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  • Alcohol helps but there isn't a magic solution nor should there be. The best sex comes when a woman is fully invested, as you are, and wants you as much as you want her. Some "horny potion" wouldn't replicate that great sex anyway.
  • If there was we would all know about it and one us would be richer than Bill Gates.
  • No. There are drugs that can lower a woman's inhibitions to the point where they are very receptive to sexual advances, but none of them are legal. If you give a woman something that makes her do things she wouldn't normally do it can still be considered rape.
  • Tequila
  • all sounds a bit pervy at best. Have you tried being nice to her
  • Nothing like that. Try a little seduction: sweet talk, candles, wine, soft music, doing the dishes. Some women aren't as visual as men, so popping your favorite porno into the DVD player may or may not work. Just show some effort if you want some action.
  • Yes there are. try the yohimbe bark extract. Found in health food stores.There is a large market for the West African bark, said to produce a "sexual enhancement." In West Africa, yohimbe has been used as a medical plant for centuries and continues to widely used. I have used it and still use it. A few drops of the liquid in regular water or tea everyday produces instant results when stimulated by thought or visual sexual content.

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