Yep I do.
Probably 80% to 20% in favor of the diet. Still yet to find apple pop in the diet variety.
Absolutely more diet sodas than regular. :)
I hate diet pops. I just take care of what I eat and excercise enough. Diet pops seem to cause cancer by the way, but that said, what doesn´t now-a-days?
Nope, if I drink pop at all it is usually regular pepsi, but lately I have just been drinking water and occasionally milk. +3
yes +5
"Nope, sorry."
nope. regular pop tastes better than diet..i think
I hate diet drinks, but I have to admit that I tried a diet Dr. Pepper the other day and it was good - not like the old aftertasting crap they had before
Regular pops, about 2 or 3 a year. +5
Mostly diet - but I'm picky. I only go for cherry or cherry vanilla diet flavors. Dr. Pepper used to have diet Berries'n'Cream, which was to die for! P.S. You must be from the south, since you say pop instead of soda!! +4
No. Not only is there the nasty aftertaste, but diet sodas are so much worse for the body than regular. All the chemical crap they put in to get that "diet" part... Just wrong...
I very rarely drink any pop at all. When I do, I seek out caffeine free, sugar free, and low sodium to the extent possible. By the way, have you tried the skinny green glass bottles of Sprite Green? Naturally sweetened with Stevia/Truvia. Not too bad. +5
Always diet...+5
I had a kidney stone about 1.5 years ago. SO i dont drink sodas that much anymore. I try to drink Diet Ice tea instead.
Yes, but I don't drink that much pop anymore.
The only time I can drink diet pop is if I'm eating a meal. I can't stand it by itself.
Regular, diet is too much of an aftertaste for me
I drink more diet, regular has too much sugar. +5
Yep. I only drink regular if I go out and the only thing the restaurant has is diet coke. That crap is nasty.
I drink much more of the diet.
I drink very little sodas, but when I do I drink regular, mixed with whiskey. :-)
Pop goes the soda. Diet. Always. Or at least when I have a choice.
Nope, I am a regular pop drinker only. +4
Yep... Diabetic. ;-)
It has been said aspartame is especially unhealthy for diabetics.
Yes... about 1000 times more diet than regular.
I used to be addicted to diet coke. I have been nearly three months without diet soda, now. I am drinking more juice and water. To answer your question, when I do drink pop, it is regular pop. +5
I haven't had a regular Coke in years. But I mostly switched from soda to beer. Beer is healthier and tastier.
Diet soda makes my teeth feel weird.
I rarely drink pop.
Diet if I drink a soda at all. I don't like the lemon/lime types. I prefer Coca Cola.
They make diet?
I ne3ver drink diet soda. I think the last time I had one was way back in the 80s.
Yes, checking ☑ the calories I consume a day is important to me.
diet 4 me
That was the only soda I would drink until I had 3 episodes from it where I had trouble talking. At that point I quit drinking soda of any type and now all I drink is water. I don't think having a sweet drink is worth risking a stroke.
Don't drink either one but if I did it would not be one with aspartame (NutraSweet) as it is dangerous for the brain and body.
I do
Yes. * I like the flavor better. Perhaps it's the Nutrasweet vs. high fructose corn syrup * I like that I don't "sweat stickiness", especially my hands, which thing happens when I drink "regular" soda.
diet 4 me
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