• Hopefully the killer would be tried and convicted of murder if it wasn't self defense or something. Thanks for the question, it made me laugh. Possible answers: 1) You are a solipsist: the other solipsist and his killer were both figments of your imagination. 2) You don't believe in absolute truth: well, maybe he died in your reality, but he wasn't killed in mine. 3) You live in the real world: a person is now dead whether he believed it possible or not.
  • That person would be charged with triple murder. 1. murder of the mind 2. murder of the creations of mind 3. murder of the ego. We do know the solipsist did not know the killer. The solipsist would never have recognised the danger. Perhaps the killer didn't exist or was a solipsist too. What a dilemma that would be - two dead solipsists! Oh my, Nancy Grace wouldn’t know whom to blame.

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