Friend. It didn't affect me because when I read it in the paper I said wow a guy jumped off bridge and a train hit him.Months later i was told it was my friend.He told me long before he couldn't take it and the help he got was crap.So he finally got peace,
Linda Joy
I'm sorry for his pain and that of his loved ones. They're the ones I weep for. Especially the children. -
it was over 28 years ago now , I dont need to talk about it. not many left alive that even knew them now. Father 3 sons it was it happened after their wife / mother left them.Ive never seen her since.
Linda Joy
(Hugs) pm me if you want to talk about it. -
Thanks Linda. It was my niece's grandson. I had not seen him since he was a baby. I live a thousand miles from them. I also had a student commit suicide when I was teaching back in the 1970's. -
Linda Joy
But still it affects us. Even when we are not close to the victim. I'm sad to say I was not close to my own sister that committed suicide, but I was still very angry with her for leaving her children orphans! And I realize that's not even rational! I'm better now. I understand suicide and depression better.
The alcoholics, yes. It's a slow tortuous death. One knows, the other is paddling his canoe down a river called denial. I hate, hate, hate, alcohol. It is a killer. Once that ammonia builds up in the brain all common sense and logic go out the window.
Helping a Student Who Has Lost a Friend or Family Member to Suicide ... The shock and grief that consumes you after you lose someone to suicide is .... You have been changed by this loss, but you can learn how to survive, even grow, from ..
no but ive lost friends cause of it, one guy i knew yrs ago died of a heroin overdose, another time my neighbor across from me overdosed and killed herself, i found out later she told this guy in my building about the pain she was going thru with nerve pain from diabetes and he told her to kill herself, such a jerk, cant stand the sight of him, lost a friend thanks to his big mouth, there should be laws about talking to people like that
Linda Joy
Its not his fault. No matter how much we don't want to accept it, it is the choice of the one who commits suicide. And I often think I'd be better off dead, but choose not to commit suicide for the sake of my friends and family. I wouldn't want to put them through that. Maybe if you remind yourself that your friend is no longer in pain it will help ease your anger towards the person who spoke out of turn. But it is not his fault. She made the choice.
No, but a past lover's brother committed suicide a few years before I met him. He told me all about it. It was sad.
yes, my brother killed himself when he was 44. I still feel guilty that I didnt see it coming, that's how it affected me
Linda Joy
Its not your fault. It was his choice. But it does affect those left behind, and never in a good way. If you ever need to talk I'll listen and advise.
Not close, but some distant relative hung herself in a tree at the estate of a President of the United States. It happened before I was born, but the tree is still there with it's pronounced 'U' shaped limb.
No. Suicide is usually the last resort of people who are not close to other people. So if you have friends and family committing suicide - you were not as close as you like to think you were.
Linda Joy
I'm glad it never happened to you but that's just wrong! You're such an awful person to say such a thing! Suicide is a personal choice that affects everyone around you. But it is just that: A personal choice and not anyone's responsibility but the one that made the choice. You have a lot of nerve trying to pass blame for a suicide onto friends and family members when you flat out killed an innocent person!!
Yes my grandmother
Linda Joy
Bless your heart! If you ever want to talk about it you can pm me. I've been there and know how it feels.
One uncle and 3 cousens you don't see it coming. or no one in my family did in in any of them. the cousens were 21, 26 and 21 the uncle 53.
Linda Joy
I'm sorry for your pain and loss. That's a lot of death! If you ever need to talk pm me. email address is in my profile.
No just four family members to natural causes not to mention lots of pets.
Linda Joy
Pets can be hard, too! -
thats the problem with pets you get all attached to them and they go and die on you.
No I never have .
Linda Joy
glad to hear it
never had anyone commit suicide that I know of, but have had my grandmother and an uncle murdered. When I was teaching one of my students committed suicide with a 357. I also had a friend commit suicide but don't know how. By the way I am not the other "thinker" who commented above.
Yep. My uncle was an alcoholic and he shot himself.
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