. I think $50 is a good amount per person. 2 ppl- $75-$100. Usually you have a reasonable amount of time between when you first find out about the wedding and when you attend the wedding. If you have 6 months, there is no reason you should not be able to save up at least $8 a month... which is about $50. If they paid for your hotel and other stuff, definitely don't go cheap. I think 25$ is really a very small amount, i would def not go lower than that.
2-27-2017 According to Miss Manners, one of the few authorities in the subject nowadays, there are only two occasions when a gift is required: a birthday party and a shower. That is because those two occasions are specifically for the purpose of giving gifts. As for weddings, many people assume that a gift is proper, but you are entirely off the hook if you don't accept the invitation.
There are more wedding etiquette experts out there. They write for bridal magazines and write books. I have done both. I would respectfully disagree with this advice, as would other wedding etiquette experts that I know. -
Jewels Vern
Well, I suggest that when a gift is required, it's not a gift: it's a tax.
Perhaps $25.00. You might give more if they're really good friends of yours.
id say whatever you think it cost to entertain you for the night. Maybe $50 per person or soemthkfn like that. If you were buying a gift how much would you spend? Weddings are expensive and if everyone gifts back their expense you can help them pay it off
I'm a wedding etiquette expert. If giving cash as a gift or the amount that should be spent on a gift, it should be close to what is being spent on each person for the wedding and reception. So, if you are attending a church wedding with a dinner cruise on a yacht, a couple would spend approximately $250. If you are attending a wedding in a park with a BBQ following the wedding, a couple would spend approximately $50. A minimum of $50 and up.
- suggests: * $50 to $75 as an appropriate gift amount for co-workers, distant relatives or casual friends; * $75 to $100 for most relatives and friends; and * $100-plus for close friends and family members. Jun 15, 2017
whatever you can afford
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