• No, stupidity in itself is not a sin. Since Adam and Eve sinned, mankind has lost perfection. Certainly stupidity is a sign of imperfection. Following a stupid course may lead one to an act of sinning though.
  • Its not a sin. It's hard for for some people to forgive this because they're blind to it in themselves. We all do stupid things, have stupid thoughts, and so forth. Self-awareness tends to produce a certain spirit of generosity that allows people to forgive things like this more readily.
  • Sins tend to be things we choose to do or feel - such as killing , lying, stealing, committing adultery, envying, taking the Lord's name in vain, etc. You can only forgive others for what they do, not for what they are; you couldn't forgive someone for having Down's Syndrome, for instance, because that's not something they chose to have. That said, doing stupid things is not the same as being stupid. We choose our behaviour; don't let anyone tell you that they don't have any control and that anything they did was because 'I couldn't help myself.' Temptation is what that's about, not total lack of control. -- The Christian Bible is not a medical text, concerned with what we would today consider to be biological facts (or theories.) It documents the relationship(s) that a certain group of people had with the entity that they considered divine. I wouldn't even try to get into a debate or discussion that would triangulate the Jewish/Christian faith, late 20th century psycho-physiology and any divine/creation power.
  • I like what Forest Gump's momma said, "Stupid is as stupid does." The book of Proverbs describes the fool not as a person who lacks intelligence, but as one who ignores, shuns, and avoids wisdom. He is also the person who knows the right thing to do and willfully rejects it. Stupid is in a stupor, a dazed state of uncaring and inattention. Sins are choices. Given that information, if a person chooses to do what is wrong, unwise, or hasty, stupidity could be a sin. Lack of knowledge or intelligence in and of itself would not be. Either way, as is true of all matters of judgement, only God really knows.
  • I think that very few people are actually "stupid" most of us are just intellectually lazy...and laziness IS a sin. ;) Also, it makes people feel better about themselves to point out other people's faults.
  • Yes, stupidity is a sin. It involves refusal to consider the relevant facts and refusal to make the effort to think and analyze. A stupid person is lazy, irresponsible, and is guided by his whims, feelings, cultural conditioning and neurotic predispositions instead of facts, logic and moral principles. A stupid person wants to do whatever he wants to do and he wants YOU to pick up after him and solve the problems he creates. In essence, stupid people are parasites. That's why it is so hard to forgive them. It is a sin they refuse to give up. I am not of course, speaking of people with Down's and the like. They are innocent. So there is nothing to forgive in such people since they have done no wrong.
  • To too many people, stupidity is a religion. And they want to be prophets.
  • It is not a is a punishment..on everyone who isn't.
  • 2-20-2017 Sin, singular, is the absence of spirit. Sins, plural, are mistakes such as throwing a dart and missing the mark. Stupidity is not a sin, it is somebody's opinion. It is an accusation made up to make you think you are unworthy to be saved. The book of Romans carefully explains that sins don't count any more. Either you believe in Jesus and are saved, or you don't believe and are lost. Read a chapter of Proverbs every day. Proverbs has 31 chapters so you can keep your place by just looking at a calendar. There is no religion or nothing in Proverbs and you don't have to believe anything. Just read every day. When you are comfortable with that, then read the bible from Romans to 2 Thessalonians over and over until you start to remember what it says. That is the part that applies to Christians. You will notice that most of the religious crap you hear from random preachers isn't in there at all. It is made up.

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