• Ask your mom :-)
  • The stork drops them off:)
  • daddy puts a seed in mommys belly and the seed starts to grow a baby. (seems cute, not too much for a kid to handle?)
  • I would say ask ur mum,
  • Call me strange, but I'd whip out (A BOOK) with anatomically correct drawings or real photos. You're never too young to learn, so why hide facts with stories about a stork. Sex, rearing and the consequences of same should be taught. Perhaps if they were, we would not have some of the problems we have such as teenage pregnancy, rape, STD's etc. I'm no sociologist, but that's my two cents.
  • Well I wouldn't say the stork, that's insane. I would tell them the truth.
  • I'd stick with the stork story for a fw more years. I think too much information is not always good for kids, and maybe it should be more of a Need to Know basis. When they need to know things you tell them. If not you open doors to things you don't want to be opening and will have the kids having their dolls humping, etc. The same way you tell them to stay with you in the store to be safe, not explaining the ins and outs of child molesters, but just that they Need to know to stay with you.
  • With play dough.
  • I'd say that a man and a woman spend time together alone. They do some things that kids are too young to learn, and the woman gets a baby in her belly. When it grows so big that she can't stand it anymore, she goes to the hospital and they help her get it out. Then it is a regular baby.
  • baby making batter(sperm), cinnamon and spice (the egg) mix it. Then let it bake in the oven for 9 months
  • mommy and daddy loved each other so much they had some love left over and that became you!
  • I'll tell you what I told my seven yr old girl. "You know that you and Orion are not the same in your private area" yes "Well when you grow up and you are married,the man and woman make love" whats making love? "Like Mommy and Daddy when we kiss and hug, but it is more private" why? "Because you know there are things that adults can do that kids can't,and making love is one of them" oh ok "Now when the Mommy and Daddy do this they use those different parts to work together and they plant a seed deep in the Mommie's belly and 9 months later a baby is born" where does the baby come out " Oh,dang the water is boiling over! We will finish this later!" By the time later comes,she had forgotten all about it!
  • LOL - Caffey4, I can't tell you how to respond to your child's question, but what great answers *Users* posted for you! *PLUS POINTS TO YOU ALL* for lighting up the day**!!!!
  • I would tell you that babies are the result of a romance explosion.
  • I would hand them the Lord of the Rings trilogy and a Smiths album and tell them that if they don't discover the answer after they're finished I'll just tell them.
  • When Mummy and Daddy kiss, a seed from Daddy's throat goes into Mummy's mouth and Mummy swallows it. Then the seed grows and grows in Mummy's stomache.
  • Very carefully with no mistakes!
  • mummy and daddy have cuddles in bed to make you a baby brother or sister
  • in a sweat shop in China
  • I'd tell you I hadn't a clue. Given I wasn't sexually active when I was 12 I'd be as flummoxed as my child as to how it happens.
  • Go ask your father.
  • I told my daughter when she was 6 and asked the same question, that the husband plants a seed inside the mommy and it grows into a baby. 9 months later the doctors can take the baby out. Now she's 10. I just now had to tell her how the daddy gets the seed in the mommy. I'd rather her hear it from me than her friends.
  • Some reason I don't believe this is a question coming from a six year old. But if I'm wrong, I'll say, God created one man and one woman whom have the ability to create new life. Each contribute a part of themselves. As you grow older into young manhood or young womanhood, you will again ask this question. Child, talk to your parents, they are suppose to guide you into this life.
  • When my son was around that age I said babies are made by mommies and daddies....and he was happy with that answer for a few more years. My daughter, when she reached the same age,was initially given the same answer but she wanted to know how they did that. I explained that daddies put a love seed inside the mommies belly and mommy and daddys love seed make a baby. So she wanted to know how he put the love seed there. So...I explained that when mommies and daddies go to bed together they kiss and hug and sleep very very very close and when they are done kissing and hugging and sleeping very very very close mommy and daddys love seed got close also and made the baby...then she asked "so he puts the love seed in her belly button?" (Oh lord, I thought, please make her stop.) "no, no, sweetie, it does not go into the belly button." "Then where?" She ended up getting the whole kit and kaboodle answer when she was six. She was still full of questions so I also bought a childrens illustrated book which helped. So, bottom line for how do you answer the question to a 6 year old? It depends on them.
  • Sorry but I get a big hit on this topic. Kids are not dumb. Tell them the truth. Boys and girls make the baby when they want to share there love with each other. The boy slowly goes into the girls vagina that is the place baby's are made. But with out the boy slowly going into the girls vagina she wont have a baby. This is for when you get older and there are other things to be interested in right now. You wont hear about it again till around 8~10 then be clear on what is going on. Even asking if he/she has felt any good feelings any place. This is the age that they will start masturbating and that's hard for some parents but remember they will ask about sex and if it feels good. Kids are growing up faster so use to be at age 16 but with all that is around now kids know that sex feels good and masturbating feels good so just don't lye to them or you will never hear from them again and you will find out later that babies are made first hand. Girls that know that they make the babies and what place and how are more likely to ask you more stuff later than you getting that phone call from the doc that he/she has become sexually active with out protection. Just keep all of this in mind. Kids can take the truth but if you say birds and Bess they will knot know what your talking about. I know that's what parents want but it only gets them to ask a boy much older they she finds out. Be the parent and remember she is asking questions keep that talking flow open don't let it close it may never open up to you again.
  • carefully with no mistakes. How is telling a child about sex called a mistake? Is sex a mistake? Letting them know how it feels a mistake. Telling them more like his penis enters mommy vagina to make a baby. Kids at age 6 know about penis and vaginas by there friends and TV and movies. a mistake would be to tell them less than they need to know. and please telling your kid that a kiss will make a baby will freak them out and they will never kiss you or your partner again. Some times you have strange people. Tell her the truth or it will come back on you with attitude. Tell her a stupid thing like kissing daddy is a seed that makes no idea why you would lye to so blatantly kids are not that dumb. Well may be you are alexhi but not the rest of the kids in the world. My kid asked me if sex feels good and he was turning 7. Let me guess I should lye and say no it's the most painful thing you can ever do. Tell the truth. Bible tells you not to lye so show your kid you can tell them with out a lye.
  • by accident
  • "Go ask your mother." or "Babies come from the stork's vagina."
  • "Babies come from the stork's vagina" Is it that hard to tell your kids about sex? I mean come on people is it that bad to have the understanding that sex feels good and how babies are made is good feelings between two people. So the guy slides his cock in the worman. Should the child not be aware of this or should we just tell them stories about how a big clumbsy bird puts out a egg and the baby is born. Kids between 6~12 have an idea of what happends but when you lye to them they hate you. Girls even more. If they know they might not hate you when they find out later. Girls even more get ticked off at there parents when they later masterbate and there parents did not tell them about why they feel funny at times you know ware. I know it sounds dumb but kids are smarter than most give them credit for. Now girls between this age will also experament with girls and then with boys on kissing. Why do you think they do that. Hint. Example. YOu kiss people you like or enjoy kissing well dont expect your kids not to try the same thing. What they say what you so your kids will try. They mimic what they see so they know if its good or not. If my mom or dad is doing it "thinking" it must be ok to do. Then again parents think that if you tell your kids that babies ocme from a sexual pleasent act that this will freek there kids out. The problem with that idea is that kids have a body and know it has to do with them and telling them anything but the truth will just tick them off later when they find out the truth by there school friends. Truth is best. Schools dont teach your kids about babies or sex the truth is the kids in the class thay are with more than you are teaching and talking about sex and babies and talk about this at the age of 8~10 more offten. At age 6 they will ask till the answer makes sence even if its from a class mate or friend downt he street. Then again they could ask the teacher like this one kid and have the school board kick the kid kid out of the school for making such a coment. The truth will be blunt but they can deal with this subject after all kids are smarter and stronger than people think. Remember a lye now is even bigger when they find out later you lyed to them about this they will not trust you on other things. They will find some one ealse to ask there questions. That is not what you want. Then again they might ask again the same question and you give them another answer. Guess what. They know you will not tell them the truth and ask strangers. Then your in a pickle.
  • The fact is, avoiding talking about sex until the child is pubescent is failing. So is encouraging Absitnence Only. Also, teaching a six-year-old the proper names for genitalia and reproductive cells is not "taking their innosence." It's empowering them, and an empowered child is a safe child. I mean come on parents your kids want the truth when they talk about this subject and it's not that big of a deal. These kids stories seem more scary than the truth anyway. The way kids age 6 see it you could eat the wrong thing and next you know you're a mommy or daddy.
  • There are lots of great books out there that are helpful for kids to learn about sex and reproduction. If you start talking to your kid at 6 about sex, it will never get awkward to talk to them about it. My kids would always ask questions and I would start answering them honestly. When they wandered off, I knew they had enough info to satisfy them. I probably told them "too much" but in the end they were very confident of their own knowledge and would set kids on the playground straight! Some people are afraid that if you tell your kid about sex, it will make them want to experiment. That was not my experience (that I know of) and young children experimenting sexually is not the same as being sexually active in my mind. It's curiosity that they may or may not explore then put aside until they are old enough to engage in it seriously.
  • I peruse conversation and dialogue. Something made you wonder, and there is specific information you're seeking. I explained to my four year old how her baby sister got into my tummy without feeling at all awkward. It's really not that hard. Listen, answer the questions, accurately, and then listen some more. The only conversation I ever remember having with my mom about sex was where she told me that "orgasm" was the "fun part of having sex" after I overheard an adult use the world at a dinner party. She neglected to mention that the rest of it can be fun too... and she was so embarrassed I never asked her a question about it again. I don't think that there's any reason to find sex or babies embarrassing.
  • i would problably say...mommy and daddy make love they hug and kiss and with all the love they make a new baby that will arrive in 9 mths...and later i will explain it with more details =]
  • when two people love eachother very much
  • You buy them from a pet shop.
  • Babies are made when a man and a woman have sex with each other. I always find being honest is best. Don't need to get really far into details, but an answer like that gives you a segue to the much more detailed conversations about procreation you'll have later on.
  • Well, my mother took me to the library and checked out a book that made absolutely no sense for me to read. I think it was about personal hygiene - chuckle. I think I'd start with some of the ideas that have been presented, but only answer as much as they are really asking. They will ask follow up questions as they go along. Maybe, Daddy gave part of himself and Mommy gave part of herself. When the two parts came together, you began to grow inside of Mommy until you were strong enough to come into the world. You were too little in the beginning and needed a warm and safe place inside Mommy.
  • I say, "Talk to your father". My husband has told our kids the truth in such a way that is appropriate for their age. He talks very frank but says that it is ONLY for a husband and wife in marriage.
  • "Ask your father,...he is the expert." Yip, I have chosen the easy way out. My kids have stopped asking me the questions because my husband has the gift of telling things a little more each year appropriate for their age.
  • I would tell her the basics with different names. And tell her i would get into details when she got a little older. When puberty started to occur. I would go into detail about hygeine, safe sex, and love. I could never lie to my kids. Except maybe the easterbunny and santa clause.
  • I would explain it as clearly and as honestly as possible. I would use the words penis and vagina and explain the differences of the two. I believe that if a child is smart enough to ask that question then they are able to have sex explained to them. I would also explain that they need to be careful when discussing this.
  • Maybe that it took Mommy & Daddy to get things started. And that when the child got a few years older. We both would take the time to explain it all in better details.
  • You know how last weekend your Daddy put these little seeds into the garden which is making plants, well its the same thing, but this time your Daddy plants little seeds inside mummy but not the same as plant seeds and it makes a baby. Pathetic I know, but i wanted to sound original
  • mommy and daddy got you from the baby store.
  • just explain - there never too young for education
  • At this age you should tell him about when mommy and daddy love each other.But when the child becomes 8-9 years old,then you tell him babies are made by having sex.

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