• I believe there is no god or higher power. There is no conclusive evidence to prove a god.“If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense. If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.” -Bertrand Russell
  • I am athiest. I do not believe in any diety. WHy? Because I believe the main and crucial concept of an 'all loving God' is flawed, I have yet to see anything more than wishful thinking on people's parts to prove said existance and I just don't believe anymore
  • I'm an adamant atheist. I believe there is no God. I believe that the world is not governed by any sort of "Higher Power", but simply by extremely complex sequences of random action. It may be conveinient to try to fit all things into some grand "Divine Plan", it may be easier to believe that everything has a meaning and purpose governed by a loving and benevolent "God. But I myself have never been able to accept the concept.
  • I believe in one God. I believe that there is more to life than some series of random happenstances of chance or accidents. I believe in Intelligent design. I've yet to see a truly beneficial accident or mutation. I believe that my God is a loving God, but like any parents, has rules that must be followed and there are consequences to breaking those rules. I also believe that he is forgiving like a parent. I do not believe in a God that thinks everything is ok no matter what. I gain a peace and a purpose in life in my faith and belief in my God.
  • 1. If god is omicient (this informs us no-one is greater than him)..Right 2. Can God create someone greater than himself? (no because #1 would defy the purpose. 3. what do you gain by believing in him, in your aspect nothing. 4. What do you lose by not to believe in him (huh) Conclusion: the checks and balances are in God' favor.
  • Yes I believe in a God...It's something special to me...It gives me a meaning to life everyday...A reason to keep moving and be who I am. It helps me reason out the good and bad. You know to feel loved to know that someone out there gave his one and only son just for you..It's not a sercurity blanket...It's my life
  • I believe in one God. He is the God of the Bible. He is known by many names--one of them being Almighty God. I believe in three persons in this one God--God the Father; The Son, Jesus Christ; and The Holy Spirit. I believe because I was looking into whether or not the movie "Left Behind" had any basis in biblical teaching. I had never heard of any of the things that this movie claimed the Bible said. I had never read the Bible before; but, I still thought I knew what was in it from years of church and Catholic school. As I was reading the Bible, I came to the astonishing revelation that I was completely ignorant of what it actually said. It was nothing like what I thought. I mean, I was completely wrong. I kept on reading I couldn't put it down. It was so weird. The words suddenly came alive. It ceased to be a book about God; it became the Word of God to me. I decided that maybe there was something to what all those Bible thumping, holy rollers were saying. I suddenly had the Rosetta Stone and could understand all that Religionese that they were speaking. I decided to give it a shot. After all, what did a pessimistic, well educated, well read, non-believer have to loose. I went up to the alter at the church I was going to. I was going there because my husband's ex-wife invited us to go, and her going had made such a big difference in her. So being the inquisitive person that I am, I went. It was nice, but not for me if you know what I mean. Well, I decided that I'd really do it. I would ask God to be my personal Savior. I went on the alter call. Not my first one mind you--I had gone up before, but, I had not actually given Jesus permission to be my God. I had just said the words; I didn't mean them in my heart. I cannot tell you the difference in me. It was immediate and dramatic. My eyes began to see differently, my heart felt differently. What was once foolishness now became great wisdom. It's impossible to explain with so little space and time, but, it has made all the difference. I don't regret if for a second, and would gladly do it again even if it meant my instant death or abandonment by all I love and hold dear.
  • I think...maybe...that there is one God. But if there is, he is a real asshole.
  • I believe in one God, the God of the Bible; the God of Israel. I believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are three distinct Persons and yet One Divine and Supreme Being. I believe that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to bleed, suffer, and die for our sins; that He was buried, and that He rose from the dead, and ascended to the right hand of God the Father who sent Him and that He continually makes intercession for us. I believe that the King James Bible is the preserved and infallible Word of the living God today. I believe that Jesus is coming back now sooner than ever before. I believe that there is only one way to heaven; Jesus Christ. (See John 14:6) I believe that all who believe in and receive Christ into their heart and life as their Lord and Personal Saviour will go to heaven, and their sins are washed away and paid for by Jesus' sinless blood. I believe that those that reject Christ and do not get saved will go to the lake of fire forever because God cannot let sin into heaven because He is a holy God. When God saved me, He gave me a peace that I had never known before. Now, 6 years later, He is still at work in my life today and using me, by His amazing grace, to tell others about His Son and what He did for them so that they may be saved and reign with Him in heaven as well. I hope that this helps. Thank you and God bless you!
  • I believe in many gods and goddess's from all panthians. Mother earth is a Goddess she is truely beautiful,she is in us and all around us. She herself is what others perhaps dont notice and are blinkered. She is the birdsong and the dew she is all.
  • i believe there is a god. i don't trust him, or like him. i don't know if the bible is true or real, and i don't care. i don't care about sin, or redemption, or any of that stuff. i live by right and wrong, humanity, and morals. thats it.
  • I used to not believe in God when I was living with my mother who was then a very bad drug addict that destroyed my childhood. But when I got out of that ituation I found that a lot worse things could have happened to me, and I felt like someone was watching over me the whole time. I felt like it was God so I started going to church. God and I have a very strong, good relationship now. But I do not force anyone to believe in God or anything like that, because I remember what it was like being in the dark for so long and not understanding God. Now I trust him very much, and I feel he is always there in my time of need.
  • There is only one GOD that loves you, takes an interest in you, and has reached out to you in spite of all the things you have done to ignore him. If you are truly agnostic, then he is speaking to you already in ways hidden in plain sight. Just know that his heart beats fast for those seeking and in need of him. Jesus is our Lord and Savior
  • For me the concept "god" means what hold everything together. I have no idea if there is one or many of them and I do not think it makes any difference. I do not accept that nothing exist, but I could imagine that nothing exist as we usually think it is. So there is "god" but we know pretty few about it. Maybe there is not much to find about this kind of god. On the other hand, there is a kind of positive energy on our level,that help us to develop ourselves as it gives us some rewards when we make positive acts. The dead fish can only swim with the stream, the living fish can swim with the stream, against the stream or faster than the stream. Any of these choices will allow him to grow.
  • Yes there is only one God. Ephesians 4:5 "One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism." Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, oh Israel: The Lord our God is One Lord:" Just a couple of scriptures to answer your question. Read the King James Vesion of the Holy Bible. Start in the New Testement. I a United Penticostal. If your are wondering what that means read the book of Acts. That is where this church is from. I challenge you to pray, read the Bible and attend services for one month then you will figure your question out. Ask God/ Jesus to guide you. Just have Faith.
  • I am totally conflicted. I consider myself a Jew. But not really religious. I do not believe Jesus is the son of G-d. But I do not deny he was a pretty cool man and did good things. I believe there is one G-d but he/she (not sure on that either) relies on almost a "cabinet" of people to assist them. I cannot really comment on this as an authority, because I really don't believe any two people really agree 100% on religion. It is what YOU believe and that is all it comes down to.
  • I believe in one God. Why? Because of faith. Maybe because I'm scared of nothing. God gives a reason for things. If I didn't believe in him... I donno what. Or maybe because, I don't really know my reason. I just believe.
  • Thanks for this question. I don't believe in any God or in anything supernatural at all. Although I'll leave a 0.00001% chance open in my mind in case someone can one day PROVE to the world that a God exists. I find it highly improbable that there could be such thing as a 'creator'. Things always naturally evolve from simple life forms to more complicated life forms, not the other way around. Belief in a creator for me would mean I'd have to accept that something extremely superior, something capable of creating everything including us, would have 'always existed'. I find the idea of a God extremely illogic.
  • I belive in what i concider "the will of the universe." I dont like to say God because it personifies it. Once god is personified, we belive we can influence it. If we belive we can influence it, we open ourselfs up to dissapointment and ultimately resentment when "god dosent do what we want him to." the will of the universe dosent have to be concideriate. but we can participate with it. we can mend with it and let it lead us to happyness that is truely and uniquely ours. i guess you could say i dont belive in A god. but Theres much more than we can underdstand that goes on in our world.
  • I BELIEVE IN THE GOD THAT LED ME TO DISCOVER THIS, WHICH PROVED HIS EXISTENCE! PLEASE DISSEMINATE THIS SIMPLE, YET ASTOUNDING, BREAKTHROUGH DISCOVERY WORLDWIDE! THANK YOU. EVOLUTION?? For myself, I do not just Believe ‘Biological Evolution of the Species’ NOT to be true, I have literally and uniquely PROVEN that it is NOT - Scientifically! There are 2 "animals" that specifically and comprehensively disprove evolutionary theory beyond all doubt: Snake & Man. ‘HOW??’ you may ask … or ‘WHY THEM??’ They are Precise opposites in everything - both behaviourally and anatomically!! As a Specialist Anatomist and Kinesiologist, I undertook a comparative study over nearly 10 years, firstly discovering, then proving, this great, yet simple, phenomenon. ‘WHY DO YOU SAY THEY ARE OPPOSITE??’ you may ask. You may also query, "Well, if they are precise opposites, Why do they both have backbones and breathe air, and have many other apparently similar internal organs?” In answering this, it needs to be both - recognized and acknowledged that "kinds" of organism [or species] cannot simply defy the Higher overall laws of nature itself, in order to, simply, accent differentiation of the species. That is the number 1 rule of comparative science. The very rule of life itself takes priority. What I am saying here is that because of their size, and land-dwelling nature, etc., they are, necessarily, Both vertebrate, and require some similarity in overall alimentary system, etc., simply to live efficiently and to satisfy the requirements of effective survival according to their overall land-dwelling nature. (Most specifically, I speak particularly of venomous ground snakes in this study.) There, after satisfying the fundamental laws of survival nature and of effective and satisfactory existence itself, their 'similarities' completely end! Thereafter, they are total opposites in everything – in terms of all possible differentiating factors among the beasts that exist. In fact, a very close examination will reveal that snakes cannot be more unlike other beasts, either, if they tried! For that matter, neither could Man be more different than everything else!! ... and that is, despite all the claims of genetics, etc., that various species [of ape, etc.] possess 99% similarity with the DNA of Man. Despite all this supposed similarity, there is nothing that really well compares to Man at all among the beasts that exist. Now this extraordinary discovery of total opposites tends to disprove random chance mutation – per evolutionary theory in defining the types of life that exist. It also confirms a deliberation in Creation – it tends to most powerfully support that there is a God in nature – determining the nature of matters and designing them for His own specific purposes. Similarly, it also powerfully supports the Biblical account of Adam and Eve, wherein it was the very serpent, itself, in fact, which was used by Satan to oppose God to Eve. As you may recall, as a result of this act by the serpent, God cursed all things – changing them – but none so greatly as the snake!! [See Holy Bible – Genesis, Chapter 3] Obviously, as this study shows, among all the changes that were made was the symbolic representation re the snake that epitomized this very act – its Opposition to Man and to God!! … all the more so when we consider, as well, that that same record declares that Man was created in the express image of God. [Genesis, Chapter 1] This recognition and acknowledgment makes the whole proposal of expressed symbolic opposition between Man and snake all the more significant, given the Biblical history. A Master Achievement re early Biblical Proofs … would you not think?? God, only, can be thanked for it, under His direction, guidance and revelation! ALL His acts and inspiration are Masterly – hence, His Great name: “The Master”. OBJECTION BY ANOTHER ANSWERER RE MY DISCOVERY: You don't appear to understand the math involved in evolution or genetics. We may have 99% similar DNA to a Chimpanzee, but we also have 80% similar DNA to a banana. MY RESPONSE: Well, really, I DO believe I understand the maths in genetics! As a mathematician myself, what you're saying is precisely what I am saying. The whole concept of opposites is purely mathematical. The claims by geneticists that we all (Man and Beast, more particularly) spring from the same evolutionary derivatives/tree/chain simply because our DNA's are so alike - especially, chimps and humans being so close is my particular point – is precisely why I say that that % DNA similarity does not make us similar or of the same background – especially when you consider the considerably close % of the banana, as well – at 80% simlarity. Despite the DNA similarity, the point is that this DNA similarity has to actually evidence properly in nature – Both, behaviourally and anatomically. Bananas?? I don’t think so! The similarity re DNA merely proves that ALL life has to have certain characteristics and similarity of feature simply in order to satisfactorily survive alive in nature – so that it exists and operates efficiently. After all, God is a God of law and order. Snakes and Man, therefore, share DNA similarities, so does the banana, but only so far as to make them live effectively within nature. There, the similarity totally ends! Specie-wise, Man and snake are precise Opposites – even among their similar survival features – lung/s, heart, mouth, alimentary canal, etc. – there is great opposition between the two. LET’S JUST SIT BACK AND ENJOY A BRIEF LIST RE OPPOSITION BETWEEN MAN AND SNAKE FROM THE BOOK, “TWO BIRDS … ONE STONE!!” (Denis Towers) SNAKES VS MAN: Horizontal flat ambulation vs upright, vertical. Lies flat along the ground vs. stands erect Indented penis (lies pushed into the inside of the body when ‘flaccid’) vs external in Man Forked divergent tongue vs convergent [narrowing] While on the tongue: no apparent taste buds vs Yes…. Tongue: Much external time vs mostly within mouth Flattened head vs domed high skull No appendages vs greatest appendicular/axial skeletal ratio of all vertebrates In rest: human - supine, straight, or zig-zagged position vs coiled, etc In movement: snake – zig-zagged, random vs direct, deliberate Ears? Has none vs … External nose? Has none vs … Vocalization? Has none – is a ‘hiss & a byword’ vs… Eyes? Venomous groundsnakes: mainly monocular vs binocular Food & living practices? Nocturnal vs diurnal Hibernates & seasonal vs all year around performer… Dormant hidden lifestyle vs active [!], healthy[!] open Almost still sex copulation for hours vs acceleratory [in health & vitality] Eyes covered-hidden by own skin [that is, internal, weak] vs momentary eyelid, direct contact with external… Audio: internal & almost non-existent vs eternal entry – prime means of communication Smell: internal, powerful vs external [weak, by comparison with beasts, generally] Touch: thick scaly skin - insensitive vs great sensitivity… TASTE?? Apparently, non-existent vs opposite… Multi-coloured vs…uniformity Also tremendous variation in size [6” – 30’] vs…comparative uniformity [in health] Copulating penis? Hooked & downward pointing vs. upward & erect, etc. Only erectile structure/s [fangs] initiate death vs only erectile structure in Man initiates life 2 peni vs singular penis Mainly [deadly groundsnakes, that is] oviparous vs viviparous birth to young Consumption? All in 1 great gulp vs boundless chewing & into small pieces Head 1st consumption of victim vs. rarely eat heads Retractible, curved, sharp teeth, pulling long-ways vs fixed, non-curved, mostly molar teeth, which effect direct up & down crushing effect on food Food totally meat – eaten alive vs mainly ‘picked’ and cleaned fruit & veges, etc. meat is killed, prepared and cooked. (Note that even among other carnivorous beasts, most include some vegetation) And the hits just keep on coming between the opposition of Man & snake!! VESTIGIAL APPARATI: Some snakes have miniscule, Internal, unobservable pelvises. In typical opposition, a man’s (woman’s in particular) is more outwardly obvious, and forms part of the system of the leg. In similar opposite manner, snakes possess outwardly-displayed, tails; Man’s is vestigially ‘buried’ in nature: I almost quite forgot, MvL, thanks for your inadvertent extra point for my cause (He was actually trying to introduce a point for the opposition camp), concerning snakes being opposite Man: re the “Vestigial structures” you point out; I hadn’t thought of it previously. So, Very good ... very good for my cause: Yes; I must admit, I originally pointed out in my ‘work’ that in Opposition to snakes, humans have no tail - and certainly, in outwardly visual terms, this is so. However, I'm glad you highlighted these structures vestigially. You'll note, accordingly [that is, in terms of ‘Opposition between Man and snake’], that the vestigial structures of the snake - its pelvic - lie laterally across its body, whereas, in complete opposition, Man's – his vestigial tail bone – lies vertically, along his longitudinal plane. So, Good point, MvL ... Good inadvertent point for my cause! Further [Behavioural consideration re your observation now]: Man's vestigial apparatus here, assists his "REST" Mode in life – that is, sitting. Snake, in the true Opposition that he seems to epitomize across every feature, uses his vestigial apparati for active purposes – balance in movement and assistance in the sexual act. As most simply curl or coil up in rest, his miniscule pelvis is obviously, not needed for his rest periods! SO ONCE AGAIN, IN DECISIVE MANNER, THE SNAKE HAS PROVEN HIMSELF QUITE OPPOSITE MAN IN ALL THINGS! Good ol’ MvL, God bless him, then proposed that he could also prove that pigeons or dogs were also ‘opposite humans’. I responded in the following manner: You are right, MvL. One thing I learned from all my 9 year research into this matter is that animals are quite unlike humans - if not, opposite humans in so many aspects themselves! In like manner (re my hypothesis), however, snakes appear to be even more unlike anything else that exists on earth than even humans do!! ... including their [supposed] ‘nearest cousins’ (lizards), if you really study them very closely, that is. They are at considerable variation with one another. Whereas, if you made a comparative study of the oppositeness of feature between [say] a cow and a bird, or a snail and a dog, you would not access nearly as many opposites by comparison. Perhaps, somewhat surprising, but true nonetheless! For further clarification, you might try the Book, mentioned above. JUST A SPAT RE A FEW MORE OPPOSITES BETWEEN MAN AND SNAKE: Ratio of Brain size to mouth: extremely low – only a fraction vs. most pronounced of all known creatures [a case of mind over matter, I believe] Sheds its ‘skin’ in 1 whole piece vs. in opposition, not so Snake sleeps with open eyes vs. shut-eye Arrangement of internal organs: Mostly in single file vs. paired Accordingly, lives mostly alone vs. in pairs/families Desserts its young even before birth [eggs] vs. constant nurture and parental nourishment Cold-blooded vs. warm… Head in dirt vs. head nearest the heavens, etc. Here, you have but a mini-list of the all-encompassing complete opposition: Man vs. snake! May God Bless You ALL PLEASE DISSEMINATE THIS SIMPLE YET ASTOUNDING DISCOVERY WORLDWIDE! THANK YOU.
  • I do not believe there is a god. Not only is there no evidence for the existance of such an entity, but everything that is attributed to him can be explained more easily through natural means.
  • I do not believe in "god" if god means a higher power than controls all things in our universe. I believe that the ancients encountered beings that they thought were "gods" and that the Old Testament is all about them.
  • I don't believe in any god!
  • One God, and sent His Son to show us all how to live. Love seems alien to so many, why? It takes the attention off of our thirsty desire for self-justification and personal fulfillment. To put another before ourself...our selfish nature can't stand the thought of it. Yet, in a universe where you're at the center, and I'm at the center, we are commanded to be just the OPPOSITE. Why? Because this is the very divine nature of the God you don't believe exists. To reflect HIM, means to obey the 10 Commandments, and learn how to love. It is NOT the easy road. It DOES and WILL go against your and my selfish nature. "Prove it" you may say. No. We must take His Word for it.
  • Example 1) You're driving down a road, you see a car stranded off to the side, but you need to be somewhere. What do you do? Example 2) You pass by a park bench with a lonely woman sitting there minding her business, but you can tell she really wishes someone would (talk, help her with some bus change), What do you do? Example 3) An officer pulls you over for a broken taillight you've had for 3 weeks. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" What do you say? Example 4) You're at a convenient store picking up a few items before going home. The cashier, who appears to be a new employee, accidently gives you back a small amount extra that you know was too much. What would you do? Do you have what it takes to exercise honesty, integrity, accountability, love toward another? Have you ever praticed any of these attributes before?
  • I believe in one creation and one God the Creator. Anything beyond one God are called false gods. Since there is but one God, there is only one Savior.
  • think to believe in several gods is convenient. Better odds to be heard.
  • I only believe in one God, although I have read up on other religions as I have been in a few 'why did he let that happen?'situations.
  • I believe in no gods, yet I coyly entertain the idea of the deistic god. My problem with deism --- the idea of an incomprehensible entity that created (and/or embodies) the universe but doesn't participate in it --- is that if we're to define god as everything, then what's the point of even calling it god? Why not just say what is, is? On the other hand, with time and space and whatever else being infinite, isn't anything possible? If the universe can come into existence without any seemingly possible way for us to understand it, then isn't it possible that there are countless things that are far beyond our comprehension that are possible? But like I say, that's an idea I just think about, but don't believe. But a god giving birth to himself to make up for the trangressions of his own creations... c'mon people, let's move this beyond square one. If we can't, then at least pray in your closet and not on my doorstep.
  • I believe in a creator, an omnipresent entity working in everything, ie One "God". If no answers will affect you, why ask? wouldn't you not care regardless?
  • For the believers there is God and for the non believers there is no God.God is just a nom de plume for that we do not know what!No one can define THAT.Some call it Brahman, God, Allah, Jehovah or some other name according to their beliefs.In all this everyone is right from their own perspective.God is in I,me, what I want to see is God,because I see everything through me!
  • I am also conflicted. I was born into a family of Jehovah's Witnesses but lapsed in my teens. I always thought I beleived in God until I really thought about it recently. I know that I believe in something. I dont know if its science, god, goddesses or something else entirely.. Currently I am leading towards non western religions (Buddhism) or paganism such as neo-druidism.
  • i believe in god and i believe how the world is now was not gods intention of how it should be. I also believe Armageddon will happen because if you look at all religions, in some way, shape or form they all talk of a paradise on earth one day, and if you look around at these kids killing each other, babies being murdered and people in the world starving to death while others have more then enough food and water, I cant believe this is how the world is meant to be myself!!! Especially with all the beautiful things there are on earth as well, such as the animals, beautiful seas etc….. I know I sound really preachy and really stupid to some but its just my beliefs and they keep me happy.
  • I like to give this quote to my believer friends. It clearly explains why rational adults don't dabble in gods: • "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." ~Stephen Roberts
  • I believe in one God - a being so complex and mysterious we cannot even begin to comprehend him.
  • Its difficult to believe in a loving God who knows us and everything about us in a world where children get murdered and terrible things happen. I don't think God is a conscious entity i.e. a 'He', but I believe that there's a powerful force in existence that people can tap into. I've been to religious meetings where people have pushed their wheelchairs home and I've seen 'God' utterly transform lives in ways you couldn't imagine. There's a decent argument to say that if many like-minded people gather together and 'pray' i.e. concentrate their very beings on one subject, that subject can be altered and affected. Its like 'The Force' on Star Wars - a powerful source of energy, perhaps that what 'God' really is. But consider this, surely its better to live a holy life, doing good deeds and changing lives for the better only to find out at the moment that you die that its not real than to live a life of selfishness, greediness and ambivalence then go to hell because of it. I don't know.
  • Nothing materialises out of thin air hey? So where did your god come from? Out of thin air? Oh, of course, god is eternal and was not created and is exempt from the logic you just spun me. Lucky I took notes in church. Your Saviour has infact has been offered to you by the Roman Empire at the Nicaean Council in 325AD when a bunch of individuals voted that Jesus Christ be elevated to the status of God. Those in favour say "I". Those not in favour can go straight past the pearly gates and be cordally tied to a stake for burning. You, me and millions of people have been sucked into a lie perpetuated by fear and deception. May God stick to the story that your Paster, Minister or Priest has told you about what you'll be up to for eternity, as God tends to change his mind rather a lot.
  • if sir u are agnoitic than why u ask anybody to throgh commet on u.acc to me and according to nature "there is no god but allah",the creator of world and to whom we have to return.think deeply for a while in a dark room how the world run under many gods ,it is not possible..
  • One God. Three ways of looking at him.
  • I believe in one God, because there must be a Power that created all there is around us and this Power was always there, is there now and will always be there. This Power all monotheistic believers like Christians, Jews and Muslims call God, Yahweh and Allah respectively. Those three are One and the Same. God is transparent.
  • There can only be one God. There are many spirits that have been called gods but there can only be one God. Even the multi-god religions usually have a god who is the number 1 god. Everything in creation reflects the creator so, because everything exists in duality, the creator must also.
  • I believe in a duality. a Mother god and a Father. I also don't believe that they are the ones that guide everything, and it's because they are mean and nasty. I believe that we are HUMAN and we do things our way, no matter what. It's like having all loving parents, that let us do what we have to do in our lives, but no matter what choices we make, they still love us...
  • The more the merrier. I believe in having all basis covered just in case. I wouldn't wanna end up worshipping the wrong god and having the others unleash their wrath on me out of jealousy
  • I believe in one God, and that is a christan God but not the church that is filled with hippocracy and sins and people who hide behind the bible, but of the God who loves, forgives but also judges.
  • I believe in one god, and I find it peculiar that most other mainstream Western religions claim to be monotheistic but are not. Praying to Mary or Jesus or saints rather muddles up the God idea I think. And Jews I have spoken with are generally uncomfortable with the idea of God, viewing it more as a historic/scriptural concept rather than a reality, and much of their religious ritual is not god-centered but rather history-of-the-Jews centered. Islam involves prayers to and with the angels over your shoulders and is muddled with Allah and Mohammad. I'm unaware of an honestly monotheistic house of worship.
  • My belief in God is that he doesn't exist.
  • nonexistant
  • I do not believe there is a god; however the concept does seem to bring a sense of peace and hope to many people, but has also been the cause of many wars and acts of violence
  • I definitely believe in Him and His Son Jesus Christ! He is my Savior and Redeemer and Friend.
  • That He is, and rewards those seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 (New King James Version) "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." In Christ..
  • God who?
  • What God?

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