That steams me everywhere!
Yes I do and will say thank you that is quite alright very sweetly. Dripping with sarcasm to let them know what i think of their appalling manners.
I dont get angry, usually. I get more "annoyed" when people sit their carts in the middle of the isle, so no one can walk by. I get annoyed when people line up in a straight line across the isle, then lolligag their way through the store. I get annoyed when people in front of me are stop-go stop-go. Or people that do sudden 180's in the isle without even looking behind them, or next to them People really need to apply the standard rules of the road to navigating a store. I dont know why they dont. My dad even says "beep beep" in stores
Who gets mad shit happens and most the time it isnt intentional
I generally kick them in the knee.
It irks me, yes. Then I get in a bad mood and forget what I need and go home pissed. It's not pretty.
Yes, then we Bum rush'em
No anger but I do think they are rude or careless and not brought up properly by their parents lol!
YES. I have some major "don't enter my personal space" issues with strangers!!
not angry, but I might give them a withering glance.
I have to admit I do think it's incredibly rude. And it's been happening so often that I usually say quite loudly 'Well excuuuuse me!'.
Ya, I usually say something like "Hey, don't mind me" or "Obviously you've got somewhere to be" but funnily enough, they never respond, just single mindedly go about their introverted business.
Not only does it make me angry. I tell them so! How rude!!!
Sometimes, but I'm so polite *I* usually apologize like I was in their way. lol
Yeah, I get really mad. Of course my husband says I have a "short fuse" anyway, hahaha:) It does bother me, I feel like knocking them down.
I don't get angry, but I hate when that happens...
How I feel - and what I do - is very dependent on how I'm doing that day - literally. Didn't used to be that way - I was who I was. Now, "I am", still - but I'm not as fearless. I have disability issues now. I've had someone crash into me - I've gone flying - and who can be angry at that point? I'm scared because I can't just "recover" like I used to. By the time I got or get it together .,.. can already tell what kind of person did it. If they stuck around and were concerned or if they took off lickedy split or just stood there and cracked up. I've had all those. The guy who laughed was actually saying "I'm sorry" as he LAUGHED as I'm trying to upright myself. Nope. Wasn't amused. AFTER the fact, I've gotten mad - thinking about the sheer insensitivity of some folks - not just bad manners - but can actually physically harm me - or others with disabilities - or an elderly person. Yikes. On the other hand, I've aldo just sluffed it off. (Usually on a day I'm doing better physically) Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the degree of vulnerability can drive what my or anyone's emotional response might be .. and which is safe to show. :) I'm much more likely to give "the look" to someone who does that to someone ELSE. (Then I go try to help the person. Much better place to put the energy than into that rude person) I go right into "protect mode" if they are one of the "at risk", vulnerable folks. So who's got some kind of something we can just add to the drinking water that gives every human being an instant awareness "and value of" .. common courtesy? lol
Yes, it irritates me to know end, when people are rude. I turn around and say, Excuse you!!!
Actually, I don't..what I do feel is very sorry for such a person and very grateful that isn't me. Such people are clearly unhappy, miserable and self-involved. Who wants to go through life like that? So just be grateful and move on..that's what I do! :)
Anger no irritation at their lack of manners yes.
Over it...learned I wasted too much energy on idiots, educated derelicts, and just plain uncivilized fools. They don't get it!
No, it's typical behavior in New York. It's almost expected.
I don't get angry, I just think it's incredibly rude and it annoys me. I also love the people yo hold the door open for don't say thank you. Do I look like their personal doorman? Grrrr.
Angry, no. Well, a little bit. I usually say it for them... "Well, excuse you", and about 1/2 the time, loud enough for them to hear... My wife shushes me when I do. And I wonder... I wonder at their lack of manners... I wonder if their parents taught them that way, or they decided they didn't need to be polite once they moved out of their parents' home... I wonder if they'd ever apologize to their own family for bumping them... I wonder why people are like that...
hello,well not angry enough to say a few explitives,but a nice angry look shot at them is enough,ive had an obese woman step on my foot while i was on a train once,no even a blink from her!
yes it gets kind of annoying but i think the worse is when older women run into you with carts....then look at you like your nuts when you say thanks....(sorry im kind of a smartass lol)
Not so much angry, but i let them know that they are ignorant if they do bump into me and don't excuse themself, i will say to them yeah excuse you!!!!
i might but that dont usually happen to me
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