• I don't think it's wrong. I am not a psychotherapist, but I don't think it was wrong.
  • Be a man and follow your instinct on this, no use in second guessing yourself. If you don't want naked kids in your bed then you are not obligated to allow it. Kids learn self reliance by being refused the coddling they desire.
  • I don't think it was wrong. I would expect my children to sleep with clothes on while sleeping with me as well.
  • i would like to let you know am i laughing hysterically. i find it slightly weird that they sleep naked (no offense) but to answer your question no i dont think you were
  • I personally agree with you. Despite the fact that they are your children, it still seem a bit wrong to sleep wiht them naked. If they are old enought to decide that they prefer to sleep naked, then they too old to sleep naked wiht you. Your wife is wrong ( no offense)your not being too harsh, you just know wahats right and what wrong, and sleeoing with your naked children is wrong in my eyes.
  • if they are really naked just make them put on boxers or underwear
  • I don't think you were too harsh however we were not there to hear tone of voice. Especially with nudity there can be shame implied in the sentence 'Put some clothes on'. It doesn't sound like that was implied by the way you asked... so no, I don't think it is unreasonable to ask your children to be clothed while in bed with you.
  • First, no, you were not wrong. I would have had them put underwear on. Second, I'm assuming your children are still young, but, is it very common for children to sleep naked? I've never heard of children, (below 16 or so), sleeping naked.
  • I'm assuming by the wording of your question that them sleeping with you is a once in a great while thing. I would be all for t-shirts. If nothing else, it give a healthy distiction of what is approiate when your in bed with other people.
  • Putting a tee shirt on might be okay if it was suggested with loving gentleness. If the suggestion were rejected I wouldn't press the issue.
  • Infants should be clothed and toddlers as well. Any child who has the ability to dress his or herself, shouldn't be sleeping in their parents bed. Sorry, but that is just the way that I feel.
  • Against popular belief, I think it is fine for parents and young children to sleep together naked asw long as all parties in volved are comfortable. You obviously were not comfortable and so I don't think there is anything wrong with what you said. A boundary of Clothed sleepovers is a healthy thing to teach kids ie. "When we are with other people in bed, we wear something". I sleep naked and have a very hard time (as an adult) in situation, maybe sharing a hotel room or something where I have to be dressed to sleep, but It's what I learned is appropriate.
  • its pretty disgusting to sleep with your children naked. i would be disturbed if you didnt insist that they put on clothes
  • Well past the age of two or three I'm certain I would keep *my* clothes on if my children came into bed with me, as much as anything it saves awkward moments like your kids blurting out in front of your mother that your boobs are droopy or something. However, I doubt I would have any problem with them coming and sleeping in my bed if they were naked. I'm assuming these children are quite young, under the age of seven. Nakedness isn't an issue, usually we cover up when in the company of others because we don't want things to be sexual... like I wouldn't stay at my friend's house and walk around topless. But if you're afraid of things becoming sexual with your children, or thinking it's shameful because ''nakedness = sexuality'', then that is concerning. Personally most kids I know, and have known, loved to walk around naked. The first thing they do when they come/came home from school is strip off, and if there are guests their parents would demand they at least wore knickers or boxer shorts. That I understand and agree with. But within the confines of mum, dad and kids I can't see an issue. So...were you too harsh? That's not something I can judge, but you need to decide on a policy with your wife, and something you're both reasonably happy with. The bed belongs to both of you and you both have responsibility for the parenting of the kids.
  • You are 110% right & your wife is 200% wrong
  • If you both aren't perverts, then, I don't see anything wrong with your kids sleeping naked with you. Simple as that.
  • Idk maybe im just bias because my brothers dad would never allow me to wear pants to bed (with him) when i was little, but i thinkg its gross
  • Depends on kids age
  • Most children at a young age prefer to sleep naked because they feel comfortable and safe,if your uncomfortable with your kids being naked in bed with your kids then your being reasonable asking them to wear t-shirts to bed wit you....
  • Agreed, I was alway told to get dressed in my bedroom. And no, I don't think it was hursh, not after say 3 years of age.
  • I think child protective services might be interested.
  • maybe the "harsh" words were: "or go back to your own bed"
  • As long as you didn't speak to the kids in such a way as to make them feel ashamed or that they had done something wrong.
  • Being naked was never a big deal when I was growing up. It was nothing for us to do everything from watching TV naked to cooking supper in the nude. No one was ever "playing around" and it just wasn't that big of a deal. As far as wearing clothes to bed I don't see the point. Shoot, I've even see a couple of families that have had nude family portraits taken.
  • I think you were right, to many people in todays world lack the skills to teach their children basic modesty and morality
  • My vote goes to you.
  • If the kids were wearing pants then I dont see the problem in them sleeping with you like that (if they were below the age of 10) if they were older, then I'd expect some sort of modesty on their part, From the question I assumed you meant 'naked' as in stark. but upon reading the comments I found you meant with pants. If its hot, I sometimes let my kids sleep with me in just pants and I wear the same.
  • I would feel pretty uncomfortable sleeping with naked kids. In fact I would defiantly not do it.
  • I would say you were right. If you weren't comfortable then there is nothing wrong with it. I would like to know the ages and why they are naked though. I never slept naked at home because of modesty, I had two brothers a sister and I for one didn't want my dad or brothers seeing me naked, that is just weird. You were not harsh and why couldn't they just do it, you are the parent after all, a shirt is just a shirt. Good luck!
  • Yeah, I think it depends on how old they are. I think personally, it's more important to show them you're there to protect them, than to make sure they're wearing something. They're your kids. It's not like they're someone else's children, or they're jumping into some other person's bed. I do believe you were perhaps a bit too harsh, but you don't need to listen to us, as we aren't the parents. Listen to your wife.
  • As I said before, my vote goes to you. The more I thought about this question the more it occured to me that my kids sleeping without clothes wasn't something that I ever considered. We didn't panic or act stupid if they walked in the room and we were naked but we would casually cover ourselves - no big deal made out of it. But the only ones that actually slept naked was my husband and I when we felt like it. Our kids just most of the time slept in a T shirt and undies unless they had to have Ninja Turtles or Barbie PJ's on.
  • I think it just depends on HOW you said it. There's nothing inherently wrong with asking your kids to put clothes on, unless you scream at them or use a condescending voice tone. It's just good hygiene to not let a bunch of naked bodies sleep in the bed with you.
  • I don't like kids to sleep in the couple's bed with them. Kids take up and demand so much from the couple, it's nice to have a room and a bed that is just the couple's. I know this is not "normal" to state this, sounds like I'm a kid hater or something, but people need boundaries and space from their kids and the bed should be off limits. Kids are scared go and comfort them...turn on soft music or give them a snack, but leave them out of the marital there nothing sacred? In other words you were so NOT out of line and it's the least you could've asked to not have them naked.
  • Oh no! You are not too harsh at all to demand clothes. Heck I never allowed my children to sleep in my bed... Scared or not. Naked or not. Now my kids are tougher than 2 dollar steaks, and they still know I love them.
  • you were only making the situation more right in your eyes as to you it probably didn't feel right them coming in to your bed naked plus, not that it would happen but unfortunately these days if a child said they slept naked in their parents bed, supposedly well meaning people could accuse you of all sorts. for this reason, i think you were right.
  • Not too harsh to expect the children to wear clothing, but perhaps you were tired and grumpy and it was more the way you informed them than that you actually made the request. Sometimes when you are tired you say things and don't even realize it. Just a thought.
  • Good call as far as I can tell.
  • No, now a days you dont want your kid to say something at school and have some one take it the wrong way. If you dont feel is right for them to sleep naked is fine. You did nothing wrong
  • just tell them to put on some close or you can get a good exuse to get the hell outta the rooom and sleep in the living room
  • I'm sorry, but I think you were wrong. My own kids (boy and girl) sleep naked in their own room (same room) and sometimes (on rare occasions) come into our bedroom naked to sleep with us when they are scared. No big deal.
  • It depend on the age of your kids, if they are around 3-9 years of age I dont think it a big deal But older then that yeah I probadly make them put a shirt on to.
  • I don't think that it was wrong at all.In fact,I think that it was healthy on your part to do what you did.By the way,why do your CHILDREN sleep naked??*(Points)*
  • 5-12-2017 I think the wife should respect the husband's judgment, even if she disagrees with it. Humans wear clothes, even when sleeping, so it is not harsh at all to tell them to put something on.
  • I think you have to go with your own conscience.
  • Do you and your wife sleep naked? Is nudity in your home common? there should never be a problem with nudity in the home. nudity is not dirty or harmful, actually it is very healthy. You are just afraid what others would think if they found out you are all naked in the home. The Lord God created us to be naked always. It was man not Lord God who made nudity bad.

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