Loo Jon Can Shitter toilet bathroom water closet
Loo Bathroom Outhouse Bog Water Closet WC Ladies Gents Head Lavatory Crapper Latrine Dunny Netty Khazi John Jacks Lavvie The House of Lords The House of Commons The smallest room in the house.
poddy el bano "throne" room
Infirmary Nut House Insane Asylum Butter Churner Supple Stewer Padded Pooper "The" Ward Kooky Klan
toilet lavatory loo toot john washroom privy donut in granny's greenhouse the euphemism ladies' room ladies' men's room gents convenience WC bagno (italian) scheissenhaus (german) crapper
Navy - head Necessary Garderobe (castle) out back see a man about a horse
did anyone say the Library? when i first heard that i didn't get it. My mom told me it's because in some homes thats where the reading is done...HAHA
Aunty The Small Room Parliament House The lav Shithouse Poo Poo Palace The Thinking Room The Bumbie Barf Room
Here is 45 ... Little boys room Little girls room big boys room big girls room Bathroom Outhouse Water Closet Head Ladies room Mens room Lavatory Latrine Crapper Dunny Netty gents mens male cow boys boys womens female cow girls girls gals dames dolls John The House of Lords The Throne Room The House of Commons The Sh*t house The Sh*tter Powder Room Potty the reading room WASH ROOM Toilet Public restroom locker room Sauna shower shower room steam room spa
I've heard it called "The Bank" because that's where you go to make a "Deposit".
pee pee room
The powder room The convenience Down the Back Here 'Tis
Jakes Little House on the prairie Turder
Dunny, John, Loo, toilet, pisser.
my male friends wiggle there little finger
I gotta go drain the pickle.
Am off to the bog. (Brit slang)
I've gotta go see a man about a dog!
millions. but i can't guarantee that they'll make any sense to anyone but me.
I have to go strain the spuds (Slang in ireland- spuds are potatoes :-))
I gotta go get ahold of myself. I'm going to hang out with the guy I grew up with.
I gotta go to the can
Make a throne speech Drain my watertank
Drop the Browns off at the Supper Bowl
Drop the kids off at the pool.
Drain my lizard.
One of my favourites is "Syphon the python"
going to the Potty
Going to shake hands with my best friend (male)
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