• I honestly don't think it's fair. I mean Bs and two Cs is not really that bad.
  • If you promised the honor roll.
  • yes, now turn off your computer and study.
  • From a teens point of view? I don't think it's fair. Thinking of your parents? They just want you to be sucessfull. They think they are helping you which may or may not be true. Talk to them and explain why you got the grades you did. Maybe you could get off grounding. Good luck. :)
  • No, but life's not fair, and in a way you are lucky to have parents that want you to do your best rather than just scraping by. At least they care. I hope your grounding is quick and painless all the same! :)
  • Not in my book...... unless you are capable of doing better than c's then don't settle for less than B's and above.
  • well, 3 c's are probably pushing it, but it also depends on what subjects they were. if was something like art or something like that, wouldn't bother...
  • If that is the best you can do then it is unfair. If you could have done better but were too lazy or preoccupied then it is not unfair.
  • That's not fair at all. A C is definetly not worthy of punishment. And B's are good! Even if your parents expect A's from you, or as they probably would say "know you are capable of better grades," there is nothing wrong with B's and C's.
  • I'm gonna say that is not fair. First, it's just two bs and a c, and second, everyone slips up a bit once in a while.
  • I always thought that Cs were average, has that changed? Is this a drastic change from your usual grades? I am sure that your parents have good reasons for their decision and it is not really anyone else's place to second guess them.
  • Yes, it's fair. If you're at an age where you CAN be grounded, than you're in a position in which you answer to someone else. They make the rules, and you have to follow them. That's life. We all have rules we have to follow. I'm not saying it doesn't 'suck,' and i can appreciate how you feel. I remember those days myself. However, on the grander scheme of life, you'll learn that being grounded over grades that you're probably capable of better than is nothing. Focus on where you came up short on your grades and don't let the average grades happen again, and this won't be a problem again.
  • If you honestly cant tell whether its fair or not, then maybe B's and C's represent your capacity, ergo, its unfair. Conversely if you are "just curious what we think" so that you can collect argumentative ammunition to use on your keepers, then you are sufficiently wiley that you should get better grades. In which case grounding you is fair. Simple isn't it?
  • It depends on what your capacity is. I may be mistaken, but I "think" a C is a passing grade. Personally, I don't think grounding you is going to do anything to your grades...You may not want to hear this, but limiting your extra curricular activities is a better idea. It's not like you're going to be studying or even loving your parents during the time you're grounded.... Well, have fun...I'm sure AB will keep you busy...
  • fairness isnt the question here...its the ideals your parents have for you.i assume they know you can do better and this is the proper method (they think) of getting you to improve your grades.however,i dont agree w/ it!!!!!! you should be commended for your grades (maybe w/ a cash incentive) and told when the grades come u so will the incentives...all grades do, they rate your ability to remember what youve been taught and to regurgitate(barf) it up on command,only later to completely forget all the useless crap you learned in school ,anyway. and always remember the immortal words which one day you will speak to your own children 1."WHY?WHY? BECAUSE I SAID SO,THATS WHY?" 2."WHEN YOU GROW UP I HOPE HOPE YOU HAVE CHILDREN WHO ACT JUST LIKE YOU"
  • It depends on the expectations of your parents and your capabilities.
  • If the rule is that you make B's and C's and your grounded, then it's fair.
  • Context, context. If yoy always make Bs and Cs, then no. If you make straight As usually but this semester you're on a load of harder subjects, still no. But if you've always made straight As and this semester you've been playing video games, partying... then it's pretty clear that stopping you from video games and parties is the best way to solve it, eh?
  • i think that's a bit harsh...but what grades are you capable of? i wouldn't ground my kids for those grades; however, when they are grounded, they lose their computer privelages. sounds like you might not have it too bad.
  • I only ground for D's and F's. However I am not happy with too many C's.
  • It's absolutely not fair and anyone who says it is is so full of shit the whites of their eyes are brown. Think about the fact that maybe this person isn't able to make perfect grades. Believe it or not, there are six billion people on the planet and out of those probably five billion that struggled through school. And anyone who has a stupid rule that your kid has to be perfect in school and make perfect grades all the time should be shot.
  • I know there is more to this. You probably got grounded for the C's, right? Not the B's. How long have you been working on getting this grade up? And what is the reason for the C's? Typically if you are struggling, it is with one class, but a major drop in grades indicates at the very least, loss of focus. When us parents ground you for grades, its to get you to re-focus by giving you nothing better to do, and to show you that there are consequences for not trying your best. As much as it may suck, school is very important and is a major stepping stone for the rest of your life. How you choose to treat your education now will set the pace for how you learn in the future as an adult. Successful adults never stop learning. I'm 30 years old and learning Botany! There is so much to learn about in this world, and you have one life to learn it! Try your best, and yes I do think it is fair that you got grounded. Try to see it from your parents perspective and learn from it. Good luck!
  • I am going through the same thing. Zeros or not, I would have been grounded for the C's. I'm still not ungrounded, and that doesn't exactly help my grades, either!
  • Even if the kid promised honor roll, even parents break promises so the fact that the kid broke a promise and the parent came down hard on them would be more than slighly hypocritical especially if the parents were flunkies. And if they think grounding a kid is going to do any good, they're sadly mistaken. Teens and kids today are a hell of a lot more defiant than they were even a few years ago. They'll just do what they want and tell their parents to fuck off. I see it all the time. A parent can't expect a kid to keep a promise. Kids are unreliable. That's the reality. Especially if the parents are known to break promises.
  • You're luck that you didn't get your ass beat for grades like that. NOW GET BACK TO STUDYING!
  • depends - do you have the potential to do better. Did you waste your time instead of use it wisely?? If you honestly can say you did the best you possibly could then that's all anyone can expect. If you let yourself fall short for whatever reason, then yes maybe it is warranted. Without good marks there's not a lot you can do these days. My parents were very strict with me growing up and i really thank them for that every day...
  • It depends on what you are capable of making and how your parents feel about your ability make better grades. I will say this, i would gladly accept my son or daughter with Bs and Cs, as long as they received an A in conduct.
  • You must've made quite an impression on your parents before letting them know your REAL capibilities. They are probably doing the right thing to help you from losing site of how smart you are and what you can do with that in the long run. It's TOUGH as the kid to understand what the responsibilties detail when you become a grown-up. Take advantage of their guidance and know it's going to be more than worth in later in your life.
  • No but your parents are probably doing it to help you concentrate so you can study more, or something... Guess its for the best just don't waste being grounded :) (plus revising may get you ungrounded quickier)
  • It could be if it's clear you cold have done much better. If your parents feel you didn't try or are slacking off, if you used to get "As" and they are lower, now, sure, those are the consequences. Plus they are your parents and it's their right to choose whatever way they can to motivate you.
  • Yes it is fair. You should be striving for A's. Apparently your parents feel that you did not work up to your potential.
  • It's not fair. Make sure you buy the same size bra's next time.
  • I honestly don't think it's fair. I was in school and I used to always make A's and B's. Whenever i'd make a C my mom would fuss at me, i'd get grounded and it brought my self-esteem DOWN. I just ended up doing even worse. If she would've just talked to me about it, instead of just punishing me maybe I would've done better. But, I turned it all around, changed my outlook and I started doing better again. Just try your best and don't let it bring you down.
  • Your parents obviously care more for your future than you do at this point in your life. Trust your parents judgement. They have been your age before, you have never been their age. Try not to be angrey with them, but try and see what they are trying to do FOR you. If you have too much time spent away from your studies, you are only hurting yourself. And guess what? Someday you just might ground your kids for the exact same thing : )
  • yes i think it is fair because obviously it is the standards your parents set for you. They know you are capable of accomplishing great things and that's why they might have set the goal so high. It should make you feel proud to know your parents want you to do good in school. It shows they care about your future and wants you to excel. Regardless of if your parents set the goal to you should have high goals for yourself. It shows a little more about you and that you care. It's more important than you think. I think it's fair because shcool comes pretty easy anyways. I just graduated and the last two years i've made straight A's because i grew up and realized its important. All i changed was i didn't talk in class, done all work on time, listen to my teacher and study. I used to make ok grades As Bs and Cs
  • Yeah ...a bit ! Two C's are not so good :-) !
  • If that is the house rule, than it is fair. If you know before you got your grades, that you were going to get grounded, if they were below a certain level, then you have to face the consequences, like a big girl/boy.
  • did you do your very best? if not, its fair to ground you, if yes, its not fair to ground you.
  • I dont know...maybe you are smart and you should be getting A's.
  • ha no .......i havent gotten grounded and i have a couple of F's lol now a reason to be grounded is for like ditching or somethind like that .....which is why i am grounded AND IT SUCKZ
  • Did you do your best. If you did your best no that isn't fair but in your life many unfair things will happen. If you didn't do your best and only you can answer that then yes it's fair.
  • well, our rule is nothing below a c.....but i give my boys "heck" if they bring home a c in a subject that i KNOW they are good at.....we are tryin' to keep them at a 3.0 gpa for college.....but they only get grounded if the grade is below a c
  • Perhaps if you didn't try hard at all.
  • No it's not fair.As long as you do the best you can they that is acceptable.
  • Yeah. Get A's, they are better.
  • Thank god the USA is 25th in education!!!!!
  • In my day those kinds of grades would get you beaten up for being a know it all.
  • your parrents are incharge and right now you JOB is to get an education. when you start to work your jobwill be to provide what your employer wants. that being said employers (teachers) can have unacceptable expectations. I failed a class inwhich I had the best understanding of all because the teacher wanted me to write more than I did. when I tried he still said "show your work" if my son gets a teacher like that I will challenge him. if he suspects my son of cheating he will retest, if he does not then he will grade him on his answers, I will go up the chain even to the point of changing schools to find a teacher who grades on comprehension.
  • Dude, no way, not fair! Unless you wanna get into some real fancy place. I dropped out when I was 17 cause I went and traveled rodeo circuit. Best decision of my life... College? I never wanted to go. I make a bit more than enough to get by just by runnin at cowtown every saturday
  • Not my call--your parents obviously think you are capable of better. True? Making good grades in school may be the least of the challenges ahead of you. Set your standards high--it will pay off in the end.
  • Not in my opinion :(
  • that depends of your past grades. if you usually get A's and B's then, yes you should be grounded and it is fair. they know what is best for you. just roll with it.
  • I always think that positive reinforcement mostly always works better than negative. I didnt ground my daughter for getting those grades, i think she did her best.. if she has been in school longer i'd instead have told her that I'd treat her to something she really wants if she gets better next year. I only grounded her for stuff she had done wrong, not for doing her best and not getting up to MY standards
  • Nope. Your parents obviously think you're smarter than you are or you're as smart as they think but for some reason were unable to get the grades this year. Either way, its hardly a great incentive to study. My parents think I'm a genius just cos I read To Kill A Mockingbird when I was eight. So what? I like reading but I'm fairly average intelligence-wise.

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