Vindictive bastard
Power-tripping bitch.
Coked up, non listener, bad communicator, in way over his head, put the responsibility on others, guy.
'Prick' yo...
Family :)
Twisted and Self-Loathing Cunt
Unethical pig.
degrading, sexual advances that were not welcome, pervert.
self righteous, domineering, snob
Fault-finder and sex maniac.
Cheap alcoholic nutjob...
Life sucking she bitch!!!!
drinking during work.
A Jerkoff.
Condescending cliquey abusive bitch.
Arrogantly ignorant. :)
F@*!&# asshole
Cheap bitch.
A liar who put her own job before her own ethics.
I haven't had a real terrible boss yet I thought they all did an awesome job! I have nothing but kind words for my previous bosses. *Edited* response a bit too in depth :O
Fat, screaming Jabba the Hut.
Thick slimey dickhead.
Deserves to be in HELL
arrogant, backstabbing, immature.
hypocritical with double standards concerning me vs the other employee. liar.
Never had a boss but a coworker. He was absolutely ignorant and brain dead. Regards.
She wanted everyone to be as miserable as she was with her life.
arrogant, cocky, hard-headed, power-tripping asshole.
myself, real slave driver
A future murderer.
mind game playing, vindictive, control freak
I will just repeat the previous answer: bitch, insecure, bullie. She was awful. I used to come home every day crying my eyes out.
egotistical prick
hypocritical b****
controlling bitch =]
F*CK HEAD! Thats the only way to explain him!
Queen Bee Syndrome!!!!!
Manipulative whorish cows... They shouldnt be allowed work live with or be near anything or ANYONE!
Pedophile. I'm pretty sure it doesn't get worse.
my mother
Angry jerk.
She was a drunk. while at work.
lights on - nobody home
Cheap SOB
Horrific witch.
Phony, gutless asskisser...who ultimately got fired. Bad boss...Happy ending. :-)
moody,camp,sarcastic and a slave driver.
Gossip monger, two faced, sneaky, trouble maker.
Political game-playing vain status-conscious a*hole.
Slime ball!
under-qualified..just live to to see her rein end...
Blaming, selfish, unreasonable, hateful
Sexually harrassing love-me-do who thought his porsche made up for his lack of personality (his poor wife!) :)
Underqualified, unscrupulous control-freak I'll never forget her. She was a corporate secretary to a defense contractor and also VP of administration. I'll never forget her. She had been the company founders actual secretary. The story around the water cooler was that she had lied under oath to support her boss in his first big government contract deal. He had been a corporate VP for another contractor and had used information his secretary obtained for him to underbid the original company and thus form his own business with the winning of this multi-million $ government contract. She was rewarded with the title "corporate secretary" and VP Admin. Emily Frady, you will never be forgotten.
Yes, an old guy back in the early 90s, Mr. Allen. The bastard used to refer to the women in the office as 'cunts' and men as 'assholes.' He also had other choicey words for describing each employee individually. He used to scream, belittle and degrade everybody equally. Some people were afraid of him, some just hated him, I thought he was going to cause someone to go postal on the job. To add insult to injury, everyday, he would detail the lavish meals he had the night before, all on taxpayers' money. Of course, this man was none other than someone appointed by the government, more specifically, the RTC (Resolution Trust Corp.) to desmantle, squander, steal and destroy the assets of the bank where I worked at the time and a fine job of that he did and then some! That's how government works even at its lowest levels, wonder what it like in the White House? Sorry, I know this was long but this couldn't be told in a few words
- to see the day her rein ends.. Fox700
Unbalanced, inconsistant, plays favorites
Back stabbing S.O.B.
Cheap Ass, Unfair, Lieing, Manipulative, Useless Piece of Skin who Worked Employees Until Their Home Lives Suffered, and then "Unintentionally" Misclassified them in Order to Deny them the Overtime they were Rightfully Owed. Sorry that is the absolute least I can say. I could write a book.....
thought she was mother mary, believed any story anyone gave her, and hated me for reasons unknown. im so glad i quit. :)
inhuman smegma
Abrasive freak
sorry for vulgarity..but the first thing that came to mind was "MOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKING ASSHOLE"..that felt good...
Utter cunt.
A total hypocritical, narcistic, control freak.
Not much of a boss because he preferred to source information on me from my junior staff as well as being racialist in his attitude.
Two faced
Multiple personalities!
Answer = A...
As inspirational as a microwave dinner.
unbeleavably disconnected from the real world, completely desolved in the flow of profit and blind to anything other than work, Fewer words? waste of good oxygen
"She's just anxious to retire, soon!!"
Lazy Bitch
Satan's sidekick.
sexist pig
Close-minded, racist, bitch.
That's hard. Arrogant, rigid and unfair
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