heating with an acquaintance category
Posted by Jenny The Great ⭐ some time ago
Why do people cheat to win?
Posted by Mom89 some time ago
This morning I dropped my husband off at work and when he pulled money out of his wallet a condom fell out of his pants pocket Immedialety I assumed the worst and he was swearing up down he did not know where it came from. We dont use them its been 10 years without them but He is always home never goes anywhere At All!!! He works the same hours everyday comes home on time I been looking in his phone I find nothing at all. Im so upset I dont want to hear anything I feel like there has to be a reason he has one. How can that even be explained hands down i feel like hes either cheating or is thinking about it! He always says the right thing but i havent caught him doing anything thats out of the norm!! Now he is at work im home and he has all day to come up with some damn story! I dont have anyone to express this to and need someone to vent to and tell me whats the best way to go about this. We have 4kids and i dont want to jump to concluisions to fast because i always do that
Posted by Possum some time ago
My married pool guy is sleeping with both my wife and my live in. Is it cheating since he gives me a 25% discount on chemicals?
Posted by Anonymous some time ago
My girlfriend still has the phone number of a guy she used to sleep with in her phone. She also looks at his Facebook page often. Also she is constantly going through my phone and giving me shit for innocent messages from female friends is she cheating?
Posted by Anonymous some time ago
My fiancee befriends guys so I try to take it in stride. When she left this morning on some errands I had the feeling she was actually dropping by someone's apt, so I dropped by and she was there. His face was very red and her sweater was off. Paranoia?
Posted by Unspeakable some time ago
My boyfriend spent the night at my friends house, and I found out that her boyfriend wasn't there and that they slept in the same room. When I questioned them they had different stories. Is it likely that my boyfriend cheated on me?
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