• I agree Sleepy Joe shouldn't be in hiding
    • 11stevo73
      Its probably best he is hiden from the people, he cant offened them that way?
  • 6/24/2024, he is resting for the first US presidential debate on June 27, 2024.
    • 11stevo73
      so it is true. What drugs will they prime him up with I wonder?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      PED or CNS. lol
    • 11stevo73
      Is it rude to predict he will come out very angry ranting and raving by the 45 minuate mark he will be sluring his words umming arrhing and falling a sleep by the 55 minute mark?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You never know what's going to happen, since Biden is just as unpredictable as Trump.

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