• Law is a mere tool, and a political construction used by humans to achieve a certain social ends. Like any tool, it is subject to the use and abuse of the one wielding it.
  • Proper justice is a moral duty that helps protect people and their rights. Unfortunately in the real world, there is much injustice by corrupt people in parts of the world between killers and crimes of other sorts.
  • Truth. We don't have justice, courts are games, if you have enough money you can buy yourself out of most things. Freemen aren't subject to the laws we are, they are free, they created the system, so they know the game. We are not freemen we are legal persons. The only law that did exist was common law, do no harm to others. Hence, you had to be found harming another to be guilty, now they have all these fines for speeding, parking etc, no victim, the law of the sea, judicial law. That's why you end up in the "dock."
  • How much justice can you afford is what happens in Australia rich pos get away with what ever they like in most cases. Grandpa sold the country to corpate scum. Justice is bullshit boomers are sell outs Australian courts dont even know what a woman is.

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