I don't know which questions were previously hidden.
I don't know which questions were previously hidden.
Sorry, duplicate post. -
Ice man
You are forgiven, duplicate to your heart's contentment ! : ) -
Ice man
Okay, I was distracted . Please read my response to the next answer. : )
I haven't been here long enough to understand what is meant by questions being hidden or that it had occurred but I've noticed that suddenly all the answers I gave at the old AB have appeared in my profile. Though the questions only open to a page that says they've been quarantined for possible spidering. What is spidering?
Ice man
In the last couple of days there seems to have been a rapid progression in the advancement of the new AB. I don't know anything about your old answers, But the "hidden" I was referring to is in reference to questions under the category of "About AB", or "Relationship advise". Prior to this they were hidden. I hope this helps : ) -
Temperance Brennan
That is enlightening yes. How strange, is it known what caused it? -
Ice man
I'm not sure what caused it, but it was policy in the old bag.
Yes what is spidering? That seems to be happening to a lot of your questions since I started answering them.
Ice man
Not sure, I think it means they are being reviewed for possible removal. -
Linda Joy
Yeah I think they removed one of mine, too and there was nothing wrong with it. Yours have come back though.
No, my days are too busy.
Ice man
Yes, mine too. -
we are dough 68
Eating beer and drinking crumpets is NOT a pastime. -
Ice man
It is in the technically advanced countries, like Canada. -
we are dough 68
I think you are confusing the words "advanced" and "backward" .
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