• Having seen the Zapruder film, it's safe to say that he died as a result of his gunshot wounds.
  • It was decades later, after he starred (costumed) in the Robo Cop movies.
  • Kennedy had serious medical problems, among them chronic back pain. It's no wonder he was photographed in a wheelchair at some point. But he did not survive the assassination attempt on Nov. 22, 1963, nor did Oswald two days later.
  • Before he died, Kennedy's body was cryogenically frozen and placed in a secret underground laboratory in the White House It will be unfrozen when a synthetic brain can be reproduced from his DNA. At that time he will decide if he will run again.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Hey, this is a damn good answer. Somebody please, thumbs up!!!
  • If you saw the news when he was shot, part of his head was blown off. He could not have survived.
  • no, he is dead
  • The video footage shows most of his head blown off, hence I'm pretty sure he died.
  • that will be fake news /movie etc
  • His head was almost totally blown off. He could not have survived.
  • JFK died on Nov 22 1963 by a Italian, standard issue military WWII weapon known as the Manlicher Carcano. Oswald fired twice from behind (the Dallas Book Depository) and an unknown gunman fired the kill-shot that hit the back of the head from the Dallas overpass. The The Kill shot, shown clearly on the Zapruder film shows the Oswald shot from behind, and a shot from in front, but hitting the back of the head, because the first shot had Kennedy's head pointed down.,vid:sNrgzkjCNCE,st:0
  • His head was mush. However, Trump, his ear is miraculously healed! If a bullet hits your ear, it takes it with it.
  • He did not survive the head shot.

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