No, because I'd probably be dreaming. besides I like cows so I couldn't get mad. I'd just have to get more milk.
no, especially if I was a dairy cow. I make way too much mil as it is, even with a calf at my side and a bit of relief actually feels good. And it would be kinda nice to get your udder washed and have maybe some cream or lotion put. That's not what makes a cow mad:-)
I would be mad at the guy who sold me the bad acid. Hallucinating about cows taking your milk..That's a bad trip man!!!..:D
I sure would! This is part of the reason that I use soy, rice, and coconut milk. I wouldn't dream of drinking horse milk or cat milk, or dog milk, how is that different from cow's milk? I detest the idea of forcing a cow to have a baby, then stealing away her baby so that *I* can have the privilege of drinking milk, eating ice cream, cheese, and butter. Eating a vegan diet is a personal choice, but I firmly believe it is the best choice for me.
no...she'd just be taking back what belongs to her.
Not if the cow fed me and shltered me in exchange for the milk...
Not at all. The milking process reduces the discomfort experienced by the cow from the milk production. Ask any woman who has breastfed their children and they will acknowledge that the feeding is a relief of pressure.
hahahaha yeah but it would be a waste of time for the cow considering i don't have any milk in my house.
Ha.ha.ha....Hey! now I under stand what mad cow disease is all about, because we take their milk they turn mad.If the cow is able to take it back from the humans, then it will be mad man disease in humans.
Yes, with the rise of milk prices!
Do you have those Cravendale adverts? The ones that say 'The cows want it back'? Ohhh, my sister hates them. It shows the cows in lifts, and waiting at the door to take back their milk and...ah. It sounds like I've made all of that up, doesn't it? Mmmm.
No, let her come. All she'll find is powdered milk and she's welcome to it.
haha! MOO YA! :)
i'd go mad. I'd tug with it and then it would probably end up kicking me face in but i'd still get up, take my milk and peg it down my garden and over me fence. No bloody cows havin my milk, I need it for me SHREDDIES!
I would be shocked, fill up another glass of milk, grab a video recorder, and say, "Can you do that again?"
Ha, like to see how she'd get it,lol.
Not if it was paying me more than $3 per gallon.
I would kill him, then drink my milk whilst eating his steak... because milk is like my water.
Hell yea, she has enough of her own.
No, I'd be laughing too hard to get mad about it. (I'm picturing a cow standing upright in my doorway, with her forelegs on her "hips", a furrowed brow and an angry expression!) Besides, I don't really like milk anyway, so the cow can have my share. =)
I'd be more so feeling disturbed and violated. I don't know if cows go through that. I sure hope not!
I wouldn't be mad. I'd be mad though if they took my chocolate milk.
not at all
I'd make steaks of the bitch.
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