Yes, live :(
As it happened. I had just got back from my run when they broke in with news that the first plane had hit. I remember at first they were saying it was a small commuter plane.
I was still in bed when it started, my neighbor called me. I saw the second tower fall live.
I saw both of them fall cause my mom called me when the plane hit, so we turned on the TV. A few minutes later the first one fell.
That day I saw everything live after the first hit. I was in absolute disbelief and shock.
Living on the west coast I was still asleep at the time. I was woken up by a call on my answering machine from my mom who said that she was given the day off because of 'what was going on in the news'. Immediatly I got up and turned on the TV, thinking that a bomb or something had gone off in downtown Portland, or something... The first image I saw was an aerial view of the twin towers billowing smoke. Yet the news bulletin at the bottom of the screen said 'both world trade center towers collapsed'. Major confusion.
As it happened. I had just told someone that the towers could not possibly fall. :(
Live :(:(:(
I saw it on tv as it was happening and I was in shock. I remained glued to the coverage all day.
i watched it as it happened on the news, it was horrible.
I was at work, I did not see it until I got home that evening.
I was watching CNN as the towers fell.
live after the first hit my mom woke me up telling me to come to her room she went to the rest room real quickly and in that few minutes the second plane hit i didn't really get it at first but when she came out i told her a plane hit the towers she said "i know" and i said "no, another one hit" then my sisters came in it was kinda calm
I saw both of them fall. I had been up all night working and got home to see the breaking news. I never went to sleep that day and went back to work that night.
Yes I saw them fall on Sky News,and it was a terrible sight to see.
Live from my Jr High History class on the TV :(
I saw it on the TV live. I Live within half hour of the city and on some hills i can see the skyline. i could see the thick smoke clouds on those hills. Later that night we could smell the affects.
I'm really not sure, I just know that I was absolutely horrified.
I saw both the towers fall live on TV. I was getting ready to start my second hour class and the whole class was in an uproar when my teacher tried to turn off the TV. Everyone in my school was in a state of total and utter shock(other than that teacher who didn't think it relevant to class because we weren't in history class but French class).
I didn't see the first one fall, but my class was watching the TV as the second one did. My principal came into the classroom and said that my teacher would lose his job if he didn't turn off the TV and my teacher yelled "You can fire me, but you are NOT making these kids miss the biggest history lesson they will ever experience." Long story short, he didn't get fired :] Mr. Richter is awesome!!
I saw them fall live on TV. I started watching before the second plane hit. Before it was really clear it wasn't just an accident.
Saw the 2nd plane hit on tv but just saw replays of the first.
i saw it live and thought it was a movie.
i saw them collapse at work
As it happened, I was getting ready for work and watching the Today show.
i think when it just hit, it was in cali..
As it happened.
I saw them fall live, I still have shivers just thinking about it. Very terrifying and hearbreaking day.
I was watching the Today show when the first plane hit and saw the second plane hit. I watched all day long never leaving the TV as I was in near shock.
the first on replay and when the second one hit I thought I was watching replay again but sadly.....
I saw both of them fall. It looked absolutely NOTHING like a controlled demolition, AND WTC 7 was severely damaged by the north tower.
I was there in NYC when it happened, everybody was getting paranoid of attacks on other towers too.
I saw both towers get hit and fall as it happened. I was watching the news.
I saw the second tower fall live but the first one I saw on replay.
I saw the towers fall as it happened, on TV. It was with most of my high school class, after the first tower was hit, and we were all horrified.
Replay.. It was a horrible sight.... That will be a day that I never forget!! 9/11/01
What I remember my dear folks is actually watching folks jumping.....I thought: Whatever is happening inside the Towers has got to be the most horrific situation that folks would actually make the choice to jump to their deaths rather then "submit" to what was going on inside the was not only a day from hell but weeks, months, and years to follow the most sickening day I have ever experienced in my life.
I watched it live on TV.
I saw the second tower falling on TV....
on live tv
As it happened. In fact, I saw the second plane hit live. My husband and I had turned on the morning news just as the first hit was being reported, so we continued to watch through the morning.
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