Mary the Virgin
I've red the bible through many times and I've never found a character like him at all.
Lot. Oh I'm sorry, I thought you meant Glen Beck. John the Baptist.
The Antichrist. He speaks great things and blasphemies, he is worshiped by his followers... Of course, that can be said of many US presidents.
I glad you asked The Anti-Christ He had the false Prophet Wright He defeated the two beast one slain (Bill) and one bring the slain one back to life (Hillary) He promised peace to deliver war and he will try to micro chip us. Mission Completed hell on earth.
Moses----he is trying to lead the people, but he is getting no cooperation from people who are as stubborn as mules and all they want to do is party and not follow rules. So Moses goes to the mountain top and brings down the commandments and finds the people out of control.---So Obama goes to the White House and people are having "tea parties" and "marches" because they want total contol of the country without anybody telling them anything. And the story continues. People expect Moses to part the the people today want Obama to fix everything in a short time---fix the economy and get jobs at the same time....or else! Moses parts the sea, but not everybody is saved....Obama bails out the big banks, but can't possible bail out everybody....the saga continues.
The author
Tiger Woods.
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