Yes, I had an echo-cardiogram several years ago, and I thought it was quick and painless. The results were great, which put me at ease.
Linda Joy
I don't have results yet. The VA doesn't usually notify me unless something is wrong. Glad to hear your heart is healthy!
Yes, twice, after two occasions of atrial fibrillation. I thought it was reassuring that no trace of heart disease was found.
Linda Joy
Heart flutters?
ive never had one
EKG takes only a couple of minutes and is not painful at all.
Linda Joy
I know, but I'm talking about an echocardiogram.
i have never had one, i think i have heard of it though.
I had an echocardiogram as one of several procedures to determine why I was sometimes out of breath
Linda Joy
This is an older question. It was cool the first time, now that I have to have them regularly, I don't like them. They press too hard with the wand and it hurts.
Every 3 months I get an EKG.
Linda Joy
EKG is an electrocardiogram and they print out a strip of your heartbeat. An echocardiogram is an ultrasound with a video monitor and it takes longer.
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