• definitely
  • All sin is against God, but the sins of believers are forgiven. Those who reject Christ and his payment for sin will be punished for ever.
  • Karma is a bitch. No one escapes it.
  • They already are as soon as they commit the sin they are separated from the companionship of the Holy Ghost which brings comfort, peace and guidance until they repent. Secondly, as Baba said Karma is a bitch! I think a better question would be who is in a position to judge and execute justice - for there is none who is without sin, no not one. However if someone is harming others they need to be stopped.
  • The Bible describes the penalty of sin as spiritual death and separation from God. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
  • It's a sin to lie, to slander, be drunk etc, so in the case of having an agreed system, punishment comes when someone is harmed in some way..

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