• Your son has a penis, the vast majority of men do. Why not let him touch it? It's part of his body, the same as his legs, his arms, his toes, his fingers. Why make it into something dirty or taboo? Obviously it wouldn't be great if he starts pulling his pants down when he's older and does it in public, but presumably he's young and wants to learn and explore his body. Most children soon learn themselves that doing things like this in certain situations isn't acceptable, it's sort of like the osmotic effect of growing up in modern society. I say leave him to it.
  • You didn't specify his age, other than 'in diapers' but what we've done is just gently say 'no' and move his hand away when he starts pulling. I figure touching is normal, he only gets to figure out that part of his body when his diaper is off. In fact you might try leaving him with the diaper off for extended periods so he can figure it out and "get over it."
  • I just ignored my boys, and they eventually stopped. I'm afraid that if you attract too much attention to it, and tell them that "it's nasty" you may create other problems down the road. Pretty much, it's curiosity, and diaper discomfort. We fellas are pretty much always digging around in that area anyway. We just have to learn to do it in private, which is easy to teach when they hit 7 or 8.
  • Hee hee.. looks like someone's starting out pretty early... I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. BTW this reminds me of a Richard Pryor routine. :D EDIT: I found it... forward to 4:38 on this video for the Pryor joke.
  • I wouldn't worry about it at that age and probably at any age. It's a guy thing. Think Al Bundy:)
  • Just ignore no time he'll only be doing when you can't see...this will last until he's about 93 years old....
  • Ignore. If he's still doing it at age 8, time to discourage.
  • Just ignore and give him something else to play with...but don't say no when he does's just natural.
  • I'd ignore it. When he is bigger, you can teach him about appropriateness.
  • It's normal and natural..just ignore it. Don't tell him NO or act like he is doing something wrong. That could cause problems later on.
  • Saying no will stigmatize him. It's perfectly natural behavoir. Little girls also do this. However, don't go overboard on the ignoring. At a certain age (starting at 6 I guess), he has to learn to do private things in private. We waited too late to stop letting our son run around in the buff and still have a 9 year old we can't keep clothes on!
  • just let him play with it he will get bored and if ppl are over put him in diaper and wrap duck tape aroud diaper and he wont be able too
  • Just ignore it. ALL boys do that.
  • It's a boy thing. If it were yours and it was constantly covered wouldn't you feel inclined to touch it as well? This is just the beginning, if he could answer you if you asked him "why do you play with that?" He would tell you,"because it's mine and because I can!" NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL
  • Dont' react at all. His body is his and he was born with the right to touch it whenever he wants to.
  • To your son exploring his penis is no different than exploring his hand. It is totaly normal and the best thing is to just ignore it. Once he gets older and this behavior turns into masturbation you can teach him that he needs to go to his room or the bathroom when he wants to masterbate.
  • No, this is completely normal, and he will carry on doing this for the rest of his life.
  • This is completely normal behaviour, and he will carry on doing this for the rest of his life.
  • It's totally normal so ignore it.
  • No he has discovered a new part of his body, it's natural. As he gets older, you will need to let him know when it is appropriate to do it and when it's inappropriate. I work at a school and I see little boys that do not know that it's ok at home, but not at school in front of everyone!
  • let him. after some months teach him to stop.
  • Discourage it and you risk probably never having grandchildren by him for the problems it will cause him.
  • At this age there's nothing sexual about it. It's just a new body part that hasn't been fully investigated. Chances are he'll stop on his own in time and if he doesn't, start gently discouraging the behavior. Try distraction, but don't tell him it's a bad thing, because it can lead to problems later on.
  • Get used to it, I still pull on my boy parts sometimes!
  • Put George Clintons "Yank My Doodle, It's a Dandy" on the boom box and forget about it. Things will work out by themselves.
  • Actually I think it's kinda funny, my boy does the same thing, well I should say he's more of a flasher then anything.... I think your son will grow out it, it might take some time... Boy's are goofy, aren't they??
  • its natural, hes still discovering his body. telling him no would be like saying no when he found his toes
  • Its normal behavior
  • he should feel free to discover his body.
  • it is a highly sensitive part of his body which is not normaly stimulated. ever shave a boys head for the first time durring school years? he will not be able to stop touching it because it is new sensation... this is even more so. he will completely outgrow it the day he dies.
  • You should expect a baby boy to do that. There's this neat thing down there, in a nice convenient place to grab. And surprise! When he grabs it, he can feel that it's part of him! Enjoy this phase of your baby/toddler's life, and don't get hung up on the fact that it's his penis. Personally, I wouldn't even ignore it. I'd say, enthusiastically, "What did you find? Oh my! Where did that come from? Is that your penis? It IS, isn't it? Let's cover it up with the diaper, so it doesn't make wet, wet puddles on the floor." And then cover it up and say, "Bye-bye penis". Is sounds silly, and maybe embarrassing, but you know how babies love that stuff, right? His penis isn't a shameful thing, or even a sexual thing. Not only does he have this cool thing to grab onto, but it can make things get really wet. When you're 6 months old, or a year, that's pretty awesome.
  • Let him touch it. It's him. It's something new he found he has! leave him alone. Kids usually learn to stop in time, always before school. Don't make him ashamed of his body:)
  • Mom, just ignore it. It is perfectly normal. Later on you might explain this is something that should be done in private. He will discover that it feels good very early than later masturbation which is also normal. I recently counseled with my 12 year old grandson whom my daughter has scolded so many times dung his life that he thought he was evil for masturbating. Poor kid was feeling so guilty about something that is normal. Come on parents, especially dads. TALK TO YOUR KIDS!!
  • he just discoverd it,just ignore him, you can't say no to him,it's his property not yours(wink)
  • how old?? my nephew, and little brothers did that until they were potty trained. don't make it something that is wrong, that will just make him feel dirty when he gets older and does other things. if he still does it when hes out of diapers take him to the doctor there might be a medical reason to why hes still garbing himself
  • If he's young enough to be in diapers, I think you should just treat this the same way you would him pulling on and touching other parts of his body. I don't think his behaviour should be discouraged: he's not doing anything wrong, is he? He's just a baby, exploring his body. If you don't allow him to explore his body now, he may never get around to it, because of a shame complex or something. Once he gets a little older, if he is still touching his penis in front of other people, you can gently explain that if he wants to explore or touch his body, he should do so in the privacy of his bedroom, or the bathroom if he doesn't have a bedroom. The issue here, after all, isn't that it's bad to touch your penis. The issue is that it's inappropriate to touch your penis in public. As a little baby in a diaper, I don't think he's old enough to make the distinction between public and private, so if you scold him now, the only message you'll be sending is that it's bad to touch your penis. Hopefully, that isn't the message you want to send.
  • My son does the same thing....I just push his hand out of the way while changing his diaper, and let him do what he wants with it while in the bath....I don't discourage it b/c I don't want him to have a comlpex about his parts later...It's normal and healthy....Just like he discovered his feet and was so facinated, now he has dicovered his pee pee.
  • Well he will be doing it for the rest of life now. I would just let it go. It's not preverted or anything. As long as once he's old enough to understand, he knows it's not appropriate to do it in public. Though that might be kind of funny the first time.
  • Ignore it for god sake. It is normal and doesn't hurt a thing. If you mention it to him you may discourage him and really mess with his sexuality.
  • As long as he's not hurting himself, ignore it. Kids that age are very curious and like to explore themselves. No big deal-----don't make a "problem" out of nothing.
  • My son used to do the same thing i never told him it was naughty or dirty as this can have unwanted affects in the future its a perfectly healthy thing to do i would just what are you like leave it alone he dosent do it as much now he used to do it alot so dont worry he will grow out of doing it so much
  • Maybe it's sexual behavior (then it's his so he can touch it if he wishes) BUT maybe it hurts, itches, or tickles due to some infection or parasite. maybe he's just warming it up cause it's cold outside the diaper. Have him seen by a pediatrician to be sure he's ok. You might also want to use additional baby oil when diapering as the constant playing will irritate.
  • Too Funny: Of course its normal, my daughter it seemed could not keep her hands out of her pants, when she got old enough to understand she needed to be in a private place for that -it stopped. This must be your first kid lol.

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