open your windows and doors and hope it flies out.
We can't stop here! This is bat country!
Throw a baseball at it.
They sleep during the day. catch it while it is sleeping. let it go they eat mosquitoes.
Butcher it horribly with a knife or you could just fling open the door and chase it out.
Open a window in one room, try to get the bat to go that direction and close the door after it enters. That's all I can think of, absent a bottle of "Bat-B-Gone"!
I've always whacked em with a tennis racket.
interesting, we dont have bats here, but open the windows and doors and he will probably fly out ! ( one hopes)
This is the perfect opportunity to have some fun and pretend you're The Joker. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Oh my goodness! That sounds quite exciting! Well, "Bats usually roost in dark, quiet, enclosed spaces where they are least likely to be disturbed by predators or inclement weather." So you may want to get lights on in your house, make lots of noise, and things like that. Hopefully try to force it out a window or door if possible. If not, you may want to get a professional service to help you with that.
i was thinking get your broom and chase it to a door or window or just swing like playing baseball. you will stun it so that you can sweep it out the door.
Refer to the movie "The Great Outdoors".
Use a badminton racquet, you can swing them much faster than a tennis racquet.
It's 10:30 PST, so it is even later out there. I hope your husband came to rescue you. I would have died if that happened to me. I have no advise to offer, but I really hope you are out of your bathroom.
Well, first, you open da batroom door - - - -
open every lights and get a song from youtube and trun the volume up open all windows and doors, if it doesnt get out get those posonus stuff that keeps wheels fast or any air conditioner. If it still alive get a long stick and kill it. or add some posion to its food
Crucifix and a bottle of holy water.
get a fishing net like in the movie "the great outdoors" freakin hilarious!
Close the door on it and wait for it to calm down. When it has perched itself on something and is still, pop a bucket or bowl over it. Then lift the edge of the bowl ever so slightly and slip a piece of cardboard between the bowl and the wall. Now your bat is trapped between the bowl and the cardboard. Carry him outside and let him go. Then go inside, find the spot where he came in and seal it.
White sheet in semi dark, he'll fly straight to it, once he's there fold the sheet and take him out and then release him. Bat's are blind but fly towards light. The luminance of the white sheet simulates a source of light.
Use a 12-Gauge shot gun or m60 machine gun. Why not go for a GE Mini-Gun instead? You can scrap up the pieces of bat after wards.
use the broom the hit it or call your neighbor hurry
With another bat, a baseball bat!
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