About an hour ago.
Oh, that was the last time I played Monopoly
Linda Joy
lol -
Moving Violation
5 years ago do not carry money use cards March 18 2022
I have it now in my pocket.
I've never even had a one dollar bill in my hand. I've had 100 and 200 euro notes, but never any dollars.
June 13, 2008 It was a friday night and I found it in a parking lot.
This morning
One minute ago when I looked in my wallet to see if I had one so I could answer this question correctly.
I have one in my pocket right now, but it will be gone in a few hours.
A month or 2 ago. getting cash from the bank.
When I went on vacation in August.
When I sold a bunch of stuff outta my house! : O (
today at work...I actually had 3 of them in my hand
That's very rare..that's big money. I'd prefer two 20's and a 10. Usually it means we're going on vacation and purchasing traveler's checks..that's when I get a book of $50 each travelers checks. But a $50 bill? Can't remember the last time I actually had one.:)
Last wednesday
Friday when I went to the bank to cash a check.
about 10 minutes ago and my wife seen it and it was gone say levee, gone,HaHa
More often it is $100. It has been a long time since I had a $50.
Never. I've never been to America.
Yesterday morning after I cashed my paycheck. It was in my hand long enough for me to pay a bill with it :(
Yesterday at work, after a guitar sale, I believe. It was a Canadian fifty though, so I guess it was more like a $40 bill to you American folk! :)
Last night, just before I handed 2 of them to my wife.
It was at the bank about a month ago.
4 weeks ago :-/
I got one today at my part time job.
Wow I don't remember anymore! I have two $100 bills and five $20 bills right now, but no $50 bill.
Today, i picked up a western union x3
over 10 years ago. I like $20's better
today. i put it in my hiding place so i can have it for an emergency. My s/o doesn't know about it.
Long time ago, I don't even remember - well that belong to me - because at the post office where I work they do show up from time to time.
Last week I had a couple of $50's in my wallet. The operative word here is HAD : (
yesterday, birthday money from my man!
More than a year ago.
yesterday, it went into the till.
A few weeks ago when I was buying gas.
2 Nov 2008, cause I was owed it from my cubicle mate
last night. i work at a store, i handle $50 and $100 bills every day.
3 hours ago when my dad game me dinner money.
I rarely carry around $50 bills. I prefer $10 and $20 bills.
today at work, cashier
Been a while. i use my card all the time.
I carry them all the time, and actually prefer them to C-notes, they are much easier to break than 100's at most convenience stores :-P
Today but I mostly carry $100.00 dollar bills In my wallet.
I carry $50s today like I used to carry $20s a decade ago. And the $20 is like the $10 bill of 1999; it gets you the same amount of stuff.
I rarely have cash. Right now I have only change in my purse. I'm a debit person.
They make 50 dollar bills now?!? LOL just kidding, it has been a few months, I got a 50 for my birthday in November and I don't carry cash I always use my ATM card.
As a part-time professional jazz pianist & vocalist, I happen to be doing weekly rehearsals these days with a couple of fellows 20 years my senior who are so much fun to be with - we share great stories about the past that we can all relate to, and talk about great musicians of yesteryear (I'm 53 so our combined age is actually over 200, ha ha!). One plays sax (bari and tenor); the other plays trumpet. Neither is real good, but they can read charts fairly well and do some simple jazz solos. I rehearse with them to help them improve, and the sax man, the friend who hired me, pays me a "$50 spot" each week; so, I have lots of 'em!
I have 12 of them in my pocket right now. My tax return came yesterday!
i love the $50 man; it's the rich man's 20.
2 weeks ago, i have 20's from ATM.
Nine years ago, on the only occasion I visited the USA.
Yesterday so far...when collecting rent a lot of my renters pay in cash.
It's been a wile. Hundred dollar bills seem to be more common.
I had one in my hand the last time I had the pleasure to visit America in Phoenix Arizona :) Best holiday ever, you cant beat American hospitality.
never because im from the uk and never been to the usa
yesterday, i used it for mega-bucks and today i found i completely lost. how about that.
5-27-2017 When I drove a limo, there would be the occasional gathering of doctors and they paid for everything in fifties and hundreds.
I don't remember.
Right before I send it to the bill collectors every month.
ATMs usually give 20s and no 50s.
This morning. Its still on the table beside me.
i always carry money.. and have heaps of $50 in my purse.i prefer money ..and so will kids saving up pocket money
Many cash machines give out $50 bills.
The ATM machine give $50 bills.
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