I do not. But only because... what is that? EDIT! Oh! That's what it is! I love it!
Its the artistic technique of a bunch of on picture:)
Pointillism is awesome, I love it. Hey look, dots...waiiiittt a minute here, these dots are a PICTURE. That's what goes through my head.
You're so funny?
In Pointiwho?
Yes, actually. I find it fascinating. Technically, every photograph, comic book, etc. uses pointillism to trick us into thinking we're seeing "something". It's just a bunch of dots. I feel the same way about mosaics as well.
Photographs on film do not technically use dots as digital does, but who uses film anymore? But, without pointillism, we wouldn't have JPGs.
Yes, I appreciate it very much. I like Seurat.
Not only do I like looking at it, I like doing it.
My LCD uses pointillism. Sure, I like looking at nudes on my computer screen.
I like some of it. Often it looks too hard-edged for me. Yet I've seen some very beautiful paintings done in that style. I'm an impressionist so I do paint in touches of color. I have thought about experimenting with the tip of an eraser (like on a number 2 pencil) and doing an entire painting in small dots with the eraser. I like this person's work:
Yes, I thought that was a dying art. glad to hear it is not.
Like Seurat, Yes.
No, I don't like it or Impressionism. I prefer more realistic paintings.
ive never seen artwork done like that
You have probably seen Seurat's painting of people in Victorian dress in a park along a river "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte"
No, I do not. There is no good reason for such a style to exist. It just carries Impressionism to its conclusion.
never seen any
No, I do not. Pointillism is not Fine Art.
No, I do not. Modern Art is more the work of con artists than skillful painters. Pointillism is the expected ultimate type of Impressionism. Salvador Dali the Spanish Surrealist said that Impressionism is a poor solution to a non-existent problem. All areas of civilization experience highs and lows, including Painting. Painting reached its zenith in the Baroque Period. Now, we are in another Dark Ages in painting. Dali said that one drop of Jan Vermeer van Delft's divine pigment is worth much more than all of the paintings made since his time.
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