My argument is based on common sense, you have been warned. If marriage is nothing but a Christian thing, then Christians would not allow people of other faith's to marry. They also would not find it necessary to go and pay the government for the right to be 'legally' married via licenses. Being married by a priest/minister in a church would be enough. Because they do pay for licenses and have their marriage acknowledged by the government as well as their church, they themselves prove that it is at the very least half a government issue. Now, does the government have the right to dictate personal affairs between two consenting adults? No, they don't. They aren't willing to let this one go, but they have no right to it. They don't like losing any sort of power they feel they have. My 2 cents.
Gays have been abused and marginalized for a long time in our society. This abuse and marginalization is often justified with religious arguments, and much heroic and flowery language has been evolved to remove the stink of bigotry and make this behavior sound noble, i.e. "defend traditional marriage, the foundation of all that is good in society, etc." Well I'm a simple-minded individual. When I see a majority trying to deprive a minority of their fair chance at happiness and freedom, I smell a rat. Maybe more than one.
I'm neither for nor against gay marriage. I am very much a Christian and feel that a marriage before God is be between a man and a woman. But there is a big difference between a marriage before God and a marriage before the state. There isn't anything wrong with a couple declaring their love to one another and having it put on paper and being recognized by the state. Just my opinion.
Usually after love,sex, marriage comes a baby so my only argument would be children involved. Adults can do whatever they want to, I don't agree with it but I don't care either. When a gay couple wants a family that is what I disagree with. I realize gay couples can be great parents that can love and provide for a child but it totally confuses that child, the child will never understand why they have two dads or two moms when the other kids have a mom and a dad. They will think they are suppose to be with the same sex also. Or worse they may grow up and hate the life that they had and their parents. I do not think it is a healthy enviroment for children period.
You know what is weird? You can get married (as a straight couple) if you are a witch and want to like, jump over your broomstick with your hands tied together or whatever (my Mum's a witch, I don't remember the exact ceremony, but you get my drift...) and yet if you are gay, it's like some huuuuuuge deal. What's up with that? Hehe...who really cares if someone wants to marry someone of the same sex. Marriage is a ridiculous, outdated ritual anyway. If you want to get married, you should be allowed...if you want to stay single you should be allowed. As long as you don't hurt anyone, why is it so important? Why ya gotta keep a sista down? Ugh...people suck. SO dumb.
The ritual you're referring to is called Hand Fasting. Same sex unions existed long ago, before Christianity. Pegans, Wiccans, Native Americans cultures allowed same sex marriages for thousands of years.
What about if I care less about somebody else life in general? I got a Toyota truck, you have a Chevy truck. Do I care about the brand of your truck? NO My 2 cents.
When someone says that loving someone is wrong...[just because it happens to be different from ~their~ definition of how love should be ~for them~], then personally, I think they are an idiot. That being said, I am ~for~ anyone who is in love and wants to share their life with another person (whether it be a man or a woman). As far as children, and teaching them about relationships between people, it seems really hypocritical to me when someone tries to tell their children about love by telling them some people shouldn't be loved for loving differently.
marriage is a promise to be faithful, share assets, love and cherish. If two people of the same gender commit to that then let them go for it. I judge no one for what they do with their lover/spouse, and I expect that no one judge me for what I do with mine.
Gays are humans too. I think.
I don't see why it is an issue. you should be allowed to marry whoever it is that you love.
For it! It's like people telling you you can't be with your wife or husband because it's wrong, and there's really no difference except for gender. The love is still there and that's what makes people fall in love with each other and want to spend their lives together. I really don't see why this is so wrong.
If two people of the same gender want to make those commitments to each other, then that's fine by me. Is it really right to disqualify approximately 10% of the population from a legal status because of something that they have no control over. That's no better or different from saying that black people can't get married, or short people, or people born with an extra finger. These are all things that are out of our control, so why should sexual orientation be any different. The only thing gay couples can't do is have children together, but they can still adopt (although I'm not convinced that children brought up by two parents of the same gender is what's best, but that's tempered by the fact that many hetero-marriages break up and leave children traumatised too).
I'm for it. I say if its not YOU who is getting married then it's none of your business who gets married.
I am conflicted. I want gay couples to get the same legal protections as straight couples who marry, yet I understand that the term "marriage" has religious connotations. I support civil unions for those who wish to avoid the religious issues. That's how most countries in Europe get around the issue. All it takes is for both sides to bend just a little.
I'm for it. My argument? People find love where they find it. I'd sooner a loved one be loved by a member of their own sex than abused at the hands of a member of the opposite sex. Besides I want the effing government OUT of peep's bedrooms.
I find the Christian contradiction so intriguing. Since I am not religious, I am more than happy to allow any couple (group even?) to marry, as long as it's consenting adults. Seems as long as the "Christian" attitude is ignored, there are no objections. But it seems "Christians" are opposed. So, if I have this right, those who believe in "Christian Charity", think it's OK to force their views on others. Additionally, if "God" created us in his own image, how do they rationalize "gay". Since "God" created us, and some of us are "gay", then "HE" must be OK with it. Yet, it seems according to these answers, "HE" is not. Mind you I have never understood why "HE" isn't a "SHE" or an "IT". I digress... If gays feel about each other the way I feel about women, how can we tell them not too? I don't ever want to be intimate with a guy, so the opposite must be true. Let people be what they are, let them have their "God Given" right to be who they are, and let them declare in front of their creator, of whatever description what they feel.
Gay marriage should be allowed because it involves a loving and willing commitment from two partners. Just because two people share a love different then the love you have for someone else it does not mean that that love is bad. I am for it, its a shame so many people are against it, even when it does not involve them.
I think equality is important...why not try it?
because years ago (1967) black people werent allowed to marry white people...HOW fucked is that? I'm sure we'll think the same way in 50 years about gay marriage.
I'm for it. I seriously don't care if you marry your house plants. I feel that it's none of my business who people want to marry. As long as they aren't hurting anyone else and it makes them happy, they can do whatever they want in my book.
My favorite is from of all people Jessie Ventura, "The government shouldn't regulate love."
My argument is for and this is why: 1. people being gay is not hurting you in any way. 2. there are many other species of animals who practice particular, bonobo chimps practice it to keep peace in their society, rather than use violence to assert leadership....sounds to me like us humans could probably learn something from them..... FYI: I'm straight.
I am all for it. My niece is gay and married to a wonderful person. They have full custody of her two children, and my niece is loving have them around the house. She had never wanted children of her own before she realized she was gay, but when she met her life partner, who had a son and a daughter, she suddenly loved being a parent! It's because she is now in a stable, loving relationship (with their mother) and not in a shaky, unsure one, which is what she had before with her boyfriend. They have to be one of the happiest, most successful couples in my entire family. They make marriage fun, and that is the way it should be.
Personally, Im all for it! Why is this even an issue at all?! There are more important things to worry about besides gay marrige, It isnt/shouldnt come to such a conclusion as to even HAVE a law/prop 8 to decide if they are legally allowed to marry eachother. Its just stupid, there people, there adults, and they love eachother, thats all that really matters. Honestly, all in all, I dont even really see the point of marrige. To me its the same thing as living together, only you get a ring, a name change from girlfriend-to wife,& having to pay money when you get married-AND when you break up. To me, its just pointless.
I don't understand why gay marriage isn't allowed. It's not hurting anyone. Why should anyone care? I live in a family that is full of gay hate and still have never come to understand what there is to hate. I have never met someone whose argument against it was anything different than "it's wrong" or "the bible says so." What does religion have to do with it? I thought we lived in a democracy not a theocracy? (Sorry, I notice that not everyone is from America. I don't know how other countries are run so I guess that might not apply in some countries.)
My argument is this. Marriages are considered to be a religious and Holy ceremony. In the bible it clearly states that God says homosexuality is a sin. So if it's a sin against God, it makes it a religious sinful ceremony against God. Now you can argue all you want about saying it's a civil ceremony like many people, but the fact remains it's against God's word.
I don't have an argument for or against gay marriage. It is the individual's choice and should not be the business of anyone else. I think the government should stay out of it.
Im not against it. Im for it because if the 2 love eachother then let them get married.
I started this as a comment in Lori K’s answer string, because it struck a chord with me. However, it rapidly grew unwieldy as a comment and I decided it would be better to have this as a stand-alone answer of my own and modified it as such. Lori K made a very good point in her answer: Her point was essentially to separate the issue of legal unions (whatever you choose to call them) and the religious aspect of it. After all, the whole purpose of this entire issue is to for homosexuals to gain the same LEGAL recognition of homosexual unions that hetrosexuals have in the eyes of the law. It is my experience that almost any discussion of the topic of homosexual marriage rapidly devolves into various side issues by both sides. Issues such as: Is homosexuality learned or genetic? Can homosexuals properly raise children? Is homosexuality sinful or not? And these are just a few such things. Both sides are, understandably, adamant in their own beliefs and thus heated arguments often arise. In the U.S., there is government, or civil, law. Within the various religions which people are guaranteed the freedom of expression of in America, there are also associated religious ‘laws’, ‘canons’, ‘tenets’, or whatever you choose to call them. The two do not always agree. <EDIT> What the whole issue boils down to is whether or not the civil rights of an individual who happens to be homosexual should be the same as the civil rights of any heterosexual couple with respect to marriage. The only real argument that should be considered in this respect is whether or not expressing homosexual beliefs and practices violates anybody else's rights under the law. <END EDIT> Take the case of abortion. It’s legal in this country, but DEFINITELY not sanctioned my most churches except in the most extreme circumstances. Divorce is also not something the civil government and many churches agree on. Nor the death penalty. And these are just a few…you can certainly point out many others. Any given church has its tenets. If an individual does not conform to those tenets, then the church has the right to deny him/her their services. In the example of homosexual marriage within a church that clearly does NOT approve of homosexual behavior because it is considered a sin (mortal or otherwise), the church can NOT be required to perform the marriage. Which makes sense, as this would be performing and condoning a sin by their very own scriptures. In fact, this would be blaspheme. . This leaves two options: marriage by another church that DOES support homosexual marriage or civil marriage. . My first wife and I were married by a Justice of the Peace at the local courthouse. This was technically a 'civil union', I suppose, sense it was never blessed or sanctified by a church. But I and my friends and family never looked on it as anything other than 'marriage'. . That homosexual marriage will eventually be legalized in the States, I really don't have any doubt. However, the government cannot require any churches to agree or support this, if it's against their religious tenets. It falls under the same freedom of religion religious expression protection that says if you are not Mormon or are a Mormon without a temple recommend, not only can you not be married in a Mormon Temple, you cannot even enter the Temple itself. Or a Jewish wedding which may NOT be held on the Sabbath (and other times), nor may a Jewish wedding be of mixed faith (Jewish/non-Jewish…not talking about the different branches of Judaism). The government cannot force a church to act against its tenets, nor may the government create its own church with its own rules. Which again leads right back to marriage by a church which DOES support homosexual marriage or marriage by civil authority. And once it’s all said and done, and homosexuals have achieved equality under the law in this fashion (and they will, I have no doubt), they will STILL have to deal with people who protest or disagree. Why? Because that is their right. They just cannot do so in such a fashion as to deprive homosexuals of their legal rights. Just as it is the right of people to peacefully protest abortion, inter-racial marriages, the actions of the President, the military, nuclear power, the comments of one Presidential candidate over another, immigration laws, and so forth. As for my own personal beliefs on homosexuality? Visit my profile and see for yourself. I’ve already addressed this elsewhere and I am not interested in another long, drawn out string about it here.
I will say this.... I am for whatever makes two people happy. America was founded by a bunch of people who fled from England to cut ties with the church and live free lives. The church still influences a lot of aspects of life, and marriage is one of the many. It's really all about whether the Government has more control over the people, or the church, or that other social orginizations they are associated with. But that's just my belief.
I am against it. God is against it. It wasn't Adam and Steve but Adam and EVE. Sorry but I think it is wrong.
You have two people who love each other, the way a man and a woman have known to be able to do throughout history, even platonic, but anyway, they can do as they well please with regards to their relationship but what why do they need to pretend to be husband and wife? I don't mean the way one of them might assume the feminine and the other masculine, but the way the honor of marrying someone and the liberty of it is demanded by those who originally were not part of that concurrence. I don’t think it discriminates, because they at least can do anything but what, (a pro-gay marriage person might call vainly quaint, as one might take Marxism vs. capitalism and say how each could be out of date from any given persons political perspective), the ‘in-crowdness’ of marriage has defined as withholding, by a certain disqualifying thing, you know….Since when has marriage, back in earlier times, not been traditionally having a bride and a groom? Can anyone recall ever there being homosexuals demanding the rights of marriage and having gotten them in any other society? I might as well say "Screw everything, I want be a vampire, and suck peoples blood", because I see it in movies, and read about it in works of fiction, and of course, that was my Halloween costume. Unless these advocates would like to disband marriage altogether, and have entire generations of illegitimate children and no bonds to keep a biological family in order, there must be a realization that there is no real civility in allowing certain people to whittle down your wit and entice you to their version of what is natural and morally justified, as I probably am guilty of have doing, depending on your interpretation.
Aint got one, just let kids mature without influence thats my concern
There is nothing to argue. The way I see it everyone is entitled to make their own decisions. I am a christian and i think that God frowns upon it, but I do not have the right to force my beliefs upon anybody else. Nor do I have the right to judge. If someone judges then their belief in God must not be very strong because He is the only Judge. I also believe that everyone is going to have to get over their closed mindedness because eventually it will be legal no matter how hard you try to stop it. And just a little thought for those of you out there who are against it: Wouldn't you prefer it be legal and let people make and live with their own decisions than seeing gay rights marches on TV? If it was legal, at least you wouldn't have to hear about it everyday.
If you hate it and think it's wrong, be careful about chipping away at the constitution because it protects your church from the state saying whether your church can make that decision. Constitutions are there to protect people's rights, not take them away. Part of being free in America is protecting people you don't agree with. Protect your right to homophobia. Vote NO on Proposition 8!
I am pro marriage for any two consenting adults that are true to each other - and only each other. I would hope that gay couples would not get over excited like non gay couples that rush the whole marriage thing. Divorce stats are so high it is downright sad and depressing. This of course has nothing to do with wether or not someone is gay, just wether marriage is for love or not. I am pro love, wether gay, straight, or other. :)
If you guys could mention one single reason how gay marriage AFECTS YOU, then I will too have an argument against it. So far, my gay neighbor couple have been the best people around and my children respect them as such. It is not of anyone else's business what goes on behind their walls.
I'm for it and I don't feel like explaining why.
- it saves millions in healthcare, gay couples that are allowed to marry are less likeley to become depressed or suicidal thus saving money and also being more productive citizens as depressed people=poor workers happy people=productive workforce the downside is lots of people bash their bibles and whinge which does get annoying after a while
My point is that people should be able to do whatever they want, but don't flaunt it. Gay people should have their rights too, but don't force the issues, then it makes it difficult for others to see it the their way.
For a moment, I know this is difficult for many, but try to think outside of your own selfish desires, children will be the victims of this counterfeit idea of love and normalcy. Society has yet to reap what will be of the next generation when homosexuality is marketed as just another option. Gay couples are just odd in nature. Oh, the anger, the rage!!! Domestic partnerships weren't enough. Why? They want the word marriage, as if, THEN, everyone would say "oh how good! Oh how wonderful". Happy, Happy! Do I hate gays? No. Let them love one another, but they cannot mandate acceptance. God (oh, there's that God word!) invented marriage. Man is not going to reinvent it. He can try, but it is a facade.
My only argument is... the Bible. Gay marriage? No thanks.
Well I'm for it, like it matters anyway who gets married. Marriage now days seems to never work in the 1st place. So who cares!!
i have no problem with it people should just see 2 people who love each other and be ok with it.
Im actually against gay marriage, i think it should stay traditional, men and women it has been like this and it should stay like this. Im not hating on gays, i actually have some gay friends but it doesnt look right for a gay couple to raise kids, because it will only confuse them when they grow older, they will get that mentality that if they are men they should marry a men vise versa, and of course i agree with one of the ppl here, that sometimes the adoptive kids from gay ppl their kids could actually start hating and they would totally be bullied at school and make fun of because they dont have a 'normal' family. It would be sooo confusing for the child, they sooner or later will be asking, why dont i have a mom or dad just like my friends? So im agains gay marriage thats tooo much already, lets just keep it traditional like it should be.
If anyone would care to argue what decides sexual orientation I would very much appreciate it.
If you don't want gay marriage don't get gay married.
I am against it. Isn't the world messed up enough as it is?
I am against gay MARRIAGE, because marriage has become a religious institution and basically a sacrement. For the government to force the word marriage to describe the union between a homosexual couple would tend to force religious institutions to recognize and condone it. Think of all the law suits that would open up if Bobby and Billy wanted to get married at the church they attend, the 35th Christian Church of Anytown, USA (which for our example is against gay marriage). Bobby and Billy would be upset and feel descriminated against by the church, so they file a suit to force the church to have their marriage ceremony in their sanctuary. The church loses, because eventually the case will come before some liberal court, and then the church is forced by the government to condone something that is against their dogma. The phrase in the Constitution stating that Congress shall make no law establishing a national religion is what is cited as the "Separation Clause" and is cited many times to keep the 10 Commandments and the Bible out of court rooms and Nativity scenes off courthouse lawns, but this would not be considered strong enough by the liberal courts to keep them from meddling in what is accepted by the churches, and would force them to accept something that they are against. I believe that a vast majority of Americans would support legal civil unions between homosexual couples. I am a very conservative person, but I find it totally acceptable, as long as faith based groups are not forced into condoning it or having the ceremonies on their grounds. If a church wishes to allow it, then so be it, but do not force it on people. I think that would be a happy medium for all, but there are too many groups out there that want their way no matter what and don't care about other people's rights. That is what makes this such a hot button issue. Why shove with all your might, when a gentle nudge can get you what you want at it's base? In my state, the homosexual lobby groups pushed full on for marriage and civil unions without regard for the rights of the vast majority, and the vast majority shot the initiative down by better than 35%. Had they asked for legal civil unions, I believe that it would have come much closer to passing or may have passed all together. Change in society takes time, it would have been better for them to lobby for an extra term and then get it on the ballot, but they wanted to force their social ideas on others who did not believe that way, and they failed.
Why not?
Basically, why on earth would you want to create a separate class of people with different civil rights? For all its religious implications, religious sanction, etc., marriage is fundamentally a civil distinction that carries with it a bundle of rights and privileges. If any particular church or religion refuses to accept a same-sex marriage, I can't question that. But as a pure civil rights matter, I'd suggest reading Goodridge v. Mass. Dept. of Public Health, 440 Mass. 309 (2003). There's a reason why the court decided to make its decision effective on the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, and that's because they decided it pretty much on straight-line equal protection grounds. The basic idea is that even if you're gay, you're a person with the same rights as any other person, and although you could establish a parallel civil union, that's more or less a "separate but equal" thing as marriage. All in all a clever strategem -- if you're going to attack the Mass. SJC's reasoning, you have to go after Brown, and nobody (except maybe Clarence Thomas) is going to be dumb enough to do that. Personally, why on earth would I care? It's not as if having the option of marrying a dude is going to make me gay. Maybe this is exactly the thing that scares some opponents of it, but I'm comfortable with my sexual orientation.
Out of curiosity (since I'm a woman), what do you feel that "only a man can teach a man"?
oyvey...gotta stop hitting that answer button by accident...I love gay people...I love straight people...and I love it when they love each other.
As long as I'm not forced to marry a dude, I think there's no reason why it should be illegal.
Everyone should be allowed to get married, religion and government should have nothing to do with each other.
dear snicklefrits4you, if we're a nation founded upon the principles of equality, why should we institute laws forbidding gay marriage just to calm the fears of insecure heterosexuals about homosexuals based on twisted reasoning from scriptures that might or might not have been written by who they claim to be and a couple of old testament lessons from the torah that most jewish folks ignore? there are many many more frightening things than gay marriage. like, sending our kids to fight in wars for which we fabricated evidence to justify further killing. i think bill maher said, why should heterosexuals be the only people tormented with marriage? let homosexuals marry. marriage, gay or straight, has certain advantages, financially, spiritually, interpersonally and ought to be available to anyone sufficiently foolhardy to marry.
The government has no place in people's personal lives and decisions, as long as the government represents itself as a democracy.
marriage is meant for a man and woman
Ok guys, go to wikipedia, enter family values and read about them. Everything there is black on white and explains it all! It doesn't sound like you guys have a family of your own, kinda sound more like a gay and lesbian trying to fit in society to me or to feel accepted!
If two people of the same sex want to get married, let them. The entire seperation of church and state should have stopped the hubub about it long ago.
If you're against gay marriage, then don't marry one.
I won't argue for or against...what is the point? But I will say that what is in the Bible and other Holy books is important to me. I am not saying I am for or against.
I'm for it. Every American has the same right to be happy or miserable as every other American. Marriage is a relationship that can be good or bad, and is nothing more than a deep commitment between two people. Sometimes it falls apart, as represented by over half of all marriages ending in divorce. Some people are against same-sex marriages. Anyone who's been married know that it's always the same sex.
we are all human right? YES!! so we should treat people exactly the same way as we wish to be treated!!! no matter what someones sexually preferences or skin colour is we should all be equal and have equal rights..
I'm all for it, even though everyone in my family including relatives and the whole sha-bang are 100% against it. its ignorant to say they are different because of it. and there has to be a separation of church and state. what it says in the Bible should not interfere with the law.
I'm not against it but..... not all but a good number of Gay men are quite promiscuous and there is going to be a shit load of money made by lawyers.
How we define things will determine how we judge things. If you define a physical non-human as a human you just might kiss it. (Dogs or cats LOVE?) I am not against gay love that is biological, however I am against those who chose the life just for experimentation. Brothers on the-down-low, so called BIIIGGGGG men. Wanna bees! Love on this planet in the true sense, outgoing concern for another so great that one would willingly lay down ones life for the other, is scarce as hens teeth. This kind of love, relationship, is what this planet needs.
For it! :) They have the right to be just as happy as everyone else
I think marriage should be for everyone and not distinguished so much with the term gay in front of it. It's like saying black marriage or white marriage or down syndrome marriage etc. People should be respected and treated equally and if they want to marry its their business.
Love should not be governed.
Argument FOR gay marriage? Probably get a discount on TWO tuxes!
I'm a straight man, and I have it easy in this day and age. I could have been a gay man, and had a hard time being accepted, but I am grateful to have it easy when I know that I could have had it tough. Knowing this, why not support gay peoples' pursuit of happiness and help make their lives easier? I see myself in them too. If I support them I am supporting myself. We are all equal people in this world, even if some people don't see it that way.
I think marriage, whether gay or straight is stupid and should not be recognized by the law. Gay people and straight people should have the same rights, but I think that both should have something like a domestic partnership, instead of marriage, which is an archaic idea derived from religion.
Marriage should be between a man and a woman. I am not opposed to gays having a similar thing to a marriage... just don't call it a marriage... call it a civil union or something else... but the term marriage should be for a man and woman only.
That the issue has become a federal issue. The feds do not have jurisdiction over such matters, as these are state ONLY issues. The fed jumped in on heterosexual marriage also, again the fed has NO jurisdiction in state matters. The constituency needs to REMIND the fed where & what they are ALLOWED to do constitutionally!
nah! sorry do not agree... marriage should be only be between male and female...
Marriage is dying,there are more and more hetrosexual couples living together unwed... So can someone tell me why gays are so insistant on being allowed to marry...I think its just a rebellious thing...
I cannot say whether I am in support of gay marriage or not because honestly I am not in support of any marriage, and I plan never to get married. I support the rights of gay people, though, because I feel they should not be discriminated against. It is sad how people treat gays these days, and it seems gays are not welcome in society. There are being avidly ostracized. Though I am not a prime advocate of their ability to marry, I feel they should have the same rights as married couples. So many gay couples come together in love and utmost respect with the willingness to start a family and raise a child. What's wrong with having two mommies? What's wrong with having two daddies? What's wrong with thinking it is okay? I grew up with just one mother who was domineering. My father was never around, and the step-father I had for several years of my life was so laissez-faire he could hardly be considered a parent. It's not about the people who raise you, it's about what the people raise you to be. My mother taught my sister and I to stay away from boys. She discouraged male friends probably because she didn't want us going wild and having children. She discouraged close relationships, and was very wary of friendships with males. While my older sister loved our biological father as a child, spent more time around him (my mom tells me I never liked being around my dad), and defied my mother's authority when it came to male friends, I followed closely with what I was taught, grew up apprehensive and sometimes even frightened of men, and today find it difficult to nurture relationships with them. A gay couple, possibly more than a straight couple, will raise a child to love despite the walls put up by society. A gay couple will very likely love and accept their child despite their downfalls, and won't ostracize them based on who they are. A gay couple will be more inviting and careful in their teachings, and I doubt they will raise a child with the hopes of him being gay (whereas a straight couple hopes for a straight child).
If you are in a stable loving relationship and you want to make it offical i don't see anything wrong with anyone getting married gay/trans or whatever. Love is love
love should not be confined to a gender pairing.
I think ALL marraige is wrong. What right does the government have to require two people to include the law in their family? In order to recieve certain benefits, in order for you to be truly together in the eyes of the government, you have to include the law. That's bull.
I support straight but marriage is the last step in a relationship to prove to eachother how committed you are to one another. I dont think it should matter if you're the same straight and i support gay marriage =D
Gay marriage should be allowed because love is love no matter how you look at it and gays should be allowed to have children because they can provide for it and love it possibly more than a straight couple could. The main reason gays want to get married is so that they have the same rights as straight couples do. Example if a gay person's partner goes into the hospital they can be denied seeing the person and sent away but if it was a straight couple they couldn't do that if they were married.
Marriage is textbook man and woman. I have no problem with gay people and their ventures. Live and let live, but I can't rewrite the rules, they're already stretched far enough.
it's cool with me
No argument at all. Human rights are human rights pure and simple; don't you think
What I find to be funny is that everyone that apposes gay-mar turned to religion. I mean you know how long the bible has been around? When Mark Anthony was in power in Rome he had a council of philosophers gather around and discus what they liked and didn't like about the bible. Like any one can imagine, some one who's in POWER has his hands on this book... this book has also been through the hands of many people who were in power and LIKE Mark Anthony they probably took out a lot of crap and put in there own crap. Now here's the real question: Why the hell would any one trust a book like this? How can it still be considered the word of God when it's been cut and pasted so many fsking times?
Who does it hurt? They're adults. And all adults should be entitled to the same adult privileges.
Adam & Eve NOT Adam & Steve.
I have neither. I am not gay. As long as no gay is adamant about marrying me, I am not concerned about it!
I think many people have a problem with the word marrige, I believ that gay couples should have the sam e perks that married couples have, but I just have a hard time calling it marrige. Civil union??
People talk about religion in marriage, name one that condones marriage between the same sex, islam jew catholic, morman ,hindu, budda, ect, what needs to be done is that a civil union between 2 people should be aloud and then fight the government for civil union rights to coincide with marriage rights for tax reasons, isn't that what it is all for, a tax deduction. My experience with the gays is disgusting. but if that is what the want ,fine do not put it in my face, How are they going to explain this to the children
I believe that a gay couple should have the same rights as married couple, but I agree with a lot of people on here it should be called something different. I am not for being gay, but I believe everyone should have there freedom of rights. I believe people should do what they want to do, it isn't my business.
I believe what they do is absolutely none of my business.
Ok this is funny how i come across this question because i'm suppose to present a persuasive paper on this yea i beieve that gay marriage should be legal. why not? ok you deny US for marriage it wont kill the relationship, we would just continue to go on with life as the straight people.marrige is just a title. now u can take it even futher by getting rings or tattos or other methods people use as they engage in "holy matrimony" it only gives you a sense of commitment to the person. now people want to always invole children in this situation. i have numerous friends who are lesbian and gay who have had children and as the children grow up they are aware they have two fathers or two mother then the children are explained what being gay is why there is the same gender living together. the kids grow up fine its a certain way a situation has to be addressed. because a child grows up in a house wit the same gender parent doesnt mean the children will become this way too so untrue. i have friends who are straight but parents are gay its not a bad thing. and i wwonder if some one could answer my question is it hypocritical for guys to love bisexuals because they are "hot" and not like lesbian because they wont have sex with them? lol just think if gay marriage become legalized who would it really hurt will economy change? no stock market crash? no shortage on food? no oh i got a good warming?? terroist will attack? hell no so why is it so bad?it doenst hurt me nor my family or friend gay or straight so why you?
I am against it
for everyone should he able to get marreid if they want to
It will open the flood gates to other perversions such as making bestiality legal!
I honestly think if two people love and care about each other, they should be able to marry. What does it hurt me if they chose to commit to each other forever? I am straight and I don't hear any homosexual people telling my fiancé and I that we shouldn't get married because we are straight. What gives straight people the right to judge? And if some people want to bring "God" into this...well go back and read your bible and understand that no one's business is for your judgment! If you want to believe that those who are homosexual will go to "hell" because of whom they love or what they want to do with their bodies then keep it to yourself, or you are contradicting what your god wants you to do.
NO ONE wakes up one day and decides to be gay. Its the way you are; and you are aloud to be your individual self. If you're gay, you're gay. Lets just let people love freely and live happily.
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