• Nah that's self defense! Intruders usually wish to cause harm, they aren't intruding out of the goodness of their hearts. That intruder is probably trying to kill the homeowner so its better to be safe than sorry and kill that mofo crackhead before they shoot/stab/rape/torture you dead.
  • No i dont.
  • I believe it only is considered a crime if the intruder leaves and dies, though even that may be changing now. And no... "Trespassers will be shot".
  • No..a homeowner has the right to protect not only themselves, but their home.
  • killing a home invader should only be "allowed" when the persons life is threatened. if the intruder is a 15 year old with only a screwdriver to jimmy the lock, then there is no reason to kill him. but if the intruder has a gun, and the homeowner has a family to protect, and if there is not a safe exit, then shoot to kill.
  • I thought a homeowner couldn't use more force than the intruder is equipped with unless the homeowner thought his life was in danger?
  • I classify that under a D.S.A.F.(Did Society A Favor). Not only would I kill them, I'd probably drop them off the end of the pier at the back of our building wearing a pair of cement guloshes. This is NYC, after all.
  • No. I live in Texas and I own a gun. I would shoot an intruder if necessary.
  • Absolutely not. I am a mother who will protect her children at any cost to anyone doing anything stupid that they KNOW they should not be doing in MY home... and I can shoot better than most men. Don't say I didn't warn you.
  • Nope, in Texas you do not get charged with any crime if you kill an intruder. It's your right and privledge (sp) to protect your property.
  • No, it shouldn't. You don't know the intruders intentions until it's to late. I have two young children in my home. If a criminal comes into my home I'm not going to wait and see if he's there for the china or my children. I'll shoot first and ask questions later.
  • absolutely not. the 2nd amendment should be used to protect the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and property.
  • Yes it should be considered a crime for a home owner to intentionally kill an intruder,especially if the intruder is unarmed.
  • the second amendment provides the right to own a weapon. (but not if obama has his way) We have the right to defend our property and families if they are in peril
  • I personally don't give a damn if a bunch of irresponsible and antisocial bleedin' hearts have passed some God-forsaken law that says I can't kill intruders in my own home. They come here, they dead ... period!
  • Hell no. You break into someone's house you need to expect hell to follow you! A man or woman has a basic right to defend their family and/or property from any invasion.
  • No way.
  • What would everyone do if the intruder was trying to surrender (or running away)? Would you still shoot him? (I'm conflicted about that one.)
  • nope. and to be fair, i have put up warning signs.
  • It depends on the circumstances. You have a right to self defense.
  • In Pennsylvania, it is a crime to kill a criminal even if he points a gun at you, PA law says that you must retreat if possible. In other words, if you hear someone breaking in your house, you must run away, out the back door, or whatever. I've seen this over and over and it just sucks. I have a sign on my door that says "tresspassers will be shot", and they will be. I will just have to get rid of the evidence so i don't go to prison. Evwery day now, since the economy has gotten bad, i hear burglaries on the scanner. It's getting real bad and they are keeping most of them out of the news to keep people from panicing.
  • Chances are the person breaking in doesn't want to kill you. If he is armed or if after warning them they don't leave then yes I think you have the right to use force. But just because u think your being a hero or a tough guy? Get a dog or an alarm system.
  • In Florida if you intrude into my house I can legally kill you once you cross the threshold of my front door. Having said that... I would not shoot someone for breaking through my front door. (it could be the police with a wrong address on a warrant. It's happened here.) I would shoot anyone that breaks through my front door and intends to do bodily harm to me or mine. Or even scares me into thinking they would. (It's not a good idea to scare a military veteran.)
  • Assuming this is a deliberate act and not an accident whilst trying to control the situation: Morally speaking, reasonable force to defend your property should not extend to murder. Defending yourself, once threatened or attacked, is a different matter - that's the only time it could be OK to my mind. To even begin to come up with a yes or no answer, I'd need to know the definition of an intruder. I mean, if you're talking about girl guides or the Avon lady.....
  • In the UK it is only considered a crime if the homeowner is considered to have used excessive force. This was exemplified in a case a few years back when a farmer shot and killed an intruder into his home. The intruder was a sixteen year old boy, and the farmer shot him in the back as he was trying to escape. Some people over here regard this man as some kind of martyr, but to me his crime was simple murder.
  • By definition intruder is unwelcome person who intrudes our home by force entry or entry without consent with bad intention.Its just bad luck for him if he's being killed in your self defense.It can never be a crime for protecting your family,yourself and your property.
  • Only if they are trying to hurt you or your family. If they are running away, let them, don't shoot them in the back or try and fight them.
  • Hell no! I refuse to live under that yoke. A man has to draw the line somewhere, legal or not!
  • A few years ago in England, there was a farmer called Tony Martin. His house was being burgled for the umpteenth time, and he killed the 16 year old robber by shooting him. However his lawyer's plea for clemency (as he was only protecting his property) fell on the juror's / judge's deaf ears. As the theif was shot in the back, it was deemed that Martin could not cry self - defence. He got 4 years in prison. The nation was in uproar I can tell thee. I think the crime should be classed as manslaughter / second - degree homicide with extenuating circumstances, not murder, as there was no premeditation on the home - owner's part. I'm not too sure it should go unpunished altogether. Consider this, all someone would have to do is lure a hated rival / enemy on to their property and then pull the trigger, jobs a good 'un. When questioned all they would have to say is that they were being burgled by an intruder. Having said that I did have sympathy for Martin though.
  • Yes, but only if it's obviously not in self-defense.
  • Legal or not, you threaten my family's safety in my home your done............
  • no its self-defense if they are trying to violate ur rights and u kill them in the process they deserved it, at least in my book
  • It depends on the circumstances. Sometimes it may have some merit. Other times I see it as being completely justified.
  • It depends what the intruder was doing. In threatening the home owner and/or family - of course not. But if unthreateningly trying to pinch valuables, yes. It is not intrusion that makes violence justifiable, it is threats. If someone threatens your life or health anywhere, you are entitled to self defence. But you are no more entitled to kill someone who is *just* stealing your property than shops are to shoot shoplifters or restaurants to kill those who leave without paying.
  • I think it entirely depends on the circumstances. The most famous case recently in the UK is the case of Tony Martin. The Norfolk farmer who shot a traveller boy in the back with a shotgun as he was trying to exit Mr Martin's house. He got convicted & imprisoned, which in my opinion was correct.
  • It could not be murder because there is no premeditation on the part of the home owner. He could be charged for man slaughter unless he could plead self defence in the court of law. The intruder must be up to no good but we still need to recognize the sanctity of a human life.
  • No, barring extreme circumstances(ie; taking potshots at your neighbor's house then ducking into your own).
  • No, it should not. The homeowner is only protecting himself, his family as well as his home. Nowadays, an intruder can and alot of the time a murderer himself.
  • Fourteen states have passed laws that give more access to the legal use of deadly force when someone intrudes into a home. (mostly southern and midwestern states) You simply need to know the law in your state. Even in the states where the use of deadly force is not always permitted where there is an intrusion, if you feel that the intruder is threatening the safety of you or your family you may use deadly force. The ironic thing is that most anyone who finds someone climbing into a window during the night is going to feel threatened. You can simply call the police department; they will be happy to explain your right to use deadly force in the home intrusion scenario.
  • this type of murder can b eaisily transformed to self-defence
  • No Never. If the crime is considered in self defense only
  • Enter my home without permission. I'll shoot. Who wants to take chances. You break in--you put your life at risk.
  • No, absolutely not. Just like the vast majority of those posting answers for this question, intruding into someone's home is crossing the line and we (homeowners) should be able to have the "upper hand" in situations like that. These local and state governments are there to protect US from harm, not tie our hands behind our backs if harm comes towards us. PA and all other states that would consider disallowing a homeowner to protect his/her family should have their halls of government swept clean!
  • NOT in MY book ..... and ... IF I was on a jury; I'd find the person "Not Guilty" of killing someone who was illegally in their home .... +5
  • Yes, and no. A police officer can't shoot a person speeding in a car or a jay-walker on the street. He can only take violent messures if the suspect commits one first. If the intruder has a gun and you can see it, shoot him. If he advances to strike at you, shoot him. But if he turns tail, call the cops, don't shoot the poor bastard, and buy better protection for your house, he shouldn't have found a way in the first time.
  • If a person breaks into your home at night, while you and your family peacefully sleep in your beds, you are at risk, anything can happen--including rape and murder. You are obligated to protect yourself and, more important, your family. Do not wait to see what the intruder has on his mind. SHOOT--if you have a gun, and shoot to kill.
  • No, they should NOT be there in the first place.

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