Depends, how long did you have sex? ;)
Depends on if you enjoyed it
With an imaginary baby, no less?
Call your imaginary doctor. Ask the dr. about an imaginary pregnancy test. Get some imaginary blood drawn and get it sent to the imaginary lab. In a few imaginary days you should get an imaginary answer. Keep us posted (imaginarily of course).
Don't worry, you can garnish his imaginary wages, for child support.
I dated my imaginary friend for three years. Now she won't speak to me because I started to have imaginary threesomes. We had an invisible baby, but I refused to pay child support and she took off on me. I'm a little broke up just talking about it. Yes, you are probably pregnant, and don't make the mistake I made, or you might just lose your imaginary friend forever. : (
Nah ... never pregnant that way. That's what's great about imaginary friends: no pregnancies. no divorces, no alimony ... just good moments from time to time.:)
well, of course. I had a hysterectomy and I am pregnant. The magic 8 ball said so. You will have imaginary twins.. a boy and a girl.. so start shopping and coming up with names.
That's what Eve did to get us into this mess in the first place.
If you are there's a 50/50 chance that your child will be imaginary!
in your imaginary world
It depends entirely on the gender and species of your imaginary friend. Keep us posted!
I sure hope not! What if his imaginary wife finds out?!?! This could become quite the imaginary scandle that all of the imaginary neighborhood will be imaginarily gossiping about! I feel sorry for the imaginary munchkin when he/she is imaginarily born! Especially when the poor kid gets older and starts going to imaginary school with all of his/her imaginary friends whose imaginary parents may have told about this imaginary affair! I really wish you would have considered the imaginary consequences of your imaginary actions with your imaginary friend!
Yea, did you tell you imaginary friend. But in reality NO YOUR NOT PREGNANT.
Depends did you use imaginary protection ;)
LMMFAO!! I'm speechless!
yes i believe so... but the child will only be half imaginary...
oh yes...
Yes you can imaginary friend and I have had 3 children so far and I'm expecting my 4th.
yeah if u live in cuckoo land
Yes, you could soon have imaginary babies
no, because how can you get preagnent if your talking to someone who realy there? imaginary friend or not go see a imaginary doctor.............
Be thankful for your blessings. Imaginary babies are the very best kind... ;~)
Are you serious? lol You should go to the imaginary doctor and see what the imaginary test says. Look like you might imaginarly be pregant. You are going to have to get imaginary child support after all. Then after its all said and done you should go see an imaginary shrink.
umm im a lil lost on this question.
no cause he wasnt real
Only if it was your imaginary brother.
Ice man
...And only if they used an imaginary condom, and it broke. Imagine that ! -
we are dough 68
Oh yes I am. I am.
No. But you now have gonorrhea.
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